Nothing works! Please help.

I have been trying to lose weight for the past 6 months. I switched from being Vegetarian to Vegan but I was constantly ill.
I've tried giving up wheat and sugar. I don't eat processed foods, I keep a very close eye on how much sugar I eat. I don't eat junk and I don't eat huge portions.
7 weeks ago I joined a gym. I go three times a week and do HIIT classes, I exercise at home and during work breaks so I exercise most days and I walk as much as possible.
I have tried nothing but raw food, Jane Plan [gained 1.5lbs in first week] and have just joined slimming world. The first week I gained 0.5 lbs. The consultant looked at my food diary and couldn't find any reason why I hadn't lost.
I have just had my thyroid checked and there is nothing wrong.
I'm getting really down and disheartened and having just spent 18 months being clinically depressed, this is not a road I want to go back to.
I have literally tried everything but I just cannot lose weight.
Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
Thank You


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Can you open up your diary?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Open your diary (settings, bottom left), tell us how much you eat and how tall and light you are.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    It sounds like you've "literally tried" every fad diet when - unless you have a medical condition - the only thing you really need to remember is "CICO".

    Do you accurately weight/track and log your food? Do you eat back exercise calories? If you open your diary, it will help people get an understanding of what's going on and it will better allow them to assist you.
  • Hey Julie! I'm glad you're here.
    Don't lose faith.

    I always try to develop what I call my ADHD

    First things first: How accurately are you measuring EVERYTHING you consume? I don't mean guestimating, rounding off, forgetting condiments and leaving off liquids.

    Are you being diligent and staying on your goals every day?

    Are you being honest with yourself?

    Are you trying to become more disciplined?

    If you don't have a food scale, get one. They are like $15. It helps. Grab a few glass measuring cups while you're there. And a set of measuring spoons and cups. You can get all of this stuff for less than $30. It makes a huge difference.

    You have a good goal set. It's important to you. You are going to accomplish this goal---but it's going to take the work.

    And that's ok, because you're good for it!

    I wish you the best of luck.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    You changed what you were eating a lot, but didn't mention calorie counting. Doesn't matter what you eat (barring medical conditions), all that matters for weight loss is calories. Did you count calories at all in that time?
  • julielachtay
    julielachtay Posts: 3 Member
    I'm now on Slimming World so not calorie counting. I volunteer for a food and nutrition charity and every one of their dieticians has told me counting calories is out dated and they no longer advise it. I'm beyond confused,
  • Those don't sound like real dieticians.
  • Counting calories works. I have negative 60 pounds to prove it.
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I'm now on Slimming World so not calorie counting. I volunteer for a food and nutrition charity and every one of their dieticians has told me counting calories is out dated and they no longer advise it. I'm beyond confused,

    How is basic science outdated?? You've come to a calorie counting website asking for advice, people are going to advise you to count calories. Since you seem to have tried everything else, I suggest you give it a go. Weigh everything that you can and stick to what MFP has recommended you. If you haven't lost weight in a month or so, I'd be surprised.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    I'm now on Slimming World so not calorie counting. I volunteer for a food and nutrition charity and every one of their dieticians has told me counting calories is out dated and they no longer advise it. I'm beyond confused,

    WHAT?!??! What on earth do they advise then??!!?
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    I'm now on Slimming World so not calorie counting. I volunteer for a food and nutrition charity and every one of their dieticians has told me counting calories is out dated and they no longer advise it. I'm beyond confused,

    Yeah, that’s no good, and I would definitely question their credentials at the very least. The only way to lose weight is eat fewer calories than you burn. Simple as that - no one can dispute this. You have a 3,500 calorie deficit, you lose 1lb. There’s no way around it. It doesn’t matter how “healthy” you eat - raw vegans can be overweight too.

    I definitely would encourage you to read up the getting started post on here.

