Looking for help.

My name is Amanda. In two weeks, I will be 25. Due to severe depression and anxiety symptoms, I have been out of work since the 11th of last month.

As you can imagine, I am under an extreme amount of stress. I battle myself everyday to get out of bed and get moving. Exercise is the only natural remedy I have to maintain a healthy mental - and physical - lifestyle.

I have the support of my boyfriend and close family members, but I am desperate for a larger net of support.

Although I feel otherwise, I know I am not alone in this. I would greatly appreciate any motivation you have to offer.

Current goals:
10,000 steps a day (minimum)
Strength training 3x/week (minimum)
No alcohol for 30 days (minimum)

Healthy body. Healthy mind.


  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    You are clearly on the right track... I turned to running to cope with depression and anxiety. You will find lots of really great people here who will give you a lot of encouragement to succeed.
  • ladyylocks
    ladyylocks Posts: 13 Member
    You are clearly on the right track... I turned to running to cope with depression and anxiety. You will find lots of really great people here who will give you a lot of encouragement to succeed.
    Thank you. Running helps me significantly. I just need to be pushed. I greatly appreciate your words of encouragement.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Welcome Amanda. The things you list are all great ways to keep your body and your mind clean and clear. Good luck. I'm so glad you have support at home and I hope you find what you are looking for here on MFP
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    exercise helped me cope with my anxiety and depression as well. taking control of my existence and my own happiness has been powerful
  • ladyylocks
    ladyylocks Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you so much. When I am consistent, I feel it's the one thing I have control over.
  • ksyoga
    ksyoga Posts: 2 Member
    Sounds like you are on the right track & that awesome.. Baby steps , something everyday. Why don't you try a little yoga , lotsa free stuff on the Internet , yoga with Adrienne is really awesome on you tube. Just try it morning or night or both for 10 or 15 minutes it will make your body feel really good and may help with depression & anxiety also. Wishing you all the best , you can do it , hugs
  • MsNeumann
    MsNeumann Posts: 75 Member
    Sounds like you have a good plan to get healthy. Take it one day at a time and you will get to where you want to be. Keep us posted!
  • ladyylocks
    ladyylocks Posts: 13 Member
    ksyoga wrote: »
    Sounds like you are on the right track & that awesome.. Baby steps , something everyday. Why don't you try a little yoga , lotsa free stuff on the Internet , yoga with Adrienne is really awesome on you tube. Just try it morning or night or both for 10 or 15 minutes it will make your body feel really good and may help with depression & anxiety also. Wishing you all the best , you can do it , hugs
    I've been meaning to try Yoga. I hear great things. Thank you for the suggestion. I will definitely utilize YouTube!

  • ladyylocks
    ladyylocks Posts: 13 Member
    MsNeumann wrote: »
    Sounds like you have a good plan to get healthy. Take it one day at a time and you will get to where you want to be. Keep us posted!
    Thank you for your support. I am surprised by the all of the feedback and thankful for this opportunity.
  • ladyylocks
    ladyylocks Posts: 13 Member
    Does anyone have any recommendations/go-to exercises for bad weather days? What motivates you to get moving versus "taking a day off"?
  • ladyylocks
    ladyylocks Posts: 13 Member
    ladyylocks wrote: »
    Does anyone have any recommendations/go-to exercises for bad weather days? What motivates you to get moving versus "taking a day off"?
    Yoga is definitely an option. Any other strength or cardio?

  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited May 2015
    Goals are the best motivator. I used to be depressed, sleep in till 12 or even 1pm. Was lazy in the day etc. now I don't even need an alarm clock. I wake up at 7am every morning and either hit the weights or do cardio. I push myself to go out and do stuff because moving will get me to my goal faster. Make a Specific long term and short term goal. Example: I want to lose 5 pounds by June 1st. Reward yourself. My current goal is to get down to 12% body fat once I hit that I'm buying myself a rogue fitness hat.

    Also, are you supplementing vitamin D3? Most people are deficient. Low D3 levels can cause depression. I highly recommend getting your levels checked, but it's also safe to start supplementing right away. 2000-5000iu is a good place to start.
  • ladyylocks
    ladyylocks Posts: 13 Member
    Goals are the best motivator. I used to be depressed, sleep in till 12 or even 1pm. Was lazy in the day etc. now I don't even need an alarm clock. I wake up at 7am every morning and either hit the weights or do cardio. I push myself to go out and do stuff because moving will get me to my goal faster. Make a Specific long term and short term goal. Example: I want to lose 5 pounds by June 1st. Reward yourself. My current goal is to get down to 12% body fat once I hit that I'm buying myself a rogue fitness hat.

    Also, are you supplementing vitamin D? Most people are deficient. Low D3 levels can cause depression. I highly recommend getting your levels checked, but it's also safe to start supplementing right away. 2000-5000iu is a good place to start.
    Thank you. I usually take a multi-vitamin, but I have fallen out of the habit. My biggest hurdle is the I the slump I'm currently in before getting back into my routine. Once I get a rhythm going, I'm usually good about taking care of myself for a while. I don't reward myself though...that is something I can work on.

