Looking for friends for a this long journey 100+

So....I started my weight loss journey again about 2 months ago and so far it is going well. I have 120 pounds to lose so it won't be fast. Most recently I attempted this in 2013 and went from 320 to 235...only to start 2 months ago at 303.5. UGH. So as I continue this journey I thought why not have some others that have the same type of goals to keep my accountable. I have a blog that I am tracking myself as well. thecaloriefight dot com. If anyone wants to check it out.


  • Emartz2
    Emartz2 Posts: 108 Member
    edited May 2015
    Feel free to add me!! I originally started in 2012, then my son got very sick and I stopped and ate, and ate, and ate. I've lost about 20 lbs and need to lose another 80! We can do this!
  • KP112423
    KP112423 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey I am in as well! Add me as a friend...looking to lose 80 lbs. I stress ate as well with my sons super prematurity! We can all do this together
  • mattnshell33
    mattnshell33 Posts: 1 Member
    My goal is 120lbs feel free to add me :)
  • ambersanford204
    ambersanford204 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Adam!
    My goal is 50 pounds and I have struggled off and on like you. I was down to 167 and then gained it all back up to 191 again. I was 212 at my highest at the end of my pregnancy. It is very frustrating. Nice blog you have. I can definitely relate to the whole not seeing a change thing. Not having visible results makes it difficult to stay on track, but you can do it! We all can. There will be NOTHING more satisfying than reaching those goals. I wish you the best and feel free to add me!!
  • Stephchastick
    Stephchastick Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there! My goal is to lose 80lbs; ive been dieting and exercising on and off for years... lets do it together! :) feel free to add me
  • honey81mfp
    honey81mfp Posts: 7 Member
    Well done for loosing so much before and I'm sure you'll do it again, The blog is a good way to stay focused. I'm trying to loose 90ibs. Been gaining over they years and it's hard as I love chocolate and wine :-)
  • juls321
    juls321 Posts: 5 Member
    I sent you a request! I feel your pain too. I was 217 at my highest a few years ago, lost 50 something pounds and here I am starting again at (you guessed it) 217 pounds! So discouraging. Ah well--
  • Emiaj
    Emiaj Posts: 2 Member
    It's definitely a journey. One where you have to surround yourself with lots of positive encouragement. You're on the right track! I'm about 30 lbs into my 100+ journey and know how difficult it can be everyday, sometimes every hour :) ! Stay in there and stay positive. You can do this!
  • jjkoba81
    jjkoba81 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for posting your blog, I've been reading through it and appreciate how honest you are about your struggle with weight loss. The thing that jumped out at me was when you said

    "Why do something that you hate? Well the answer is simple. Doing what I like, sitting around my house eating and watching TV, that will no longer work for me. I hate being overweight more than I hate running. "

    That is so true! I DO hate being overweight more than I hate running! Excellent point.
  • adambruce
    adambruce Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for all the supportive responses.
  • tincow
    tincow Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there I am starting again, its been one month and down 8 pounds. I am trying not to get discouraged and surround myself with people on the same journey but will not judge me when I fall as I know I will, it's a journey of many miles but it begins with the first step :) please feel free to add me also. We are worth it!
  • alyxls
    alyxls Posts: 29 Member
    Feel free to add me. I know that feeling. I had about 140 to lose when I started and I've lost about 90 so far. It definitely hasn't been fast or a perfect loss but I'm always open to being there for others going through the same thing!
  • JessicaCordell2015
    JessicaCordell2015 Posts: 19 Member
    My goal is to lose 50 pds. I would love to help you at anyway threw this process
  • MissB1959
    MissB1959 Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • strategicchibi
    strategicchibi Posts: 38 Member
    I regained all of my weight after being discharged from the military, 145 to 245, looking to get back down to at least 160, I would love to make some new friends! My workout of choice is Dance Dance revolution, but I'm looking into shoulder building exercises because I'm not too happy with my muscles...or lack of!