Activity level

momma2ZKL Posts: 47 Member
I just want to make sure I'm picking the correct activity level, but it don't really see them defined anywhere. I have it set at active. I teach kindergarten and average 8,000-10,000 steps a day at work. I'm on my feet the majority of the day. I also work out 7 days a week (6 days weights and 7 days some type of cario - running, walking, elliptical or Zumba). Do I have it set correctly?


  • heidim44444
    heidim44444 Posts: 27 Member
    I believe they say somewhere that a teacher is lightly active. Then you would add your exercise separately and it would add the calories for those activities and you would get to eat those calories on top of the base calorie goal it gives you. Does that make sense?
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Yes, Heidi is right.