Lose 35-40 pounds in 2 months



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Remember if you are going to the gym mix it up, also remember muscle weighs more than fat so when you may start losing weight it may not show on scale. You will feel better for your vacation and that's what's matters.

    Wrong first post.
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    I am going on vacations in exactly 60 days and would like to lose about 35-40 pounds in this period. I have about an hour a day to spare for gym as well as the motivation to eat healthy during this time. I would appreciate any actual advice/success stories rather than the same old "lose weight the safe and steady way."
    Thanks in advance.
  • MalineVD
    MalineVD Posts: 649 Member
    I am going on vacations in exactly 60 days and would like to lose about 35-40 pounds in this period. I have about an hour a day to spare for gym as well as the motivation to eat healthy during this time. I would appreciate any actual advice/success stories rather than the same old "lose weight the safe and steady way."
    Thanks in advance.

    ^^ hahahahaha!
  • Redbeard333
    Redbeard333 Posts: 381 Member
    I guess my only recommendation is to pick which leg you want amputated. Amputation is the only guaranteed way to lose 35 to 40 lbs in 8 weeks.

    Hahahah!! Perfect!!

    The op is obviously either misinformed or dillusional as to realistic weightloss goals, and should have started months ago... But they don't want to hear that!

  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I'm expecting a mean people thread to pop up after this.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I'm expecting a mean people thread to pop up after this.
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    Why are people still asking this type of question ... I'm gonna keep reading anyway, just because it entertains me ...
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I'm expecting a mean people thread to pop up after this.

    I kinda hope so, it would be nice to see some response from OP.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Oh come on. This is easy. That's why I'm sending you the rainbow unicorn fairy kitten to whisk the pounds away with fairy dust.
  • smr09012
    smr09012 Posts: 42 Member
    I hear the average human leg weighs about forty pounds. I could take care of that for you in about five minutes...
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    edited May 2015
    Why do people keep asking this same kind of post? Is it not obvious this is a site for healthy and sustainable loss? Awaiting mean people post!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    OP Troll level
    9/10 because you ain't fool me.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Oh come on. This is easy. That's why I'm sending you the rainbow unicorn fairy kitten to whisk the pounds away with fairy dust.
    Why, did you run out of coconut oil?

  • SkinnyMiss053
    SkinnyMiss053 Posts: 65 Member
    Oh come on. This is easy. That's why I'm sending you the rainbow unicorn fairy kitten to whisk the pounds away with fairy dust.
    Why, did you run out of coconut oil?

  • amandaiams
    amandaiams Posts: 73 Member
    star1407 wrote: »
    Going to get popcorn so I can enjoy what will fast become another thread of amusement and gifs.

  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    You know what? Maybe I will give you some advice on how to achieve your goal, so that you know what you'd have to put yourself through, rather than just taking our word for it that such a goal is unrealistic.

    To lose 40lbs in 60 days you'd need a calorie deficit of 2,333 calories a day. Work out your TDEE and subtract 2,333 calories from that to know how many calories you need to eat a day. If your TDEE is less than 2,333 it means you'll need to eat nothing for 60 days and do extra exercise to bring your net calories down. I did some research into records for how long people have been able to go without food. The only proven record I could find for more than 60 days was Barry Horne who starved himself for 68 days. "By day 66 he was hallucinating, deaf in one ear and blind in one eye; he could no longer remember why he was on hunger strike."

    I don't know about you, but if I'm going on holiday, I don't want to be hallucinating, half-deaf, half-blind and no longer able to remember why I'm at a beach.

    Thank you for saying that so much more eloquently than I would have. OP, read THIS.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    The most optimistic you could hope for is about 2 pounds per week. Over 2 months, that's about 8.5 weeks, so you could optimistically hope for about 17 pounds of weight loss. I personally have never hit this, averaging only 1.2 pounds per week over 6 months.

    Maybe if you did one of those doctor-supervised VLC (very low calorie) diets you might push this a bit.
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    Remember if you are going to the gym mix it up, also remember muscle weighs more than fat so when you may start losing weight it may not show on scale. You will feel better for your vacation and that's what's matters.

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat!!! A pound is a pound whether it be feathers or bricks. Muscle takes up less room than fat (picture a ten pound bag of potatoes strapped to your *kitten* and then picture a ten pound barbell strapped to your *kitten*). Building muscle is beneficial in many ways and there are lots of people on the boards well equipped to discuss it (I am not one of them) but that statement drives me bonkers......