gut pain when walking/running

yirara Posts: 9,986 Member
edited November 18 in Fitness and Exercise
I'll discuss it with a doctor next week, but I do wonder if people here have the same experience. Since coming back from a vacation two weeks ago I'm having serious problems with side stitches. Well, most of them are gone now, but one pain refuses to go away. It's on the left side close to where to do the appendix infection test on the right side. Thus quite a bit lower than my ribs and where normal side stitches appear.

Annoyingly I feel it mostly when I'm walking, less when I'm running, and especially when I move my left leg forward. Pressing on that area the pain goes away for a short moment. But there's nothing abnormal to feel there. It doesn't seem to be a hernia, and to be honest: I cannot imagine a hernia develops just like that. No accidents as far as I can remember. I did barbell exercises yesterday (squats, overhead press, bench press, deadlifts) and could do everything without pain, while the pain was there when I walked to the gym. Walking back home from the gym I noticed the pain was gone, and now I feel it again when walking.

Any ideas?


  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    I think it is good to get this checked out. I'm NOT a doctor, but have had pain in the manner you describe, and it was related to issues with diverticulosis, which are pockets in the last part of the intestine before the colon. Those can accumulate things, sit there and fester, and sometimes become infected, which is then diverticulitis. Good luck! I hope that it isn't anything serious.
  • Ishii19
    Ishii19 Posts: 109 Member
    I can't diagnose but only tell you what works for me with a side stitch - I can't eat or drink a lot right before I run, and I also learned to get your breathing in rhythm so you exhale when you put down the foot on the side of the stitch. I was having a persistent problem with that and those two changes really helped me. Good luck!
  • HereWeGoAgain7
    HereWeGoAgain7 Posts: 163 Member
    I agree with the see a doctor comments. I get issues like this when I have an ovarian cyst forming. It turns into a nagging discomfort about a week before it either reabsorbs or ruptures.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,986 Member
    Thanks a lot all. Yes, I have a doctors appointment anyway next week thus I'll discuss it. Never had any problems with my ovaries or intestines, but who knows. I think I'll do a few exercises targeting the abs now as that seemed to have helped yesterday. I really want to run tonight as the temperature finally seems to be below 90F/33 degrees C again.

    Yes, not eating or drinking too much before workout is what I do. I usually have dinner at 17:00 and wait until about 18:15 or so. Then the temperature gets bearable anyway. I do need to hydrate properly though, otherwise I won't last for 1.5km.
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