who else runs with their dog? :-)



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I run with my greyhound Annie. You might think she is fast, but they are sprinters not distance runners! She is happy to do 3 miles with me though and once she managed 6 miles with me. :)

    LOL yes I have friends with various sight hounds, greyhounds, whippets, lurchers... They are unbeliiiiievably fast!!! :noway: but also really lazy and sleep loads!! :laugh: And they never like to go out in the rain etc.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I have a pug, Bella who loves to run with me. Pugs can't take the heat though so we have to go early in the morning or late at night. My other pug Lilly would never run because she can't breathe (her face is WAY too flat lol.)

    FYI though, I talked to my vet and she said you shouldn't run with your dog until they are at least 18 months old because their bones haven't completely formed and you might be setting them up with problems later on like arthritis.

    I've spoken to my vet and she was happy for her to start. She says it depends on the breed. Because she is a border collie cross, she is essentially a "working dog" and if she were on a farm she would be doing many more miles running around herding sheep that she does with me at the moment... When we "run" it's me that's suffering - I am only 10min miling so it's slow running... She doesn't even run properly like she does when she fetches a toy for instance, she just trots next to me, so it's not high impact. If I played fetch with her for 20mins she'd run a lot harder than when we go for a jog. I am certainly not looking to do any high mileage with her at this stage. :wink:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I have a Pekingese. Three inch legs plus a flat face. He's not much of a runner. :laugh:

    :laugh: :drinker:
  • icarmenmac
    icarmenmac Posts: 2 Member
    I like to run with my dog. However, as she is a whippet it can be a little demotivating for me all red faced and sweaty and she's hardly out of breath! We both enjoy it though and she's still young. Sometimes she crosses my path though - that can be hazardous!!
  • LeanaJo
    LeanaJo Posts: 85
    I can't take a pug out for a run that's for sure! I'm getting a Pug very soon (my favorite type of dog). They aren't meant to run or do anything heavy for a while (I can walk it for about 20 minutes and it's fine with that)....

    But it can watch me do Pilates and Yoga at home with the DVD! LOL! I can't wait to get my Pug.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I have on occasion. She's an australian shepard mix. If we do the lap around the lake, its best to walk one first & let her get her sniffs out of the way. If we do trails, she stays more focused and keeps a really good pace. There have been times when I just wanted to walk, but she forced me into a jog. It depends on her mood.
  • mom2dms
    mom2dms Posts: 152 Member
    We have three dogs (2 black labs @ 100 and 110 lbs) and a lab pit mix (about 60 lbs) that I take running with me. Individually, they aren't too bad...accept the pit..she is afraid of EVERYTHING so she is constantly running through my legs...not fun! The two big dogs are good...but I only go about 4 miles. Anything more than that the older one is dragging but the younger one could still go! I have taken both the big dogs when I was training for a race...they sure make sure you run faster!
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I like to run with my dog. However, as she is a whippet it can be a little demotivating for me all red faced and sweaty and she's hardly out of breath! We both enjoy it though and she's still young. Sometimes she crosses my path though - that can be hazardous!!

    My brother has a whippet mix. She had so much pent up energy until he finally got the idea to take her on his morning runs. He runs 8 or 9 miles every other morning at a sub-7 minute pace....the dog has no problem keeping up with him! I don't think she's worn out when she gets home but at least she's a little more mellow.

