

  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    If drinking rum, have it with diet coke and put half the shot twice the diet coke. Two drinks for the cost of one shot. Helps keep the number of drinks down. Also, one glass of water for each drink helps to move it through your system a little quicker.

    drinking a drink like diet coke with alcohol?? First off, alcohol dehydrates your system, meaning you need extra water... Second off, any caffeine drink, such as pop (wether it be diet or regular), dehydrates the water in your system. Drinking two dehydrants is a bit much. Also doctors say not to drink diet pop because it is loaded with chemicals. These chemicals are proven to slow down weight lose. Doctors suggest if you really have to drink pop, to drink the regular because diet is so horrible for you. I however can not drink pop in any form or else I cant loose weight. period.

    You want a drink such as oj because it will still hydrate your system, while serving as a mixer.
  • aimee0515
    aimee0515 Posts: 67
    If drinking rum, have it with diet coke and put half the shot twice the diet coke. Two drinks for the cost of one shot. Helps keep the number of drinks down. Also, one glass of water for each drink helps to move it through your system a little quicker.

    drinking a drink like diet coke with alcohol?? First off, alcohol dehydrates your system, meaning you need extra water... Second off, any caffeine drink, such as pop (wether it be diet or regular), dehydrates the water in your system. Drinking two dehydrants is a bit much. Also doctors say not to drink diet pop because it is loaded with chemicals. These chemicals are proven to slow down weight lose. Doctors suggest if you really have to drink pop, to drink the regular because diet is so horrible for you. I however can not drink pop in any form or else I cant loose weight. period.

    You want a drink such as oj because it will still hydrate your system, while serving as a mixer.

    You should mix your alcohol with water or club soda. But if you want to have a rum and diet...that is fine. You are putting alcohol in your body...a little bit of diet as a mixer isn't going to be a big deal...everything in moderation. If you mix drinks with juices at a bar...ALL refined are going to triple your calories per least. Even if you are mixing at home with all natural is still sugar and will get stored as fat because your body will not metabolic it (see my earlier post).
  • axman19
    axman19 Posts: 79 Member
    Should have mentioned I drink flavored rum with water.
  • cjjohnson1
    cjjohnson1 Posts: 15 Member
    I too have questions about alcohol. I like to drink wine, and generally drink it with dinner at night. It seems like I end up having 2-3 glasses many evenings. I watch my calorie intake, and include the calories from the wine. (114 cal per 6 oz.) I just don't seem to loose weight. And I have read alot about the effects of alcohol also. I have read that when you drink alcohol, it is burned first, making you store other calories/food as fat. I have also read that it alone is stored as fat.-this is in a book on how to quit drinking without AA. Something about the maltose it is made of. I am wondering what you think. I am allowed 1200 cal/day. And am staying within my allowance each day & exercising (buring about 300 cal/day) I feel like I should be loosing weight!!! and I am not, therefore it makes me think it has got to be the alcohol. ? like last night, had a salad with 4 oz of chicken breast on it, and then had 3 glasses of wine. I am wondering if no matter what, what I ate was stored as fat?? since I had the wine? Even if I am within my calorie allowance???
    Let me know what you think,
  • DeenaSteelerGirl
    I always save cals. on the weekend for a few brews. Good luck.. I will send you a friend request.. you don't have any : )
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you stop drinking while dieting, but then begin drinking when you reach your goal weight, won't you just gain it all back? I have some type of alcohol, usually wine, nearly every evening. I have worked my diet around this because my intent was to get to a place where I was healthy - eating foods that are good for me, exercising regulary, weight under control. But I like to drink and I don't have health or social issues because of it so I made sure that was part of the plan, because I want to stick to this even after I reach my goal weight/size.
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Save the calories and drink a glass of water between each serving of alcohol to counteract the dehydration effect. A good buzz can cause a good bloat later because my body got dehydrated and then started hanging on to ALL the water it could to counteract it after the fact.
    If you hold out some calories for a few drinks, then you don't have to feel 'guilty' about having those drinks and can really enjoy the evening without wondering what the consequence to your diet will be.
    Another idea would be to 'earn the drinks' through an extra awesome workout earlier in the day. I always feel better when I feel like I DESERVE the opportunity to enjoy myself because I invested time, energy and effort to make sure I could guilt-free. A good night out should be about celebrating your friends, the week's accomplishments, etc. not guilt over excess calories.
    My $.02...
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    If you stop drinking while dieting, but then begin drinking when you reach your goal weight, won't you just gain it all back? I have some type of alcohol, usually wine, nearly every evening. I have worked my diet around this because my intent was to get to a place where I was healthy - eating foods that are good for me, exercising regulary, weight under control. But I like to drink and I don't have health or social issues because of it so I made sure that was part of the plan, because I want to stick to this even after I reach my goal weight/size.

