Need motivation and help with my goals

I have tried losing weight for so long now but seem to lose and gain back the same 10 pounds. After a while, I lose my motivation, or hit a difficult moment and start binging on junk food and carbs again. I have lost approx. 3.5 pounds this week (when I started focusing on my weight loss goals again), but find myself disappointed still. I have reduced carbs, added veggies and have worked out 4 times this week (goal is six times a week). Looking for some friends to help me stay on track :-)


  • sandymayhew2014
    sandymayhew2014 Posts: 75 Member
    Feel free to add me. We can keep each other on track and WE CAN DO THIS
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    You can do this. Advice I have is to not go too extreme with your diet by cutting down too much on any food group so you don't fee deprived and don't binge. Learn to eat what you like, just in moderation. Your 3.5 loss in a week is great, but realistically you might expect 1 to 1.5 per week from now on (depending on how much you want to lose or need to lose) and sometimes your weight will even go up one week- just stay the course and trust the process. It's all about consistency and persistence. If you do binge- just get right back on and don't use it as an excuse to give up for the whole day or week or whatever. Just log it, and move on. Everyone who is successful on here does not give up over the long term- but most (probably all) have slipped up, let stress get in their way of a healthy diet sometimes and binged. The difference is that they just got back on and kept at it. You can do it too.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Same here, DeeLady. Seems unfair that the loss is slow and grueling, but then the gain is lightening fast.
    You are doing great by adding work outs four times weekly and adding veggies!
    I look at it as progress for my binges to become shorter and less frequent. But I am more likely to binge after I have restricted myself too much, trying to lose too fast, that just backfires. It happened this last month. When I set the goal of losing three pounds per week I just defeated myself after two weeks of hunger. Doesn't work, at least not for me. And here I am reminding myself:
    What we need is a steady diet that permits treats in moderation, not extreme calorie restriction, and I especially need patience for the very slow pace of losing.
    Hang in there and be nice to yourself. You've got this!
  • LuckyMe2017
    LuckyMe2017 Posts: 454 Member
    Try your best! Do what is feasible. Give yourself time to build up. Over time you will have less slip ups and more progress. Just keep going!
    I have been impatient but the good thing is that I know I am going to reach my goal this time. I have made it past the 10 pound quick fix mindset. I used to think, if I can keep off at least five of the 10 pounds and then lose another 10 next month, and so on, it will add up.
    This time around, I decided to think big, give myself a reasonable time frame to lose the weight, and to not give up. I have lost 41 pounds, so I know the rest will eventually follow.
    If you think long term, you will reach your goal.
  • becckyyhopkinss
    becckyyhopkinss Posts: 1 Member
    I definitely been there. I lost 20 pounds two years ago with a very strict/ exercise routine only to gain it all back months later. This time I'm taking it slower and focusing more on feeling good rather than how much the scale moving.
  • DeeLady88
    DeeLady88 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Everyone for your responses and excellent advice. I get the message: take it slow, eat in moderation and keep at it. I really appreciate all you taking the time to respond. Thank you :-)