To cheat or not to cheat... That is the question...

FryingPanda Posts: 99 Member
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
Prose aside, I was kinda curious everyones thoughts about cheat days. How often you have them, when you do have them how much do you cheat? Do you do things on your cheat days to reduce the effects? I have done one cheat day where I was more than a little over and the quality of food was a little on the unhealthy side... Oh, and then there was the beer.

Thoughts? Comments? Soap boxes?


  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    I see a little bit of cheating as helping me keep my sanity. I'd go crazy if I thought I'd never have another beer, slice of pizza, etc. And also, it's nice to be able to go out with friends to a restaurant and not sweat the menu.
  • leighton1245
    leighton1245 Posts: 125
    Prose aside, I was kinda curious everyones thoughts about cheat days. How often you have them, when you do have them how much do you cheat? Do you do things on your cheat days to reduce the effects? I have done one cheat day where I was more than a little over and the quality of food was a little on the unhealthy side... Oh, and then there was the beer.

    Thoughts? Comments? Soap boxes?

    If you are going for weight loss there shouldnt be what you would call a normal cheat day because you can totally ruin your progress with one day and if you are going for that and do wanna cheat try to do it after your body has began to use the right kinds of food the way is suppose to. On the other hand if you are trying to build muslce then cheating isnt to bad as long as your not consuming twice or even three times the amount of cals fats and such you should be ok just a little bloated and have to do extra work to use all that up.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I try to not ever cheat (I don't always succeed mind you). The goal is to change my life not do a temporary fix to my weight issue.

    If there's something I really want to eat or drink, I plan for it during to day and make sure I've got enough in my calorie budget to enjoy that thing in moderation. Sometimes that requires an extra workout, sometimes just eating less during the day.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    "you can totally ruin your progress with one day"

    100% untrue

    Cheat days are normal. Sometimes you're going to go over, even when you are at your goal weight and maintaining. Even skinny models have "cheat" days - it's called special occasions. I let myself go over 1 day a month and don't worry about it other than just try and get a bit more exercise in to counteract it.
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    i always have a little bit of what i like, i dont count it as cheat days, i count it as life, its unrealistic to think i'll never have pizza again, so if i want it i'll try and work it in, if i go over every now and again, one bad day will not ruin all your progress!
  • bfnp
    bfnp Posts: 58
    My diet isn't exactly great for losing weight, so if I don't focus on it for extended periods of time then I don't make progress. So no cheat day here, but diet is pretty kick *kitten* when I'm just trying to maintain. Including the beer.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Doesn't the term "Cheat" itself convey some kind of backwards movement or negative thinking?

    If you're following a healthy and active lifestyle, you shouldn't have to deny yourself things your a night at the pub, or ordering pizza now and then.

    One day doesn't make or break's being aware of individual choices that are made over the long term which make the difference.

    The concept of a "cheat" seems backwards in that you're going to give yourself a "negative reward" for all your positive progress.

    Wouldn't it be better simply to enjoy yourself knowing you're educated enough to make the individual choices in the long run that allow you to not have to deny yourself the little things now and then.

    Everything in moderatoin so long as it fits into your lifestyle and activity level.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    My thought on cheating is it's all relative. Cheat days where you allow yourself to completely binge out are a bad idea. They will definitely slow or stall your weight loss. But I also believe that an important part of staying on track is occasionally being able to have the foods you used to love. So a cheat day should be an excuse to have a special meal that maybe puts you over a bit, but not an excuse to pig out.
  • schaney24
    schaney24 Posts: 11

    If you are going for weight loss there shouldnt be what you would call a normal cheat day because you can totally ruin your progress with one day and if you are going for that and do wanna cheat try to do it after your body has began to use the right kinds of food the way is suppose to.

