Gym Etiquette

grahambb3 Posts: 7
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Over the past few days I have encountered loads of people sitting on a piece of equipment in the gym and chatting away, and not doing their exercises!! how annoying is that? especially as I am on a limited time as I go during my lunch hour!

I can't believe how selfish some people are? why don't they move whilst talking so people can use the equipment and then they can resume afterwards?!

so annoying !!

Anyone else have similar problems at your gyms? There's plenty of staff on at the one i go to, but they never seem to mention anything to the people who do it....


  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    I have the same problem at my gym sometimes. When it happens and they are on the machine that I want to get onto next I ask them if they're finished with the machine. I just butt right into their conversation :)
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I have the same problem at my gym sometimes. When it happens and they are on the machine that I want to get onto next I ask them if they're finished with the machine. I just butt right into their conversation :)

    I do the same thing! :) Or I ask if I can work in. (Not that I want to wipe it off after every set, but usually they get the hint.)
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    A lot of people take scheduled rest breaks between sets when weight training and during that time chat with someone they know.

    Usually they do not take offence to people asking whether you can jump in between sets.
  • Riotactor10
    Riotactor10 Posts: 37
    I think most people are good about getting out of the way if they know you want in. It is annoynig, but it's a fact of life unfortunately - some people are at the gym to socialize more than work out :laugh:
  • Deedee0075
    Deedee0075 Posts: 78 Member
    I really hate when people fart at the gym - especially while doing cardio. I also really hate when someone gets on the elliptical next to me and their breath smells like horse crap. How hard is it to brush and floss or at least chew minty gum while working out??? I always chew gum while doing cardio because it helps me take out my aggression and I know that I'm not offending anyone.

    Sorry - i know that was a bit off topic.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I think there is a difference people just chatting between sets and people just being downright ignorant.

    One night this girl sat on the C2, either looking at herself in the mirror playing with her hair, flicking through her iPod or texting on her mobile, just rocking the seat of the rowing machine back and forth in a bored manner... :grumble:

    I stood there for a while and eventually asked her "are you intending to row here at some stage? otherwise there is a comfortable cafe downstairs!"

    She just gave me a funny look and then toddled off. :huh:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My pet peeve is with folks who don't return equipment to its proper place. The gym is in my office bulding and not very large so a weight left on the floor or a bench moved out of it's propr location or a stability ball not returned to the rack, can be disruptive (I have to take MY workout time to put the thing back), not to mention unsafe.

    Also, there are dehumidifers for the summer months and very few people actually pay attention to them when they are everyone's responsibility. When the bins get full of water, they stop running and the place gets so damp, it's scary to try walking on the treadmill and the mirror in the weight section gets all fogged up. This is an annoyance to all of us, yet only a few people actually do something about it.

    Phew - I feel a bit better after venting! :happy:
  • grahambb3
    grahambb3 Posts: 7
    I really hate when people fart at the gym - especially while doing cardio. I also really hate when someone gets on the elliptical next to me and their breath smells like horse crap. How hard is it to brush and floss or at least chew minty gum while working out??? I always chew gum while doing cardio because it helps me take out my aggression and I know that I'm not offending anyone.

    Sorry - i know that was a bit off topic.

    Haha! luckily i haven't noticed anyone do that, yet!

    These people aren't chatting between sets, they're chatting for like 10/15 minutes about the weekend and stuff like that. I jsut want to get in, do my stuff and get out of there :)

    One guy was ok when i asked him if i can use the equipment, but this girl today, you could just tell she wasn't for moving and she hadn't even started the exercise! i had to miss my 2nd go on the machine so i wasn't happy!

    but at least she didnt fart!!
  • grahambb3
    grahambb3 Posts: 7
    Oh and when people don't wipe the equipment down after using it too, ok sometimes you forget but when you''ve been on the treadmill for 45 mins, it's gonna be covered in sweat! give it a clean - there's paper towels all around the place!!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I really hate when people fart at the gym - especially while doing cardio. I also really hate when someone gets on the elliptical next to me and their breath smells like horse crap. How hard is it to brush and floss or at least chew minty gum while working out??? I always chew gum while doing cardio because it helps me take out my aggression and I know that I'm not offending anyone.

    Sorry - i know that was a bit off topic.

    Haha! luckily i haven't noticed anyone do that, yet!

    These people aren't chatting between sets, they're chatting for like 10/15 minutes about the weekend and stuff like that. I jsut want to get in, do my stuff and get out of there :)

    One guy was ok when i asked him if i can use the equipment, but this girl today, you could just tell she wasn't for moving and she hadn't even started the exercise! i had to miss my 2nd go on the machine so i wasn't happy!

    but at least she didnt fart!!

    People fart in yoga all the time... It happens... :ohwell:
  • Deedee0075
    Deedee0075 Posts: 78 Member
    I really hate when people fart at the gym - especially while doing cardio. I also really hate when someone gets on the elliptical next to me and their breath smells like horse crap. How hard is it to brush and floss or at least chew minty gum while working out??? I always chew gum while doing cardio because it helps me take out my aggression and I know that I'm not offending anyone.

