Whyyyyy am I not hungry?!?!

I know, if I was anorexic this would be a dream come true. I am going on day three of literally forcing myself to eat. I'm eating yummy food, drinking enough water, and yet I am struggling to even eat 1200 cals. I, naturally, am lethargic and am struggling for the engery to workout, and do not feel the zest normally acquired after a satisfactory workout. I have been quite stressed the past week, although normally I am a stress eater. Any tips to regain my appetite?


  • MisterSixer
    MisterSixer Posts: 37 Member
    I would say the best way to get out of this slump is just suck it up and go workout. Run, lift weights, play some sports, do whatever. Even if you need a few cups of coffee to get you started, once your body gets in motion and starts burning calories you will not only feel so energized afterward but your body will be BEGGING you for food. It also helps reduce stress and get those feel-good hormones flowing.
  • CatchThatKitten
    Try not to worry...if your body is telling you that it doesn't want to eat, then don't eat! Drink lots of water, eat fruits and veggies, and you'll be fine.