    If you track your food intake (using a food scale for solids, cups for liquids), eat back around half of any exercise calories because they’re usually underestimated, and maintain a caloric deficit, you will lose weight (barring the unlikely chance of a medical condition).
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Ditch them. If you aren't counting calories, you have no way to know that you're eating less than you burn, which is how you lose weight.
  • Julie,
    For real, monitor your daily calories.
    Your body needs a certain number of calories every day to stay at your current weight. Eat that amount, your weight stays the same. Eat more, your weight goes up. Eat less, your weight goes down.

    I'm sorry, but that's it.

    USE THE WEBSITE. It's done wonders for me.
    Take some time, fill out your profile. Put up some pictures. Make some friends. I'd rather check MFP than Facebook. I have better, more positive, more supportive friends on here than I do on other social media sites.
    You'll start to see changes if you put in the work.

    No more excuses.

    I believe in you.
  • julielachtay
    julielachtay Posts: 3 Member
    I tried Diet Chef about 2 years ago and recently Jane Plan both of which are calorie counted...and I gained weight on the Jane Plan.
    I had a nutrionist advice session when I joined the gym who also told me calorie counting isn't the best way as it doesn't guarantee a healthy diet. I'm vegetarian and limit diary as it makes me ill. Most of my diet is vegetables, salad, pulses and fruit
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Ignore Slimming World and their paid shills (aka dieticians). You need to start counting calories. That is the only way to know how much you are eating. You can use any form of eating (vegetarian, paleo, keto, Mediterranean, etc., etc., etc.) to determine WHAT to eat, but unless you are eating less than you burn, you will not lose. The only way to do that, is count how much you eat and calculate how much you burn.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    I'm now on Slimming World so not calorie counting. I volunteer for a food and nutrition charity and every one of their dieticians has told me counting calories is out dated and they no longer advise it. I'm beyond confused,

    Okay so don't count calories but it's the only way you'll be able to see how much you're eating. And if you're not losing weight you're either over eating calories or eating enough to maintain the weight you have. If you want to lose weight, eat less and move more. It's just much easier when you count calories to know how much less you need to eat.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    I tried Diet Chef about 2 years ago and recently Jane Plan both of which are calorie counted...and I gained weight on the Jane Plan.
    I had a nutrionist advice session when I joined the gym who also told me calorie counting isn't the best way as it doesn't guarantee a healthy diet. I'm vegetarian and limit diary as it makes me ill. Most of my diet is vegetables, salad, pulses and fruit

    That is can lose weight eating nothing but McDonalds and pizza, but it wouldn't be healthy. Many people follow an 80/20 rule when it comes to their diet...80% nutritionally dense foods that satisfy them, and 20% treats in moderation.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    edited May 2015
    I tried Diet Chef about 2 years ago and recently Jane Plan both of which are calorie counted...and I gained weight on the Jane Plan.
    I had a nutrionist advice session when I joined the gym who also told me calorie counting isn't the best way as it doesn't guarantee a healthy diet. I'm vegetarian and limit diary as it makes me ill. Most of my diet is vegetables, salad, pulses and fruit

    The only reason that happened is because you didn’t weigh your food and track it accurately. Fruit can especially add up.

    ^ What he said too. Seriously, try it out, for a month or so, and let us know how it went. You can absolutely do this!

    P.S. Calorie counting doesn’t guarantee a healthy diet and a healthy diet doesn’t guarantee weight loss. However, you can calorie-count while maintaining a “healthy” diet and lose weight, but you don’t necessarily lose weight just by maintaining a “healthy" diet. Calorie counting and eating nutritional food aren’t mutually exclusive.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I'm now on Slimming World so not calorie counting. I volunteer for a food and nutrition charity and every one of their dieticians has told me counting calories is out dated and they no longer advise it. I'm beyond confused,

    Well I have heard that too from someone in school studing dietitian major. We debate a lot :lol: They are starting to preach intuitive eating and listen to your body.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    edited May 2015
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I'm now on Slimming World so not calorie counting. I volunteer for a food and nutrition charity and every one of their dieticians has told me counting calories is out dated and they no longer advise it. I'm beyond confused,

    Well I have heard that too from someone in school studing dietitian major. We debate a lot :lol: They are starting to preach intuitive eating and listen to your body.

    Sometimes my body tells me I want pizza and beer.... ;)