Need to burn the fat and start squatting

Hi All, I'm a 28 year old weighing on at 13.5 stone who is at least a stone over weight and carrying lots of body fat. Have started cardio at the gym and am eating protein whilst cutting sugar. Doing the whole eggs in the morning, tuna/pasta at lunch and steamed veggies and meat for tea. Finding getting back into the gym intimidating. Have lost a lot of fitness and struggling to get on the free weights. Motivation coming from YouTube. Need more motivation or I'm gonna struggle. Would be good to hear from others, happy to chat back with everyone, Luke


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Hi Luke, good work getting to the gym and looking to lift. Just a reminder, you don't need to cut sugar and you can eat a bit more variety to lose weight. Whatever makes you happy though!

    As far starting free weights, perhaps look at Strong Lifts 5x5. It's a great beginner program. My boyfriend joined the gym the other week, reviewed the program, watched videos-and just started! He was definitely intimidated but says it's been going great. And you can always ask questions on here.
  • luketryder23
    luketryder23 Posts: 14 Member
    Haven't heard of strong lifts 5x5 so will check it out. Need correct technique. Am keen to eventually try crossfit. Like squatting, deadlifting etc. Hate to bench press but it's all good :)
  • luketryder23
    luketryder23 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the food tips. You look ripped. What's your daily diet like? I'm 6x meals a day but not religiously also learning to love bananas and Rob Bailey tunes, thanks for your tips
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Haven't heard of strong lifts 5x5 so will check it out. Need correct technique. Am keen to eventually try crossfit. Like squatting, deadlifting etc. Hate to bench press but it's all good :)

    I don't recommend cross fit, but some people like it. You have to make sure you have a good coach/trainer for whatever goes on in there.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Thanks for the food tips. You look ripped. What's your daily diet like? I'm 6x meals a day but not religiously also learning to love bananas and Rob Bailey tunes, thanks for your tips

    I ate at a deficit since last June and am in maintenance now. .8 grams of protein per pound of body fat. I'm anti-banana because I'd rather have meat or ice cream.
  • luketryder23
    luketryder23 Posts: 14 Member
    How much cardio vs. strength training? What cardio do you do?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    edited May 2015
    How much cardio vs. strength training? What cardio do you do?

    When I was losing I'd do a spin class per week, then maybe another 30 minutes once or twice a week. As I got closer to goal I cut the spin class, and focused hard on lifting progressively and saving as much muscle as I could.

    Now I do about zero. I always strength trained 4 days a week.

    If I need to do cardio to fix things up, or if I wanted to pad my deficit-I'd do the stationary bike or the step mill.
  • luketryder23
    luketryder23 Posts: 14 Member
    Cool. In several months time I'll cut back on the cardio and do more strength. 4x a week is impressive. Assuming you squat a lot what weights did you start at vs. what you do now?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Cool. In several months time I'll cut back on the cardio and do more strength. 4x a week is impressive. Assuming you squat a lot what weights did you start at vs. what you do now?

    You should start strength now. It's never to early to start saving muscle mass. And you might have some good newbie luck being over weight.

    When I started I think I was squatting doing some kettle bell work, then I squatted the bar, and just went up from there.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Starting strength is another good program to look into. I prefer it because of my hatred of rows. Rippertoe has done great videos for form too.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,575 Member
    Starting strength is another good program to look into. I prefer it because of my hatred of rows. Rippertoe has done great videos for form too.

    Love his form videos. Definitely how I learned to low bar squat.
  • luketryder23
    luketryder23 Posts: 14 Member
    Starting strength is another good program to look into. I prefer it because of my hatred of rows. Rippertoe has done great videos for form too.
    Thanks, sounds good. Will look into it