I was a big piggie today...... help!



  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    I pigged out, loved every minute of it. I feel a little sluggish but since I got my work out in this morning, I'm allowed to be. 1655 beautiful calories of whatever I wanted. In one meal. Who cares? I'm not going to beat myself up about it. I planned for it. It's all good.

    Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    MommyL2015 wrote: »
    I ate like a well-fed mother who deserved to be treated to a great meal. We ate at home today but it was fantastic and I don't feel a tad bit guilty. It is also my twins' 11th birthday, so I also had a piece of their Reese's peanut butter ice cream cake. I have no idea if the calories I logged are correct, and I really didn't measure or wiegh anything, it's all logged by eyeball--but I don't care. :) This is a forever lifestyle change I'm making, so if I go off the deep end once in a while, so be it.

    Happy Mother's Day!! <3

    I want that. Now.

    Happy Mother's Day ;)
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I'm with everyone else - don't worry about it for the most part. Do take note of that sick feeling you've got and evaluate it. Are you feeling sick from eating certain things or just because you ate too much?

    I believe it's totally fine to indulge and/or overindulge on special occasions but now I'm trying to be more cognizant of how much is going in so I don't feel so overfull that I'm miserable the rest of the day/night. I love food but I hate feeling sick so I'm trying really hard to learn to just say no when I'm already feeling stuffed, even in the face of deliciousness.

  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Instead of calling yourself names and running yourself down, be proud of the fact that you logged it to the best of your ability. You could have just not logged it and act like it didn't happen, but instead you were honest with yourself and put it on there. For some people that's not an easy thing to face.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Im just philosophical about calories. Youve done really well so far OP, hence I dont panic and neither should you.

    Perspective of 1100 over your target or maybe 500 over maintenance, its small change when compared to the 101,500 calories you have already lost.

    A real binge to be proud of or to cause me a bit of concern I reckon would be 4,000-10,000. I hope you enjoyed the food anyway.
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    Instead of calling yourself names and running yourself down, be proud of the fact that you logged it to the best of your ability. You could have just not logged it and act like it didn't happen, but instead you were honest with yourself and put it on there. For some people that's not an easy thing to face.

    I agree. Excellent point. A NSV for sure.

    I also tried a strategy (don't know why I didn't think of this before) for buffet dining. I took a photograph of my plates - 1 for the main meal, 1 for dessert. It made logging afterward so much easier than just going by memory.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    If im looking at the right day it was under 2300 calories, which os just one day and nothing to worry about. Dont beat yourself up, ts a waste of time. No idea why you are only on 1000 calories a day though.

    I can't see the diary. 2300 isn't that bad. Is 2300 even above maintenance?

    For some, yes.

    Of coarse for some but what about the OP? Sounds like they are being aggressive in their weight loss, trying to lose 30 pounds.

    So assuming they set their goal to 2 pounds a week and then lowered it some more to 1000 calories. 2300 sounds like it would be close to maintenance to me.

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    If im looking at the right day it was under 2300 calories, which os just one day and nothing to worry about. Dont beat yourself up, ts a waste of time. No idea why you are only on 1000 calories a day though.

    I can't see the diary. 2300 isn't that bad. Is 2300 even above maintenance?

    For some, yes.

    Of coarse for some but what about the OP? Sounds like they are being aggressive in their weight loss, trying to lose 30 pounds.

    So assuming they set their goal to 2 pounds a week and then lowered it some more to 1000 calories. 2300 sounds like it would be close to maintenance to me.

    Which is why I said, it doesn't seem like she ate much over maintenance. At some point MFP is always going to give you 1200 to lose 2 pounds a week, because it doesn't want to promote you to eat less. It would tell me to eat 1200 to lose 2 pounds a week, but my maintenance is not 2200 calories.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    edited May 2015
    OP honestly, you didn't even do that bad. I had a day last week where I had over 3000 calories. I logged it, and moved on. I had put on some water weight for a few days, but it was gone by the end of the week. The same may happen with you. If you do gain weight, it will likely just be water weight and will come back off quickly. Don't beat yourself up over it. The important thing is you logged it, and you will get back on track tomorrow. You can do it.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Im just philosophical about calories. Youve done really well so far OP, hence I dont panic and neither should you.

    Perspective of 1100 over your target or maybe 500 over maintenance, its small change when compared to the 101,500 calories you have already lost.

    A real binge to be proud of or to cause me a bit of concern I reckon would be 4,000-10,000. I hope you enjoyed the food anyway.

    Yes! I think all of us moms pigged out today!
  • lindas_eating_clean
    lindas_eating_clean Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! Tomorrow is a new day....