I need a little help... perhaps some ideas?

cissy84 Posts: 18
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
First off, I'll tell you that I went from a completely inactive (or barely active) lifestyle, to just waking up one morning and getting right to it. I used to work out all the time before I had kids. My oldest is 3, so that will tell you how long it's been since I've done anything really active.

I started working out again last Friday. I had energy and a ton of motivation. I started with just 30 minutes on an elliptical trainer. The next day I couldn't get a workout in, but the following I did 30 minutes on the elliptical again. The next two days after that, I did 30 minute elliptical both mornings, and added in a workout in the evening, such as the 30 Day Shred or bike riding. Then I took a rest day, and yesterday did two workouts again. I also did my morning elliptical workout this morning, but that was after I weighed myself. So in a week, I've burned about 2300 calories, and I feel great that I'm getting active again.

I weighed myself last Friday at 171.1 lbs. I've been eating sensibly this last week, not really keeping track but being conscious about what I'm eating. I weighed myself this morning and came in at 171 lbs. A grand total of a 0.1 lb loss :mad: I'm not discouraged right now, but I was a little upset for a couple of minutes after that. I continued with my workout anyway. I remember years ago (pre-kids) when I started working out and dieting, I think I GAINED 5 lbs after the first week and then lost weight. Is that just the way my body works?

I know I need to change up my workout routine, and I'm working on finalizing something that will work for me, but does anyone have any ideas why I only lost 0.1 in that week? Anyone have any tips on how I should go about working out a good work out routine? Any experiences?

Thank you in advance for any advice or support :happy:


  • fcrisswell
    fcrisswell Posts: 234 Member
    Muscle will retain water to rebuild itself. You may not be strength training but considering you are working out when before you weren't....you have "woken" up some muscles and they are probably in a bit of shock and retaining fluid.

    I am no expert but this is my best educated guess. Also, Really write down and meassure wha you are also eating because sometimes we end up eating more than we thing we are.
  • fitcrew
    fitcrew Posts: 67 Member
    Be sure that you are fueling clean....no processed foods,no fast foods,no sweets etc......What you eat is over 70% of your diet not just burning it off :)
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Give yourself a little more time to get into the routine. I gained 4 pounds the first week I was logging on to MFP, and then lost it the next week...Also, I thought I was eating healthy when I first joined MFP but I was actually eating about 3000 calories a day on a regular basis (and I was NOT an athlete!). Tracking what you eat, even if you don't make any changes right away, will give you some good information not just about what you're eating, but how much :) As well as how much sodium is in your food...I had no idea!
  • I was in your same situation. I have 2 daughters, 3 and 2. I went from a fairly inactive lifestyle to exercising every day overnight as well. I am an online student so a lot of my time was spent in front of my laptop.But now school is winding down and I start clinicals soon. I started my weight loss journey in 09 and lost 40 lbs in 4 months (for my wedding) After the honeymoon I slacked off and put 15 lbs back on. My starting weight was 192 in June of 09. I was 155 in October of 09. I was 170 in January of 2011 when I decided it was time to lose weight again. I am currently 158. My goal is 129. Slow going but I am getting there!

    There were weeks when I ate right, worked out every day and lost NO weight. It was so frustrating. I don't know why it happens. They say if you burn more calories then you eat, you lose weight. Plain and Simple. Maybe it is our bodies adjusting? Also, it could be water weight. Did you drink a lot? Or is it close to your period? I'm sorry I can't answer as to why it happens, I can just say hang in there...it will pass! Let it push you to work even harder, and once you do see a lower number on the scale it gives such awesome motivation.
  • cissy84
    cissy84 Posts: 18
    Thank you for all your replies :)

    I am working on drinking more water since I'm not much of a water drinker. I've been doing good the past week getting in about 6-8 glasses a day. I know I can do better but that is tons better than before when I wasn't drinking hardly any water.

    I also do not eat fast food, and rarely eat sweets. I make most of my meals for the family and I do know that a lot of those meals have a lot of carbs. (My one weakness I really need to work on)

    I just wish counting calories wasn't such a pain in the rear, lol. I know I need to be doing that though.

    I'm hoping my body will adjust soon to the sudden active lifestyle. I'm not really focusing on the weight loss itself.... I just want to look better and lose inches too. I took all my measurements last week and I'll take them again in another three weeks.
  • saradm98
    saradm98 Posts: 21 Member
    I agree, you should write it down and measure it....looks are decieving even with food :D. It will take your body some time to figure out what it is suppose to be doing, think we all have had that same thing happen at some point. Just remember it is normal and keep workingout. My WII reminds me on the days I don't gain or lose that, "it takes time for your hard work to show." Have you started the 30 day shred yet? I just bought it and haven't tried it yet...plan on starting it on Sunday. I also am doing the couch to 5k program and so far it is good :D. I would suggest that you find things that you enjoy doing and "workingout" that way; I have found that it keeps me looking forward to my workouts and less of a fight (with myself) to do it. Good Luck!
  • cissy84
    cissy84 Posts: 18
    I do have the 30 Day Shred. I bough it last summer and made it three days before I was so sore I stopped. I kind of started up again this week and did the workout one night. It was easier to do this time as opposed to last year when I wasn't motivated enough to do it. The next night I was going to do it again, but it was such a nice evening, that I went on a 4 mile bike ride instead. I took my rest day the next day and then last night was another bike ride (I love warmer weather). Tonight though, I'm doing the 30 Day Shred to get a little strength training and ab workout in.
  • TanyaPearce
    TanyaPearce Posts: 41
    Muscle weighs more than fat....and the more muscle you have the more calories you burn at times of rest. Stay positive! You are worth it.
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