I could use some help.

KaSidy911 Posts: 2 Member
I am a returning MfP. BUT I need motivation to help get rid of some inches. I have tried walking, jogging, crunches, cycling but i can't seem to stop with the bad foods. My eating habits are not the best but I'm wrong l willing to try something new. #Anysuggestions


    LOVEMAMMA Posts: 1 Member
    I did the cabbage diet to kick start my diet. If you buckle down for one week you will lose about 6-10 lbs and flush your system. I found after doing that I felt motivated to eat better and encouraged because of the 6lbs where I wasn't seeing any differences in my other efforts. Now I'm down 20 lbs in 3 mos....a little at a time. You def have to be in the mind set that you will be changing your diet from here on out. I allow myself the weekends but don't go overboard and then get right back into it Monday morning. Good Luck!
  • busyncmom
    busyncmom Posts: 6 Member
    Don't be discouraged. Start out by picking one meal per day and commit for it to be healthy and every few days add a healthy snack and then another healthy meal. Before you know it you will be back on track. Try some high intensity work outs to kick start your metabolism. Short interval workouts are the best. High intensity for 1-2 minutes with 1-2 minute rest in between. Jumping Jacks, burbees, squats, sprints just to name a few. But really give it your all for the 1-2 minutes.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    edited May 2015
    LOVEMAMMA wrote: »
    I did the cabbage diet to kick start my diet. If you buckle down for one week you will lose about 6-10 lbs and flush your system. I found after doing that I felt motivated to eat better and encouraged because of the 6lbs where I wasn't seeing any differences in my other efforts. Now I'm down 20 lbs in 3 mos....a little at a time. You def have to be in the mind set that you will be changing your diet from here on out. I allow myself the weekends but don't go overboard and then get right back into it Monday morning. Good Luck!

    wtf no

    crash diet *kitten*. no such thing as "flushing" your system. all of the weight lost in that first week of crash dieting is water weight, which will come back immediately after leaving a calorie deficit.

    OP, just set your stats in MFP and set your goal to lose 0.5 lb per week

    keep eating your favorite foods, log accurately, and follow the calorie guidelines in MFP

    you'll be good to go
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Kick start with the cabbage diet? EEEEEEEEWWWWW and No... this sounds so absolutely gross...

    Can't kick start or flush???... loose your weight by just eating less at a deficit.. got to end that right there..
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    I think the 1 thing that might help you the most is a food scale. Start measuring and logging accurately.

    And yeah... just say no to the cabbage diet.
  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    Moderation. You don't have to cut everything...just start eating it in moderation. Instead of giving in to the urge to eat an entire row of cookies, have 2 and then put it away. If the temptation is too great to continue, get rid of those foods for a while. My fiance can't give up foods if they're still in the house. He doesn't have the ability to just have a little. We got rid of his trigger foods. I was able to continue to eat my "treat" foods, but I just follow serving guidelines. It takes time...but it gets easier. After a while of not really eating bad foods, you don't miss it. And when you do have the occasional bad food, your body will remind you that it's bad after eating good for so long.
  • Solamer
    Solamer Posts: 67 Member
    ems212 wrote: »
    Moderation. You don't have to cut everything...just start eating it in moderation. Instead of giving in to the urge to eat an entire row of cookies, have 2 and then put it away. If the temptation is too great to continue, get rid of those foods for a while. My fiance can't give up foods if they're still in the house. He doesn't have the ability to just have a little. We got rid of his trigger foods. I was able to continue to eat my "treat" foods, but I just follow serving guidelines. It takes time...but it gets easier. After a while of not really eating bad foods, you don't miss it. And when you do have the occasional bad food, your body will remind you that it's bad after eating good for so long.

    I agree with this. You can fall into either category: the one that needs to cut certain foods out for a time or just moderate.

    Also I would add, Be Prepared. Consider creating a few sample days in your diary ahead of time to see what a day with your set calorie goal looks like. Fill it with foods you like and will eat and make sure you have those foods around and prepared BEFORE you get hungry. Doing this ahead of time and figuring out the "puzzle of foods" to fit all my nutrition goals has helped me. Try it out for a few days and if you're struggling, make little tweaks as they come, instead of huge diet revamps. It will come.
  • acollis1
    acollis1 Posts: 167 Member
    Go for a 90/10 plan. As long as you eat healthy 90% of the time you should have some success! I'm a firm believer fitness/ weightloss starts in the kitchen. I faithfully exercise but don't see results if I don't eat right. Also try some strength training with your cardio, it helps increase your metabolism. NO CABBAGE SOUP, yuck!