    This is true. My fiance's birthday was the 17th. We ate all kinds of bad stuff and drank tons too. Days later, water weight going away, I have gained back 9 of my 12 lbs. Very sad. Some "cheat" may be okay, but lots of "cheat" = bad news for progress!
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    I thought about that when I started too but I decided not restrict myself so much that I need a cheat day. If I am wanting something then I will eat it, I have just learned to eat smaller portions. Pizza is a great example.. in the past I would have eating 3-4 pieces, now I eat two and am done. I will usually workout alittle longer that day to try to burn it off or part of it, but I decided to never deprive myself cuz I think doing that in the past is what caused me to give up. You just have to remember that even if you have a bad meal don't let it throw you off the rest of the week. Just get back on track right away. But on the other hand I have friends who have cheat days and they do them on their weekly weigh in days. That way they have all week to burn it off. But turly it is whatever works best for you! Good luck!
  • marji4x
    marji4x Posts: 144 Member
    I have not yet had one day mess up my progress, not even one weekend (yeah I had a "Cheat weekend")

    My cheat days are about once a week and they are not grossly bad. I tend to go over by a bit due to indulging in an ice cream sundae or by just eating too much and not getting my exercise in or something.

    You need to go OVER by 3500 calories to gain a pound, so doing that in a day is HIGHLY unlikely.

    I *do* see it as slowing down things, because while I may not gain any weight I won't lose as much as I could have....but if the difference is down to something like losing half a pound instead of a pound then I don't really care.

    I want to be a normal human being, eat healthy most of the time, indulge once in a while and be healthy. If you're bodybuilding or something then of course it's a different story.

    I try to follow roughly a 90% good food 10% cheat food policy. I don't measure those percentages exactly just eat right most days and let myself go a bit on days when friends want to eat out or there's birthday cake at the office or something. Sometimes I walk a little extra to burn off those cheat calories, sometimes I don't.

    I've been losing pretty consistently so it seems to be working. Nothing fast just slow, steady, and doable.
  • wysmom2000
    wysmom2000 Posts: 101 Member
    Hate the term "cheat". That would indicate a rigorous strict diet. This is a lifestyle change and if that's not how you see it then it won't work for you in the long term. If your lifestyle includes alcohol and pizza then you need to learn how to incorporate that into your new lifestyle. Nothing works for everyone and I'm sure there are people out there that disagree with me.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    I don't cheat, I work in the foods I love every day to fit within the parameters of my calorie needs. This allows me to never feel deprived, feel fully satisfied, and not fall subject to binges of any kind.

    I do strive to make the foods I love a little healthier every time so it's easier to incorporate them and feel good about having them.

    For example, I can't have potato chips they are generally fried in corn oil and corn of any kind now makes me sicker than sick for two days straight.

    Today I learned how to make fat free potato chips that are crispy and so good. They take the place of a normal potato serving and cost the same calorie wise. I'm still getting great nutrients, a good food, and the chips I want.

    For me that's the secret to succeeding. Is to eat how I love within the boundaries every day because it is a life change if I want it to work in the long run. So that's what I do.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I don't look at any food as forbidden, really. For me it *is* all about moderation. That doesn't mean I eat chocolate every day, or drink beer every day, or whatever - but for me personally, looking at any food as good or bad or a "cheat" food is setting myself up to feel guilty about it, and I don't wanna ever feel guilty about eating. For me it's healthier to go over my calories on occasion, and really enjoy doing so, as long as I'm developing a healthier lifestyle in the long run - exercising more days than not, making healthier food choices more than not, etc.

    Hm...not sure that *really* answered your question...
  • kenmiller75
    kenmiller75 Posts: 89 Member
    If you take it as a cheat meal instead of a whole day of cheating then I think you'll be ok. Most of the diet articles I've seen suggest having a cheat meal from time to time. It helps keep you focused during the week knowing that you have a cheat meal coming up. It's kinda like picking a visual landmark to sprint to when you're running that is just beyond where you think you can go. You keep going knowing that you're almost to the stopping point, in this case it would be your cheat meal.

    If you've overdone it you can always add 5-10 mins to each of your workout sessions or do an extra workout session that week to help make up for straying.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
  • DaddyMantz
    DaddyMantz Posts: 145 Member
    i don't do cheat days. I do cheat meals but i always keep within 10% of my daily calorie goal. Out of 35-42 meals a week, i "cheat" on 3-5.
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I don't cheat but I spike every Friday after 3pm and Saturday after noon. I do this following spike84. I eat donuts, fries, pizza....whatever I want. I consume 1.5xBMR on Friday and 2-2.5xBMR on Saturday. This increases testosterone, leptin, and conversion of t4 to t3, decreases cortisol, and eleminates starvation mode. My results speak for themselves.
  • Grabercj
    Grabercj Posts: 9
    I love Eggers response. I totally agree with him.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member

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