30 Day Get Ready For A Bikini Body Challenge!



  • JBatt123
    JBatt123 Posts: 24
    I had an awful weekend too. Here's to a new week!
  • SarahLouiseFlint
    Yay a new week!!
    My sunday was pretty bad - couldn't resist my mums roast dinner!!! :-/
    BUT! Just did a 1 hour run with my sister so feeling all proud of myself (and sweaty) lol
    Hope everyone else is feeling positive this Monday!! :-) x
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    I am in!!

    Name: Stephanie
    Starting Weight: 144.1
    Starting body pic: I will post when I figure that out.
    Goal Weight: 130
    What you plan on doing: Tomorrow's my last day on JM 30-Day Shred, and I will start Zumba this evening and will do that 5-6 times per week and later incorporate JM Ripped in 30; concentrate on whole, fresh foods, including snacks; drink lots of water; and get more sleep.
    Your motivation: I want to be a very sexy, very fit 44 years young.
  • countrygirl_717
    Yikes! I hope the scope goes well.

    I stayed just under calories on Saturday, but over by 50 on Sunday. I got at least 30 min of exercise in on both days, so I'm happy.

    My 2 piece will be in next Thursday. I was hoping it would be in sooner for before pictures, but I'll still have plenty more pounds to lose once it gets here, lol.

    How's everyone else doing?

    Great job on the weekend!! That is some great motivation for me, I never seem to be able to keep control on the weekends. Way to go!!
  • tinab24
    tinab24 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    This weekend was my best friends bachelorette party, and even though I ate pretty well, I think my alcohol intake was like 2000 calories! LOL! I weighed myself Monday though and still around the same point. Which I guess is good. This week I am trying to do alot more outside exercise....walking a lot, then probably zumba 2 times. I am limiting my carb intake, which is making me choose wisely that foods I consume. Hopefully after the wedding this weekend everything will even out. I am not going to over eat or drink either. Weddings are long and busy days!

    Good job to all of you for keeping up with this!!! You all will be successful....keep it up!

  • SarahLouiseFlint
    Hello everyone,

    Has anyone had any success on the scales yet?
    I haven't, :-( in fact i have put on weight! arrrggghhh! I was a bit bad on Sunday but that is the only day I didn't exercise and Im burning about 300- 500 calories a day, normally and sticking to my calories! Ho hum, guess i need to make sure i have no bad days at all!! :-/

    Hope your all doing better than me!!
    Good luck.x
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Has anyone had any success on the scales yet?
    I haven't, :-( in fact i have put on weight! arrrggghhh! I was a bit bad on Sunday but that is the only day I didn't exercise and Im burning about 300- 500 calories a day, normally and sticking to my calories! Ho hum, guess i need to make sure i have no bad days at all!! :-/

    Hope your all doing better than me!!
    Good luck.x

    No success for me, yet. It's my TOM, so I'm hoping for a nice drop next week. Right? I've been working hard, though! Getting plenty of exercise and staying within my calorie range.

    PS. I love your mustaches! hehe

    Tinab, I am dreading, in some ways, my next night out with the girls. I'm scared to look up what my frozen margaritas will cost me!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    Weekly insurance: 2pounds down: 159 here!!! started on 5.10.2011 at 161 pds! how are my challenge buddies doing?
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 868 Member
    so awesome you guys are ordering bikinis already! i wouldnt dare!
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    so awesome you guys are ordering bikinis already! i wouldnt dare!

    Congrats on your 2 lb drop! I ordered a 2 piece, but not a bikini. I got a tankini with a skirt! It should be in on Saturday. :)
  • jenn9253
    jenn9253 Posts: 19
    Well, not so good for me this week. Gained a pound. Weighed in at 162 this morning :huh:
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    How often are you guys weighing? I planned on doing it once a week on Sunday, but I couldn't help myself this morning, and I'm down 2 pounds!
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    I weigh once or twice a week. Congrats on your 2 lbs!

    Today I went to a hoop class and did day 4 of 30DS. Tomorrow, I finish up Week 3 of C25K.
  • SarahLouiseFlint
    I know i shouldn't but i weigh myself most mornings, it's a bad idea because i obviously fluctuated this week and thought i had put on - prob water or something like that.
    But my actual weigh in day is fridays and to my complete surprise i have lost 2 pounds as well!! Now i am feeling totally motivated!!
    Going to run tonight - and no booze or naughty food!! Going to run tomorrow morning too and save up some calories so i can have a few drinks on saturday night.
    Well done to everyone else who lost, and those that didn't its prob muscle weight or something annoying like that!!x
  • countrygirl_717
    Weekly insurance: 2pounds down: 159 here!!! started on 5.10.2011 at 161 pds! how are my challenge buddies doing?

    Awesome loss!!!
  • countrygirl_717
    I weight once a week, on Friday's. So today is 1 week for me and I was down 2 pounds! yay! and that's with having my TOM too!
    I just had a little talk with my TOM and told it I was kicking its butt.....LOL
  • jenn9253
    jenn9253 Posts: 19
    I had been weighing in on Thursdays but thinking about switching to Friday, LOL.
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    I got my suit in today. It's not too small as I thought it would be. It's even a little loose in the top straps. I'm trying to figure out if it's because I ordered a tall. I'm tempted to order a size down just to see how it fits since I plan to keep losing. Hmmmmm.
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Great work everyone! I see we had a little 2 pound thing going this week...lol.

    That's great atouria. Isn't it satisfying when something you just knew would be too small isn't. I can't tell y'all the last time I went swimsuit shopping. This is going to be an adventure.
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    Enjoy swimsuit shopping, Stephinwow. I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised!

    I ran across this article and thought you all might enjoy it: http://www.active.com/women/Articles/3-Tips-to-Get-Fit-for-Summer.htm?cmp=17-7-680