I Have Zero Motivation :(

I have all the desire to lose the 100lbs that I want to lose. I just can't seem to get myself motivated to do much about it. Not sure why. I know that I have had some stressful times over the past few years but who hasn't. I know what I should and should not eat and that I should be at least getting out for a walk every day or a few times a week but I just can't seem to get my head around actually doing it.

A few years ago..about 8 years I was a whopping 326lbs...my ex and I both started at LA Weightloss (not sure if they even exist anymore) and over the course of a year I got down to 185lbs...without much exercise at all...it was all about the eating...impressive right...

Well..an ex is an ex for a reason and about 6 months or so after we both lost a bunch of weight we got separated...then the weigth started to come back on...and now once again I am a whopping 280lbs...not all the weight came back but almost 100lbs of it did...discouraging to say the least.

I feel so lost most of the time when it comes to trying to get back on the weight loss horse...


  • ClaudiaMessenger
    ClaudiaMessenger Posts: 24 Member
    Maybe try to write down the 3 main reasons why you want to lose the weight and re-read them everyday to motivate you.

    See each day as as seperate goal and don't stress about days ahead. Yes plan ahead but again write that down if if helps. But don't worry about achieving goals those days, just concentrate on today. Then each night before you go to bed you can feel proud you achieved something.

    And my last piece of advice is to make small achievable goals, don't take on too much at once e.g. week one plan to exercise 2 days for 30 mins then week three exercise 3 days a week for 30 mins. You're much more likely to achieve if you believe you can do it.

    Good luck :smile:
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 401 Member
    edited May 2015
    I think that when it comes to getting to the motivation you belong to a very large group of people. I spent a whole year dealing with all my excuses before I started with MFP. Reading, writing in my diary, looking at success stories. My biggest hurdle was that, due to health reasons, I am unable to do much exercise. One day I had a DUH moment. People with less mobility than me controlled their weight so it had to be more about food. That lead to more reading and then I made some decisions for myself. I would not give up chocolate, wine or eating out. I would not eat a diet created by someone else. I would eat in such a way that it would be easy to go into maintenance. Once I had decided on MY way it was easy to start...I had no excuses left. I've found the support on MFP to be one of the most helpful things of all.

    I hope you find what will work for YOU.
  • KatinaC92
    KatinaC92 Posts: 2 Member
    I completely agree with the poster before me. Each day is a new day - each day is an opportunity to get a little closer to your goal.

    I've felt lacking in motivation in many domains of my life: school, work, weight loss. And then finally one day, I was crying to my mother (yes, yes I was) and all she said was "Just take it one day at a time." And that's been my motto throughout losing weight . . . and life honestly. One day at a time, small goals here and there, and they WILL add up as long as you stay determined.

    And if you fall off a little here and there? So what! We're only humans. That's the beauty of taking each day as a fresh start -- even if you mess up yesterday, today is a new day.

    Best of luck, and MFP is filled with great motivators to help keep you on track!
  • evillottie
    evillottie Posts: 11 Member
    You need to think about why you want to lose weight and be really specific about it and the positive things it will bring. I have over 100lbs to lose and I know it's daunting to start, so break it down into smaller goals. So I know to get to my goal weight I need to lose about 2lbs a week. I then try and set my exercise and calories to meet that goal. I also set myself little random goals for each week e.g this week in switching from normal tea to green tea! These small changes will build up into a big change :-) so think about why you're doing this and break your goals into smaller chunks so you can figure out a plan to get where you want to go :-)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Motivation comes and goes. You need to establish good habits so that just doing it is the norm, whether you feel motivated or not. If you wait for motivation, it will never happen. You need to decide whether it is something you want to do or not, and then do it, no matter how you feel.
  • kellyxax
    kellyxax Posts: 3 Member
    I think planning helps me a lot. Plan your meals, weigh and track EVERYTHING! I started off exercising with the Wii Fit. Maybe something to try!
    I have all the desire to lose the 100lbs that I want to lose. I just can't seem to get myself motivated to do much about it. Not sure why. I know that I have had some stressful times over the past few years but who hasn't. I know what I should and should not eat and that I should be at least getting out for a walk every day or a few times a week but I just can't seem to get my head around actually doing it.

    A few years ago..about 8 years I was a whopping 326lbs...my ex and I both started at LA Weightloss (not sure if they even exist anymore) and over the course of a year I got down to 185lbs...without much exercise at all...it was all about the eating...impressive right...

    Well..an ex is an ex for a reason and about 6 months or so after we both lost a bunch of weight we got separated...then the weigth started to come back on...and now once again I am a whopping 280lbs...not all the weight came back but almost 100lbs of it did...discouraging to say the least.

    I feel so lost most of the time when it comes to trying to get back on the weight loss horse...

    I think planning helps me a lot. Plan your meals, weigh and track EVERYTHING! I started off exercising with the Wii Fit. Maybe something to try!
  • fallenoaks4
    fallenoaks4 Posts: 63 Member
    Start small. Just log your food intake. No matter what it is, just log it. One habit at a time.
  • 85kurtz
    85kurtz Posts: 276 Member
    Start small. Just log your food intake. No matter what it is, just log it. One habit at a time.