    Any one thing get you out of bed and into the swing of things faster than another?
  • galgenstrick
    galgenstrick Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited May 2015
    ladyylocks wrote: »
    Goals are the best motivator. I used to be depressed, sleep in till 12 or even 1pm. Was lazy in the day etc. now I don't even need an alarm clock. I wake up at 7am every morning and either hit the weights or do cardio. I push myself to go out and do stuff because moving will get me to my goal faster. Make a Specific long term and short term goal. Example: I want to lose 5 pounds by June 1st. Reward yourself. My current goal is to get down to 12% body fat once I hit that I'm buying myself a rogue fitness hat.

    Also, are you supplementing vitamin D? Most people are deficient. Low D3 levels can cause depression. I highly recommend getting your levels checked, but it's also safe to start supplementing right away. 2000-5000iu is a good place to start.
    Thank you. I usually take a multi-vitamin, but I have fallen out of the habit. My biggest hurdle is the I the slump I'm currently in before getting back into my routine. Once I get a rhythm going, I'm usually good about taking care of myself for a while. I don't reward myself though...that is something I can work on.

    Any one thing get you out of bed and into the swing of things faster than another?

    For me it's the progress. Stuff like being able to feel my abs, getting veins showing in my arm (it's a guy thing). It was tough to motivate my self when I started, but once I started to see that what I was doing was working, I really enjoy working out.

    About the multi vitamin, they usually don't have nearly enough D3 in them. I would highly recommend getting a separate D3 supplement as well as a quality omega 3 (you're looking for 1500mg DHA + EPA per day). I'm not really into taking supplements, but those two are pretty much mandatory.
  • ladyylocks
    ladyylocks Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you! I appreciate the feedback! I will put it on the list!
  • rmbalthrop
    rmbalthrop Posts: 9 Member
    I love what Lone Wolf put of his profile. Doing this so he won't feel old. :) I have FMS (Fibromyalgia) and sometimes for me getting out of bed in the morning can be a struggle, but since I started walking/running daily 3-4 miles a day it has seemed to help. Also remember healthy eating, vitamins and cut out any sodas. Personally soda has never been a problem with me never did care for them, I don't drink, don't smoke. My biggest problem was sweet tea, but I have cut that out and you would not believe how much better I feel. But we are all here for you. Your struggle is real, but you can do this :) My biggest motivation are my kids and grand babies, I want to be around for them a very very long time :) Lace up those sneakers and get moving :)
  • Dave55412
    Dave55412 Posts: 88 Member
    edited May 2015
    ladyylocks wrote: »
    ladyylocks wrote: »
    Does anyone have any recommendations/go-to exercises for bad weather days? What motivates you to get moving versus "taking a day off"?
    Yoga is definitely an option. Any other strength or cardio?

    I fully understand depression. For me, getting on a hiking trail helps to clear my mind. When it's raining, like it will be all weekend here, I have an Xsizer I get and do sprints during commercials.

    I almost hit 15,000 steps on this hike and did the equivalent of climbing 63 floors with the elevation changes!

    hike.jpg 192.6K
  • ladyylocks
    ladyylocks Posts: 13 Member
    rmbalthrop wrote: »
    I love what Lone Wolf put of his profile. Doing this so he won't feel old. :) I have FMS (Fibromyalgia) and sometimes for me getting out of bed in the morning can be a struggle, but since I started walking/running daily 3-4 miles a day it has seemed to help. Also remember healthy eating, vitamins and cut out any sodas. Personally soda has never been a problem with me never did care for them, I don't drink, don't smoke. My biggest problem was sweet tea, but I have cut that out and you would not believe how much better I feel. But we are all here for you. Your struggle is real, but you can do this :) My biggest motivation are my kids and grand babies, I want to be around for them a very very long time :) Lace up those sneakers and get moving :)
    Thank you so much. I have the pleasure of seeing my nephew this weekend. I will try to focus on the little blessings in life - like him. I greatly appreciate your advice. I've got my alarm set for 6:30 AM. I plan on going for a run!

  • ladyylocks
    ladyylocks Posts: 13 Member
    Dave55412 wrote: »
    ladyylocks wrote: »
    ladyylocks wrote: »
    Does anyone have any recommendations/go-to exercises for bad weather days? What motivates you to get moving versus "taking a day off"?
    Yoga is definitely an option. Any other strength or cardio?

    I fully understand depression. For me, getting on a hiking trail helps to clear my mind. When it's raining, like it will be all weekend here, I have an Xsizer I get and do sprints during commercials.

    I almost hit 15,000 steps on this hike and did the equivalent of climbing 63 floors with the elevation changes!

    Wow! That's amazing! I enjoy hiking as well. Again, something I have put on the back burner. I live in a two story apartment. I've been trying to use my stairs as a motivator to get some cardio in. Thanks for the advice.
  • aaliceinw
    aaliceinw Posts: 747 Member
    The baby steps approach is really the best thing that you are already doing. Adding yoga will be a huge bonus, I only started two weeks ago and wonder why I didn't do it before.

    Getting out of bed... Yoga will also help three because you can start your routine in bed... Because you have started it, the flow of the routine will get you out of bed... Even if it is for 30 minutes initially :)

    Checking in here to share progress, successes big n small, hurdles big n small and just "blah" days also helps a lot.

    Eating the right foods, exercising and if possible finding a hobby like drawing, painting, photography also helps a lot too. Anything that enables you to still your mind really.

    I was diagnosed with major depression and have been living with it for more than 30 years. So drop me a line if get stuck or need a little extra support. You've got the right attitude already to make things work for you.

    Good luck. :)