It seems my friends have left me...

There are a few good supporters left, but most of my supportive, uplifting, & encouraging friends on here have disappeared. If anyone is a motivator and in turn wants motivation, please add me. We are in this together. I am not seeking quantity of friends here, but quality. I'm 26, 336 lbs (began at 370), and working to lose 2 lbs (at least) per week. I keep my diary open and try to be encouraging. Add me so we can venture the journey together. :)


  • DeeMiss
    DeeMiss Posts: 47 Member
    I've had that happen. Human here, I don't eat perfect. I slip up and have had days. I started out 280 something. I'm working on losing steady
    Add me:) I won't delete ya ;)
  • A_poetiq
    A_poetiq Posts: 52 Member
    I have PLENTY of days for sure that I don't eat so great. What i try to do is not wait until the next day or the next week to do better. The very next meal. HOneslty, I pretty much eat what I want, just in better quantities.
  • DLynn127
    DLynn127 Posts: 30 Member
    So true what you said, if you slip up, get back on ASAP. My past failings haven't been in the slip ups, they've been not getting back to it. I have at least 100 to go. Sending a request :smile:
  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    Hi! I'm Alexandra. Many of my good friends have left too, I need to get around to doing a friend 'cleanse'. I'm aiming to lose a total of 60lbs. I started a few weeks ago at 196, down to 184...
  • A_poetiq
    A_poetiq Posts: 52 Member
    DLynn127....Looking forward to it!

    Alexandra....Good progress so far. Yes, unfortunately, I'm cleansing mine. Only those who haven't logged in in a really long time. Trying to support those who may just be out for a while! I'm trying to lose 200 total. Yikes! But down 32 so far and feeling more encouraged than ever!
  • jenanon1
    jenanon1 Posts: 58 Member
    Have just sent you a friend request. I've lost 72lbs to date, started at 320. I log every day, just reached 490 days today (I think!). Anyone who wants a friend who logs honestly and regularly and tries to cheer everyone on is welcome to add me :)
  • jilly1376
    jilly1376 Posts: 1 Member
    Added. Looking for the same thing! Just keep going!
  • auvenidapena
    auvenidapena Posts: 11 Member
    Just requested you to friend me! And anyone else who wants to friend me please add me! I am 247 lbs and I'm so ready to jumpstart my weight loss journey!!!
  • caz1507
    caz1507 Posts: 29 Member
    A lot of my friends have gone too. I'm pregnant and my cravings aren't exactly helping my healthy lifestyle. But I do try to make up for it. I don't delete anyone so add me if you need an extra friend
  • tlhsuthrn76
    tlhsuthrn76 Posts: 9 Member
    I need help... CAN'T seem to eat all of my daily goals. Have LOTS left over in the evening: cal, carb, fat, protein, sod, sugar... any suggestions?
  • tlhsuthrn76
    tlhsuthrn76 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 37, 5'4 & started(3-21-15) @ 230 am down to 214
  • tlhsuthrn76
    tlhsuthrn76 Posts: 9 Member
    I'd LOVE to be friends don't have any on MFP
  • SheIsBreezy
    SheIsBreezy Posts: 4 Member
    I need help... CAN'T seem to eat all of my daily goals. Have LOTS left over in the evening: cal, carb, fat, protein, sod, sugar... any suggestions?

    Me too... only because I'm eating healthy! But if I eat what I normally eat I would triple my goal!!
  • Slothbob
    Slothbob Posts: 15 Member
    Hey! I need some more friends too :) I admit to having this problem of being really good for a couple weeks, then slacking and gaining it all back, rinse & repeat. Trying to stick at it this time!! I'm 5"1' and at 150lbs - hoping to lose 20lbs.
  • clhenderson2
    clhenderson2 Posts: 107 Member
    A_poetiq wrote: »
    There are a few good supporters left, but most of my supportive, uplifting, & encouraging friends on here have disappeared. If anyone is a motivator and in turn wants motivation, please add me. We are in this together. I am not seeking quantity of friends here, but quality. I'm 26, 336 lbs (began at 370), and working to lose 2 lbs (at least) per week. I keep my diary open and try to be encouraging. Add me so we can venture the journey together. :)

    Hi! I would be happy to add you. I absolutely love supporting and encouraging people. I try to do monthly progress checks with all my MFP friends to keep each other going, and my friends have appreciated my efforts. Anyone else who wants support can add me as well ☺️. I believe the same thing that we're in this together!
  • clhenderson2
    clhenderson2 Posts: 107 Member
    I absolutely love supporting and encouraging people. I try to do monthly progress checks with all my MFP friends to keep each other going, and my friends have appreciated my efforts. Anyone who wants support can add me ☺️. I believe we're in this together! I don't delete anyone who doesn't want to be deleted.
  • namarc0
    namarc0 Posts: 480 Member
    You can add me. I started at the end of March and am on here everyday. I'd like to lose about 50lbs, have finally gotten my diet under control, and now I'm gettingh fitness plan underway. It's definitely so much easier to stick to it when you have a good support group!
  • Qtmommy3
    Qtmommy3 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey I slip up...just got back on the wagon add me guys! Let's motivate each other
  • A_poetiq
    A_poetiq Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks everyone so much! I think I have added you all. If not, please shoot me a request. Let's reach our goals!
  • A_poetiq
    A_poetiq Posts: 52 Member
    I need help... CAN'T seem to eat all of my daily goals. Have LOTS left over in the evening: cal, carb, fat, protein, sod, sugar... any suggestions?

    How many times a day are you eating? What I do is never really avoid foods I want. I try to have quality foods too. Some are higher in calories, but are great for nutrition. Are you having a snack between meals? Are your goals set so that they are better for you. My nutritionist wants me to eat between 1500-1800 calories, but MFP tried to give me 2300.