    This is such a good thing to do. I have found that logging every single thing I eat or drink makes me so much more accountable and I see patterns, which helps you to avoid some pitfalls.
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    Each day, do one thing...just one thing that would move you in the direction of better health . Don't look at the entire number you want to lose, not right now. Literally take it just one extra step at a time a few less calories at a time. It's eay to be overwhelmed and that sucks the motivation out of us.
    Good luck and may tomorrow bring you good things.
  • cpatton74
    cpatton74 Posts: 12 Member
    I have struggled with the same issues. I have found that if I record my food intake (the good,the bad,& the ugly) I started to hold myself accountable. I'm not going to lie the first couple of weeks I wouldn't record the bad days because I didn't want to see it. Then one day I thought this is stupid just own it so you can make a change. I have lost 8lbs so far and have about 80 to go but it's a start! Also I opened myself up to the preworkout world because I couldn't find the energy to get a workout in. The extra weight zaps the energy right out of you both mentally and physically. I currently am using MVP preworkout, doesn't give me the jitters but you will feel a tingle which is normal, to give me a boost of energy to go for a walk or to the gym. It's hard and I know all to well your struggle. 3yrs ago I was 140lbs and when I started my weight loss journey AGAIN..I was up to 230 (now I'm 222 :smile: . My dad was diagnosed with stomach cancer and I was trying to help take care of him and support my mom and lost myself in the grief process of both my mom and myself when he passed. YOU CAN DO IT THOUGH BECAUSE YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!! That's the only reason you need is you :smiley:
  • sherryperdue1970
    sherryperdue1970 Posts: 6 Member
    I started logging my food today...as well I took the time to put together a good healthy lunch for work tomorrow...feeling okay about it..took my weight and logged it as well...not feeling great about that but going to be strong and fix that one day at a time...thank you all for posting your helpful hints and strategies...I will be bring them all to the table
  • hkgwins
    hkgwins Posts: 3 Member
    I am SO right there with u, similar journey. I have a lot to lose and it feels like I'll never get there. One day at a time. If I could take a magic pill to be a size 2 I would. It is so hard when you have 50 plus pounds to lose. It's just overwhelming.
  • jmerthen82
    jmerthen82 Posts: 13 Member
    I think that one of your main hurdles is that you lost the weight with your ex and then lost her after doing it. So in your mind losing weight maybe directly related to pain and therefore it would be harder to start. I agree with starting in small steps and going from there. Good luck and I don't think it's easy for anyone.. So your not alone
  • ncfitbit
    ncfitbit Posts: 1,058 Member
    There are so many inspiring success stories here on MFP. Look for them and begin to believe that you can be one of them! Here is my favorite:


    What I love about Shannon's story and what I found so motivating when I started my journey is that she not only lose the weight, but she didn't punish herself to do it and has been able to maintain it as a result. For me this was the proof I needed that perhaps I could have some success getting the weight off and keeping it off, which is what I want more than anything. Good luck and take lots of pictures right now as you are. You can be a success story, too, and you will want to post your pictures when you reach your goal!
  • NYBalbowa
    NYBalbowa Posts: 34 Member
    edited May 2015
    Log everything you eat and take your mind out of the game. If you want to lose weight, you'll stay at or below your calorie limit. If it seems you're not ready and you're calories are far too high, then at least you've started a good habit of tracking what you eat. Trust me, over time, you'll start eating closer to your caloric goal.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    edited May 2015
    They are saying a lot of good stuff above. Remeber you still loss two toddlers (worth of weight). If you picked two toddlers up at the same time and walked around for a while you feel the difference.

    Or if you can't borrow any toddlers a small goat like a full grown Nigerian Dwarf. Walking around with one of those will wear you out.

    Or a 40lb rice sack if you're in the store. Don't count yourself out, it is mainly about the food. You don't have to go to the gym or even work out unless you want.

    All you have to do is enter your food on MFP and come chat with us (you don't even have to do the last part if you don't want to). So there's no excuses for not doing this for yourself. :p
  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    It is hard to get started. I've been at this since August, with a break (that ended up turning into an extended break) over the holidays. Both times what got me going was simply telling myself to log everything that I ate. No restrictions, no goals. I just needed to record what I ate. I found that in doing that one task, the ball got rolling enough to lead to other positive outcomes, like eating better, more exercise, etc. good luck :)
  • sherryperdue1970
    sherryperdue1970 Posts: 6 Member
    Love the idea about carrying around a goat...lol ... that would be fun...day three...well 2.5 of logging and still doing it...even the few chips that I had last night...it was the end of the bag so my next small goal..or big depends how you look at it... is to see how long I can go without buying any junk food. Not going to completely cut it out as that would be depriving myself but I am going to cut back on it in a big way. No Skittles...No chips... I don't drink pop anyway so that is no big deal. For me it is all about water and coffee..lol...and tea on occasion.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    That is a great start. The important thing is to keep going, no matter what. There will be slips, we all do it, but just keep going. It is what you do after the slip.... don't beat yourself up and don't let that deter you. You can do it!
  • sherryperdue1970
    sherryperdue1970 Posts: 6 Member
    Anyone in the Hamilton, ON area? One I get settled into a bit of a rhythm I may be looking for someone to go rollerblading with or something. I am so not good at it though..so no laughing.
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    As someone who lost 110lbs. between 2009-2010, I can tell you the loss part is the EASY part. I put 25lbs. on between early 2011, and mid 2011. Took it off, and here I am again. Only this time 5 more lbs. came back with the 25 I gained again. It's a lifetime thing wether you're losing 10, 20, or 100lbs. Somedays you don't feel like it, somedays you do! Today was one of the days I didn't feel like it but I still did it. I know this may or may not help but I lost the weight in my 20's, I'm in my 30's now and it melted off back then...now not so much. Just keep going. Even on the not so stellar days, at least go for a walk and focus on good food. Just remember, motivation comes and it goes. Consistency is what makes you successful!