    I don't drink daily but I like this! :happy:
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    If you're only drinking once every 2 weeks then just consider it a splurge day. I have 1 day every 2 weeks where I purposely go over on my calories so it mixes up the routine and it keeps me from missing the food/drinks I love. That doesn't mean I eat 5000 calories that day, but I will go over by 500-1000. What is your weight loss goal set at? For .5 pounds a week you have a 250 calorie deficit built in and for 2 pounds there is a 1000 calorie deficit built in. So on my splurge day I let myself go up to 1000 calories over my daily goal and that would bring me to maintenance levels. No weight gain or weight loss at that point. However you will gain water weight from drinking and it might take a week to lose it.

    By the way, your calorie calculations are off for the rum. There are 60 - 70 calories per 1 ounce of liquor. Bartenders use a jigger to measure alcohol for a drink and those hold 1.5 ounces. A shot glass also holds 1.5 ounces. That means each drink is up to 105 calories of alcohol plus whatever you mix with it. If they are pouring by hand then you might end up with 2 ounces or more per drink which throws it off even more.
  • AllisonS79
    AllisonS79 Posts: 51 Member
    I too have questions about alcohol. I like to drink wine, and generally drink it with dinner at night. It seems like I end up having 2-3 glasses many evenings. I watch my calorie intake, and include the calories from the wine. (114 cal per 6 oz.) I just don't seem to loose weight. And I have read alot about the effects of alcohol also. I have read that when you drink alcohol, it is burned first, making you store other calories/food as fat. I have also read that it alone is stored as fat.-this is in a book on how to quit drinking without AA. Something about the maltose it is made of. I am wondering what you think. I am allowed 1200 cal/day. And am staying within my allowance each day & exercising (buring about 300 cal/day) I feel like I should be loosing weight!!! and I am not, therefore it makes me think it has got to be the alcohol. ? like last night, had a salad with 4 oz of chicken breast on it, and then had 3 glasses of wine. I am wondering if no matter what, what I ate was stored as fat?? since I had the wine? Even if I am within my calorie allowance???
    Let me know what you think,
  • AllisonS79
    AllisonS79 Posts: 51 Member
    I wondered the same thing. Sounds like how I used to try to lose weight. Now I'm on a diet where I can't really have alcohol for about a month. It's going to be tough but I think it will really make a big difference. We can't expect to continue doing the same things but expect to see changes. You have to make changes in your diet to see changes in your body.
  • carolinenp
    carolinenp Posts: 125 Member
    I drink every week and I know I shouldn't. But you don't know my friends. LOL I usually eat first (if i don't, I throw up). If I know I'm going to drink, I do save calories from earlier in the day and I NEVER eat after. ( I used to do this in college and that is how I even got this way!)
  • axman19
    axman19 Posts: 79 Member
    Not gonna lie, I like the feeling of a buzz now and then!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    don't eat less, but try and get a workout in to add extra calories for the alcohol!!

  • axman19
    axman19 Posts: 79 Member
    Maybe I can work the calories off afterwords if I am lucky. hahaha that was ment as a joke!!!
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    Funny you should ask!!! I just got back from my workout, so now I will be able to enjoy my "beverages" tonight and munchies afterwards (probably steak and shrimp fajitas) without worrying about going over my daily calorie allotment. :happy:
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Friday night is my week ender meaning i drink and eat whatever i want. No matter how much drink or eat i won't gain an ouce considering my dialy caloric intake is below my maintenance requirements. I'm not even sure i'll be able to eat my recommended maintenance calories when i hit my goal weight. Weight is no gained overnight. It's gained over months and years.
  • gpjuicy69
    gpjuicy69 Posts: 20
    When I drink I try to save my calories for my liquor I love my Jager, I just have a low cal snack before if I feel the need.
  • jpooley1988
    jpooley1988 Posts: 119 Member
    Well you gotta eat to keep from bowing to the porcelain God later, :drinker:

    Love this! :)