    My dachshund is good for for mini-sprints....we'll race for about 50 feet and then we stop... and smell every blade of grass in the vicinity....then we run backwards - and chase a rabbit....and then we race again...then we wrap the leash around a tree....it's all good.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    We try....very ard. But my golden gets side tracked very easily. I think he has ADD. It does not work well, plius afte rabout 4 miles I am bragging him upthe hills!
    ^^^^^^ Love Goldens!!!!!! My beagles are too dumb and the duck toller gets to easily distracted. He likes to chase invisible things see other dogs smell EVERYTHING....
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    My husband run with our black lab mix, but I can't. Not quick enough. When I try the dog barely trots, then looks back at me, like, "umm, hello? Let's go!" Lmao!
  • ashley_jorah
    ashley_jorah Posts: 71 Member
    I;m trying to teach my brother's pitbull-presa canario to run with me. We're having some difficulties. She's gotten some bad habits lately and has taken to lunging at other dogs. But we're working on it. I love that's she's fairly big, probably close to 100lbs and just starting to fill out, so when I run on the trails or at night, no one thinks to mess with me! I feel very safe with her.
    But she's got way too much energy. I think a nice 40min run will tire her out. Nope. I think it just warms her up.
  • NoPyForYou
    NoPyForYou Posts: 44 Member
    My boxer is 8 months old now and now that the weather has decided to cooperate, we're working on the C25K program together. He loooooves our walks/jogs. On long walks though he tends to get to about the 3 mile mark and want an extended rest, but overall, he's doing really well!
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    My shiba inu and I are both just beginning to jog-- she's a year and a half old and I've never really been able to run. Now that I'm in better shape (and have been working up endurance on the treadmill), and the weather is nicer, we'll occasionally go for a short jog/walk. We're taking it slow, but she seems to love it!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I live in the country with wide open spaces and mainly run on country roads with farm land all around me. Believe me when I say I run or speed walk everyday with my FOUR dogs! They are not on a leash and usually stay fairly close to me except the Boarder Collie/Beagle and the Boarder Collie/Dalmation those two will run off after deer but come back before to long. My other two is a Shnauzer/Shih Tsu and a English Cocker (who is slow & lazy:tongue: ). I started with the beagle/boarder collie but the other three just moved in one at a time and I do not have the heart to put them down! it is a good thing we live in the country where they have freedom. The furthest I have ran with them (minus the schnauser) is 7 miles and it was in the low 90's, we all needed a cool rest when we got back!!
  • ksuhre
    ksuhre Posts: 23 Member
    I have started walk running with my mini-poodle puppy...we even hiked a mountain today and walk/ran down and he kept up the entire time... I'm not by any means a fast runner but we seem to have a comparable jog speed : )
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I like to run with my dog. However, as she is a whippet it can be a little demotivating for me all red faced and sweaty and she's hardly out of breath! We both enjoy it though and she's still young. Sometimes she crosses my path though - that can be hazardous!!

    My brother has a whippet mix. She had so much pent up energy until he finally got the idea to take her on his morning runs. He runs 8 or 9 miles every other morning at a sub-7 minute pace....the dog has no problem keeping up with him! I don't think she's worn out when she gets home but at least she's a little more mellow.

    My friend was the only woman to do the triple Ironman last year and she did all her run training with her Border Collie. Some of her runs were during the night and 30-40 miles and he was loving it. He drinks out of puddles and streams whereever you pass them and never seems to tire. :laugh:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I;m trying to teach my brother's pitbull-presa canario to run with me. We're having some difficulties. She's gotten some bad habits lately and has taken to lunging at other dogs. But we're working on it. I love that's she's fairly big, probably close to 100lbs and just starting to fill out, so when I run on the trails or at night, no one thinks to mess with me! I feel very safe with her.
    But she's got way too much energy. I think a nice 40min run will tire her out. Nope. I think it just warms her up.

    It's great you feel safe with her but the launching herself at other dogs I would say must be addressed. I see a few poorly trained dogs in my area with owners who are not at all in control of their animal and it can be quite intimidating, even dangerous.
  • jansus
    jansus Posts: 58 Member
    I know in the uk there are special courses for running with dogs and you can get the hands free leads and Cani x waist belts. At the moment I just power walk with my lurcher x labrador - his walking pace is like a gentle run -as he is quite fast. I get too worried about running on the fields here as I have already fallen down a couple of rabbit holes!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Morning all :smile:

    We did lots of walking this weekend and squeezed in our 20 min run.

    We've just been invited to a pack walk which happens every first Sunday of the month where a local rescue centre team up with local dog foster carers and people who have adopted their dogs from the centre and go for a big walk, sometimes over 30 dogs. :bigsmile:

    We're looking forward to joining in on the next one. Sounds like a real Cesar Milan type of experience. :laugh:
  • Zsangel
    Zsangel Posts: 202
    I have to house sit for my dad next month and he has a dog. I'm considering running with him but it may not be the smartest idea because i'm fairly sure that he weighs more that I do! (but hey, I'm not complaining :laugh: )
    I'll have to see how he goes.
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