Mother of the Bride



  • BeesmaMFP
    BeesmaMFP Posts: 1,096 Member
    cindagrif wrote: »
    Thanks for welcoming me! I think it is wonderful that you have a step-daughter who is so accepting of you! What fun you must be having with all the wedding plans. I am sort of left out of everything. I think the fanny pack will be cute. I have never seen it at a wedding, but I have seen them dropping the money on the floor or stuffing it in there dresses. So, I think it will make the dance a little more organized.

    I was thinking about the challenge to. I do already (TRY) to work out 6 days a week on my treadmill. My husband keeps telling me I need to do some weight lifting too. So maybe I will challenge myself to lift weights twice a week????

    Congrats on the 19 pounds. I got on the scale this morning and I am down 8. It's a start in the right direction.

    She's a rare one. I have another stepdaughter (her older sister) whom I actually haven't even talked with since her wedding 7 years ago. It's not that we're mad at each other, we just don't have the connection that Emily and I have had since the day I met her. I love, love, love that she wants a fanny pack! I think it's hysterical. And, I don't think I could bear the idea of people pinning bills on her dress or veil. LOL. I feel fortunate to have her and it's so much fun to be involved in the planning. I'd like to be more involved, but she's always been an independent girl, so mostly I hear about the plans after she's made them. But, she does listen to my suggestions, even takes them now and then. My biggest contribution will be making her dress, veil, fanny pack ;), flower girl basket, ring bearer pillow, and helping with the centerpieces and such. So, I DO get to be involved! I'm sure it's harder as the MOG. I keep encouraging her to include Virginia, and it sounds like she's at least sharing plans with her.

    I think weight lifting is a great idea. I'm planning to do that soon, too. My muscles are in serious need of some toning. Don't be discouraged by the scale if it bumps up. It's not muscle gain like so many people will tell you...muscle does weigh more than fat, but a woman not on steroids gains muscle very, very slowly. We can tone, but to increase mass takes a great deal of weight and consistency. What happens though is that when you weight train, your muscles retain water as they build and tone, so you may see a bump up on the scale the next day due to the water retention.

    Eight pounds is great! Congratulations!
  • NYSeagull
    NYSeagull Posts: 2 Member
    My son's wedding is scheduled for September 27th and I need to loose 40 pounds. I am not shopping for a dress until at least June. A closer goal is August 1st for the garden party I am planning on hosting in their honor for family and friends that will not be at the wedding.
    I have been working with a nutritionist , personal trainer and have started yoga. I'm feeling stronger and healthier.
  • NYSeagull
    NYSeagull Posts: 2 Member
    MOG again here. At 66, a widow, and having had a total knee replacement a year ago I am challenged ! The kids are planning their own wedding so I only have to pay for the rehearsal dinner. Since the wedding is far away from family and friends I decided to host a garden party. I have a beautiful yard and love to entertain.
    My other son got married almost three years ago right after my husband passed away so that was kind of a blur and I was a mess!
    My goal is not only to get weight off for the wedding but to get healthy and fit so I can spend quality time with grandchildren, family and friends now that I am also retired!! Me time!!
  • BeesmaMFP
    BeesmaMFP Posts: 1,096 Member
    NYSeagull wrote: »
    MOG again here. At 66, a widow, and having had a total knee replacement a year ago I am challenged ! The kids are planning their own wedding so I only have to pay for the rehearsal dinner. Since the wedding is far away from family and friends I decided to host a garden party. I have a beautiful yard and love to entertain.
    My other son got married almost three years ago right after my husband passed away so that was kind of a blur and I was a mess!
    My goal is not only to get weight off for the wedding but to get healthy and fit so I can spend quality time with grandchildren, family and friends now that I am also retired!! Me time!!

    The garden party sounds lovely! I feel the same way about getting fit and healthy; my daughter's wedding was just the motivation I needed!

