Ketogenic Diet Journey: Beginning and hopefully ending successfully!

colsen04 Posts: 3 Member
My name is Christina, I started the Ketogenic Diet 8 days ago and ideally would like to loose 85 pounds. I haven't had a piece of bread in 8 days and I have to say I feel great. My weight has been doing something odd, I ended up losing 2 pounds and gaining 2 pounds and then losing 2 pounds, so hopefully that is normal. I am still doing research and reading other people's blogs. Any insight is helpful. Thanks!


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Daily fluctuations up to +/- 2 lb are fairly normal as your body doesn't tightly control water content. What level of carbohydrate are you targetting ?
  • colsen04
    colsen04 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm trying to stay under 50g, it seems that Greek yogurt is the only thing I've eaten that is high is carbs and I have that in the morning. I'm glad what I'm going thru is normal. I keep hearing people losing a pound a
    Day which I would love of course.
  • canoepug56
    canoepug56 Posts: 161 Member
    You wont lose a pound a day :) I don't lose any more weight doing keto than I eating normal food in a deficit.What I do find and the reason I do it is that it stops me binging on carbs,once I start on the sugary stuff I simply am unable to stop.Good luck :)
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2015
    I commend you for trying this.. But I will say that alot of people actually gain weight doing this..

    And hearing that someone lost a pound a day is not true. Water, water and more water.. that is all this is..

    Have you had the carb flu yet? Just curious, because it is nasty!!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    So called carb flu doesn't affect everyone and is easily avoided by increasing salt intake. You can easily lose more than 1 lb/day initially, but only for a few days. Depends how much glycogen you're carrying which is largely down to the previous diet.

    50g may not be low enough to get you into ketosis quickly, that's why Atkins starts at 20g and then ramps up to find your tolerance. Proper greek yoghurt is I think <5g carbs per 100ml so shouldn't be a big deal but it is off the list for the 1st 2 weeks of Atkins for example.
  • colsen04
    colsen04 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't think I've had the carb flu.. I am going into day 10. As of this morning I am down 3 pounds. I'm starting to miss potatoes more so than bread. What diets are you all following?
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I'm using CICO. I've lost 34 lbs in under three months. I eat the foods I love, too.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Everything I have read says you will need to be under 30g carbs a day and none of it can be from sugar, grain or starches to go into ketosis in about a week. You will get there quicker by going down to 15g a day. I managed to get blood ketones of .3 after a day and up to .6 by the morning of day 3 with about 20g carbs. I had been fairly low carb prior to starting also, but wasn't tracking it and was still eating bread up until day 1. You can get a free blood ketone meter from nova max and the strips are expensive ($20 for 10) but you only need to check every now and then. My daughter is diabetic so we already owned a meter and are used to insane medical costs! There are also the urine test strips that are cheaper but they are less accurate and are based on ketones from hours before the test. I think most people use them though.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    colsen04 wrote: »
    I don't think I've had the carb flu.. I am going into day 10. As of this morning I am down 3 pounds. I'm starting to miss potatoes more so than bread. What diets are you all following?

    Low carb sort of Atkins phase 2. I eat the foods I like, plenty of cream and butter, probably at least double the average vegetable consumption and quality meat and fish with no low fat horrors.

  • buzai
    buzai Posts: 12 Member
    Hello I am starting on the Ketogenic Diet today and ideally would like to loose 50 pounds.