    Sorry - i know that was a bit off topic.

    Haha! luckily i haven't noticed anyone do that, yet!

    These people aren't chatting between sets, they're chatting for like 10/15 minutes about the weekend and stuff like that. I jsut want to get in, do my stuff and get out of there :)

    One guy was ok when i asked him if i can use the equipment, but this girl today, you could just tell she wasn't for moving and she hadn't even started the exercise! i had to miss my 2nd go on the machine so i wasn't happy!

    but at least she didnt fart!!

    People fart in yoga all the time... It happens... :ohwell:

    Yea they do it Zumba too. Actually one chick smells like hamburgers and onions. I swear she must have an onion patch growing under her arms. Gross!!!! I almost died!
  • littlemissanguissette
    littlemissanguissette Posts: 248 Member
    I cannot stand it when people take up a machine, and are on it forever. I'm at a very small gym [Home Owners Association] and there is only one elliptical, two treadmills, one stair stepper, and two cycles. There are numerous signs stating "20 Minute Limit on Cardio Machines"...they never listen. And I usually don't have the nerve to just walk up and go, 'You're over your time limit."

    I try to go to the gym when it's the down time, because I do try to stay on the elliptical for an hour. However, every new person that comes into the gym I ask them if they need the machine, because I am over the time limit.
  • Just politely ask if you can work a set in. No biggie. I haven't had someone say no. Or if they're in the middle of a super set, they'll say 1-2 more sets and then let you in. Usually I get in immediately, if not within 2-3 minutes.

    I tend to end up using dumb bells for my weight training, it's easy, and you can easily borrow a set if someone else is using it if you're going up and down in weight.

    Now my pet peeve is those who use dumb bells and not put it in the right place. The racks are labeled. And all it takes is one person to misplace one, and starts a chain reaction of misplacement. Usually, the first 5 minutes of my workout I ended up re-racking the dumbbells to their appropriate labeled position. NOW. MY BIGGEST PEEVE is the guy with the 80-100lbs. dumbbell who leaves it lying on the ground. Look I'm not going to pull a hernia to put your 100 lbs. dumbbell and re-rack it. If you can take the 100 lbs. dumbbell out of the rack, you put it back in place. Yeah, it's the random 80-100lbs. dumbbell show offs that work out with them, but yet not have enough strength to put it back in it's place? It's douche-nozzles like these are the ones that hang out and admire themselves in the mirror and work their vanity muscles while swinging it to-and fro to look all macho. They are also the ones within inches of the weight rack so you can't grab another set of dumbbells without asking them to move. If you can lift the dumbbell, you can move to a different location so that other people can get dumbbells.

    Anyways, rant-off.
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Farting! LOL! Thats why I do cardio at home with videos or run outside! all that exercise tends to get things moving.....
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Built my own home gym last year. Bowflex, Dumbbells, Elliptical, Recumbant bike. Ab machine, Free weights. Put in a sound system, TV with dvd player. Looks great.

    Now the only person that sits on the benches and doesn't work out is me.
  • ShaneT99
    ShaneT99 Posts: 278 Member
    This usually isn't a problem for me since I'm at the gym very early, but on the rare occasion that someone is using a piece of equipment I need I'll either politely ask to work in or find a substitute exercise and go on about my business. No one has ever denied me the chance to work in.
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    We run into that problem at our gym sometimes too! Often times they just sit there staring off into space, fiddle with their MP3 player or yabber on their phone or to the person standing next to them. Its annoying to have to wait on someone who is apparently doing nothing but wasting time when we want that piece of equipment, I'd have no problem if they were trying to finish their reps!
  • Furrytreats
    Furrytreats Posts: 132 Member
    I think I need to be more assertive about asking to slip in a set.

    I have a crotchety older woman who takes 4 sets of dumbbells over to the smith machine where she proceeds to set them on the floor while she's using the machine to do her chest workout. Ok I know you want to use them too, douche, but can we share? GRR
  • tusher2011
    tusher2011 Posts: 201 Member
    LOL. I am so glad I go to the gym first thing in the am....there are about 4 people in there with plenty of room. Usually, 2 of them are guys and they are using the free weights and this other woman is on the elliptical for hours (lol) I basically have the circuit weights all to myself. I do wipe the seats each time though anyway:)
  • ablueskier
    ablueskier Posts: 104
    Sorry but sometimes Gas happens. As your body gets moving, more than just the blood gets circulating. I will admit I have released gas while on the elliptical...just understand that I didn't stand there saying "I sooo want to gross out the person next to me so I'm going to let it rip." It just happens sometimes by surprise and it can be as embarrassing for the gasser as the it is annoying to the one being gassed.

    My peeve is when people aren't polite at the gym. This sweet old man saw an empty exercise ball sitting against the weight rack with no one next to it so he rolled it out and started doing crunches. A young guy ran over and yelled at him saying he shouldn't take things other people were using. The guy had been at least 20 feet away lifting weights in front of the mirror so I wouldn't have considered the ball in use!
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