    I had total knee replacement 10 weeks ago, and I'm so glad I did! I'm in so much less pain than I was in berfore the surgery. It's amazing what they can do!
  • tlr526
    tlr526 Posts: 12 Member
    It Will be nice to share ideas and encouragement
  • eukleja
    eukleja Posts: 29 Member
    I just want to second what someone said above.. You ladies are adorable! I'm kind of jealous actually.. I'm getting married next year and my mom isn't involved in my life. Luckily my dad got remarried and she's pretty awesome and my fiancees mom is great too. But it's not the same as having someone that raised you... Your daughters/sons are lucky to have you women!!!

    Good luck with the weight loss and the stress of the wedding ladies!!!

  • Julieanna269
    Julieanna269 Posts: 33 Member
    Erin, thank you for you encouragement. Sorry to hear that you mum is not in your life a present, make the most of the help offered by your step-mum and mother -in-law as I'm sure they want to be involved as much as possible.

    MOG, welcome, I love the sound of your garden party we are hoping to hold my daughters Shower in the garden but the weather in the UK is so unpredictable even in the summer

    Jayne, I think the fanny pack is a great idea, we don't have the tradition of pinning money on the dress in the UK so wouldn't have the need for it but to bling it up to match the dress will be great. I'm actually in Northampton, the the middle of England, lovely part of the country but not a great deal going on for tourists to visit unless they are a huge Princess Diana fan and then they may visit her birthplace Althrope which is close by.

    Bit of a disappointing week weight wise this week, no loss, but I have been out for dinner twice and not managed to do nearly enough exercise. On the plus side though the bridesmaids dresses are nearly all finished and my daughters dress is beginning to resemble a wedding dress and I haven't snapped at the BH this week.

    So goals for this coming week are;

    Not to drink too much at the Hen Party this weekend
    Stop procrastinating and do some walking (I can write my name in the dust on my walking machine)
    Eat wholesome, healthy meals to make up for the alcohol I consume at the Hen

    Thank you for your support ladies and good luck with your own weight loss this week

  • BeesmaMFP
    BeesmaMFP Posts: 1,096 Member
    Erin, I'm glad you have your stepmother and MIL to help you out. I know it's not the same, but you have women who love you and that's at least something, huh?

    Julieanna, I hope you have a wonderful time at the Hen Party and I'm sending some extra willpower across the pond for you! :) Now go get on the walking machine!

    Sunday is Mother's Day in the U.S. and my girls (the bride and maid of honor, who is my youngest daughter) and I are going on a hike and then having picnic. I can't wait! Time with my girls, exercise, a gorgeous view, and healthful food! I live in northern Oregon and we'll go hiking in he Columbia River Gorge, which I haven't done in about four years. Originally they wanted to take me out to dinner, but I asked for this instead and they jumped right on board. Yay!

    I'm home sick from work today. It's 1:30 p.m. and I just had some Jell-o. So far it's staying down. I've had a grand total of 10 calories today! LOL. Obviously won't be meeting my calorie, water, or exercise goals for the day. :o
  • BeesmaMFP
    BeesmaMFP Posts: 1,096 Member
    Happy Mother's Day, ladies! :)
  • Julieanna269
    Julieanna269 Posts: 33 Member
    Jayne, hope you are feeling much better now and enjoyed your hike in the Columbia River Gorge. Happy mothers day.
  • BeesmaMFP
    BeesmaMFP Posts: 1,096 Member
    Thank you, Julieanna. We had a wonderful day! I'm feeling so much better. The bride is on the left and the maid of honor on the right. And, I'm in the middle in my two-sizes-smaller capris. LOL.

