


  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    The most I've ever walked in one day is 20 miles. I'm not a big fan of walking and certainly not on a treadmill. I ride a bicycle more than I walk, and I hate putting it on a trainer. I would rather be outside in the wind and the rain and putting up with drivers who ignore a left hand signal and pass when I'm turning left, and black dogs that chase me down the street, than be a caged rat that is going and going and going, without going anywhere.
  • laropmet
    laropmet Posts: 52 Member
    10 miles is a killer. I've managed it once or twice. I've been trying to get up to that for weeks now. Usually manage around 5 miles at work (NHS) but it's been around 2 weeks since my last 10 miler.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    Ten miles is awesome! My personal "best" since I started tracking is just a bit over 9 miles (which FitBit said was 20,895 steps), attained last month & all outside. I was tired, too :)
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I do my best thinking while walking.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I do my best thinking while walking.

    It's weird, I can't think when I'm walking, if I'm really pushing myself hard enough. It's like my body's working too hard or something. My mind will drift, but I can't really focus. My mind pretty much empties.

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Well done OP, great achievement. Walking is so under rated.
  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    Well done OP, great achievement. Walking is so under rated.

    this! I walk to work every morning (10k) and then 60min during lunch break and in the evening (I have a dog)...I see so much improvement in my posture and my butt ;)
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited May 2015
    I walk in excess of 20K steps per day and 90% of it is indoors, and not by choice. ;)

    I'm a caregiver for my elderly mom who can't be left alone. I don't yet own a treadmill (saving up for one) so these steps are all done walking a circuit in my house. One circuit = 30 steps, but I let my Fitbit keep track of it. It's mindnumbingly boring, but I do solve all the world's problems while I walk, and currently the only other option that's open to me is to be a couch potato which is what got me here in the first place. B)

    My walking grants me around an addition 1,000 calories per day. I will generally eat back no more than 20% of these since I'm post-menopausal, have Hashimoto's disease and my metabolism sucks. LOL.

    I've lost 30lbs in three months just walking and eating right. I weigh and log every morsel that passes my lips. :)

    Walking totally rocks!
  • getup25
    getup25 Posts: 119 Member
    I walked 10 minutes yesterday. Mind you, I had a knee scope about a month ago and heart issues about 3 weeks ago. I think I'm doing good.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    getup25 wrote: »
    I walked 10 minutes yesterday. Mind you, I had a knee scope about a month ago and heart issues about 3 weeks ago. I think I'm doing good.

    You're doing *very* good!

    When I started, I couldn't walk for five minutes without being winded. :)

  • FitGamerSmoak
    FitGamerSmoak Posts: 224 Member
    Great job! My best was almost 6 miles, and I literally got home and laid on the floor for about an hour.
  • ptkat28
    ptkat28 Posts: 99 Member
    I am still new at this, but I actually don't count how far I have walked, I count the calories I have burned. Yes, using a treadmill! I walk about 40-45 min a day, plus have been doing about 35 min of yard work a day too.
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    getup25 wrote: »
    I walked 10 minutes yesterday. Mind you, I had a knee scope about a month ago and heart issues about 3 weeks ago. I think I'm doing good.

    You are!

    And congrats OP! I also consider your four milers on the treadmill an accomplishment because I can't stand the thing.
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    Congratulations OP!! I did 5.25 miles at the city park on Saturday and found out that my body wasn't quite ready for it. I've been doing a 30 minute walk several days a week during my lunch break for the last couple of weeks and I'm really feeling a difference in myself. Over 10 miles...that's in my future. Not the NEAR future though!!
  • LoveDoc66
    LoveDoc66 Posts: 22 Member
    Just logged back on after 2 days!! The big walk made me kinda sore . so I took it easy for 2days.. Going to a class tonight with one of my friends. We will be doing ab work.. That ought to mix it up.. Need to get that bike out.. I have so much I want to do..and want this FAT OFF ME !!
    IT takes time I know... Ugggggg
  • LoveDoc66
    LoveDoc66 Posts: 22 Member
    PS: thanks for all the positive thoughts on the walk....
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Walkers usually measure their steps. How many steps is that for you?

    I don't count steps either, not for deliberate walking anyway. When I walk for exercise it's about pace and distance.

    OP - 10 miles is great!
  • Jaikagen
    Jaikagen Posts: 32 Member
    i did 9 miles a couple of months ago, that was 22.5k steps for me, hips and knees were painful for days!

    Well done OP
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    Impressive! I walk about 4 to 4.5 a day and I usually do it on the treadmill. My treadmill trick is finding a really good TV series and watching it on netflix or amazon. Keeps me entertained and my eyes off the clock. I also use a towel to cover the whole treadmill screen so I don't focus on my time too much.
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good job with the mileage. Walking is an amazing way to relax and exercise. The most I've walked is a little over 10 miles when I was trying to complete the 100 mile walk/run/bike challenge. I love walking on the treadmill and outside. Walking outside seems to be the most therapeutic for me, but I love cranking up the incline on the treadmill and walking while watching one of my favorite shows. I prefer the treadmill because I burn way more calories with the added incline than walking my local terrain. Happy walking.