Saying goodbye to My Fat

KrystaBratt Posts: 6 Member
edited May 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi. I'm Krysta and I am not a skinny woman. I am however a mentally healthy woman that is able to see my own reality. I want to be better for myself. My body is not getting any younger even though my mind and my Additude are significantly. The time is come.
And I bid you adeu.
Good bye double chin. You've been with me for a while but it's time to part ways. And you..back boobies. I no longer need to wear a bra in the front and the back. Stomach, dear stomach. We've seen some hard times you and me. The binge eating. For no other reason than boredom. You may be the hardest to let go of.
My two butts. No longer will you take up two chairs just the one will do.
And to the rest of me. Enough is finally enough. I dl deserve better from me and that's exactly what I demand.

I lift. And I track everything that goes I to my mouth. Some days are better than others but I figure if I keep it up I will be a brand new me with a whole new look at life.


  • slc50912
    slc50912 Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck! :)
  • KrystaBratt
    KrystaBratt Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks ;)
    No such thing as luck when I actually CAN do I just have to make good choice as often as possible
  • KerriGraham1025
    KerriGraham1025 Posts: 6 Member
    Your attitude is inspiring! Best wishes to you as well. :)
  • WSOX37
    WSOX37 Posts: 1,611 Member
    Good luck
  • KrystaBratt
    KrystaBratt Posts: 6 Member
    thank you so very much
  • low_carb_debbie
    low_carb_debbie Posts: 14 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi Krysta
    Sounds like you're ready to really turn things around. I had a similar conversation with myself last year about choices I was making with my diet and exercise. Made myself fully accountable and got myself a plan of action. I'm 63 Ibs down so far and enjoying the journey! It's not always easy and I go off plan for special occasions sometimes. The difference this time round for me is I get straight back on it afterwards. Wishing you every success on your journey! :)
  • MikeLeTwigg
    MikeLeTwigg Posts: 162 Member
    With that attitude you will succeed.
  • KrystaBratt
    KrystaBratt Posts: 6 Member
    Haha. Thanks ;)