  • Julieanna269
    Julieanna269 Posts: 33 Member
    What a lovely picture. You look like you had a great day and your girls are beautiful.
  • BeesmaMFP
    BeesmaMFP Posts: 1,096 Member
    Thank you, Julieanna. I would have enjoyed doing anything just because we were all together. We had a wonderful day, and I'll think back on it often, I'm sure. :)
  • Julieanna269
    Julieanna269 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi ladies, just wanted to share my joy with you all. Despite attending my DD's Hen Weekend, and drinking rather a large amount of cocktails, I have managed to loose a pound. Must have been all the dancing we did, and the fact that I have walked three miles on my treadmill. Only 7 weeks until the big day so half a stone by then is looking like a distinct possibility!

    Jayne, I have taken some pics of DD in her nearly finished dress which I will attempt to upload later today. AND more news, my son, who lives and works in Japan, has just announced his engagement to his lovely girlfriend so looks like I will have another wedding to attend next spring, not so much work involved with that one I hope!

    Hope you have all had a great week my FP friends. Julie x
  • BeesmaMFP
    BeesmaMFP Posts: 1,096 Member
    Julie, how wonderful! Congratulations! My next is only 19, so I'm hoping it's long time before I have another wedding in my family. LOL.

    Congrats also on losing more! You're on track. I can't wait to see the photos. I've decided I just need to start Emily's dress. I'm going crazy not working on it at all, so I have 6 yards of muslin and I'll baste it so it's easily taken apart. I figure we can at least make sure all the lines are where she wants them and the silhouette is right. I have a five-day weekend next week so that'll be a good time to tackle it. :)
  • BeesmaMFP
    BeesmaMFP Posts: 1,096 Member
    I chatted with my daughter over thew weekend about starting to work on her wedding dress. I know she wants to focus on losing weight, but at some point, she's got to let me get started and have time to make her the dress of her dreams! She had a nightmare the other night that I didn't show her the dress until the morning of the wedding and it had two wide vertical stripes down the front: one was red plaid and the other was blue plaid. LOL. So, I'm thinking for the muslin version of the dress (the "pre-dress"), I'm going to have to incorporate some plaid!

    She's changed the style a bit. Based on the when went dress shopping, she loved a sweetheart neckline, strapless, corseted bodice that's dropwaist, and a very full skirt with pick-ups. The design I did for her has the bodice straight across all the way around. She then decided she wants it to drop in the front and back. Now she wants asymmetrical. She sent me some pics, and it's totally doable, and I really like it. But, I told her once I make the pre-dress, she has to stop making changes! LOL.

  • kinglregina
    kinglregina Posts: 4 Member
    My daughter is getting married in October 2016 but I have hit the diet trail hard. I have the dress already and I fit in it once, but then gained. I am determined to wear that dress.
  • Julieanna269
    Julieanna269 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi kinglregina, welcome. I admire your determination, we are with you all the way. Jayne, your daughters dream is so funny, and I love that your gonna run with if for the muslin lol. Fortunately for me my daughter has stuck with the same design all the way through.
  • BeesmaMFP
    BeesmaMFP Posts: 1,096 Member
    My daughter is getting married in October 2016 but I have hit the diet trail hard. I have the dress already and I fit in it once, but then gained. I am determined to wear that dress.

    We're here to support you! :)
    Hi kinglregina, welcome. I admire your determination, we are with you all the way. Jayne, your daughters dream is so funny, and I love that your gonna run with if for the muslin lol. Fortunately for me my daughter has stuck with the same design all the way through.

    It's kind of the relationship we share--lots of joking and laughter. :) As long as mine sticks with it once I start, she can change it as much as she wants! But, once I start, there will be no more changes! :)
  • tlr526
    tlr526 Posts: 12 Member
    I've been dealing with some medical issues (still in investigating stage), but today we (MOB and I) worked on the potted flowers for the outdoor wedding. We are taking care of our children's wedding as a team. ..MOB/MOG and we are having a blast. I admit it helps that we think alike. We haven't followed any of the traditional rules of planning the wedding. Lol at least for us moms. .. so far things are going well. The couple's shower is in a few weeks - family style shower. The wedding is end of July.