Im not new here but i need some help


Im Just looking for someone that can tell me how can I loose weight.. cause i have been listing my food and doing exercise and i havent seen any change in my body ... I REALLY REALLY NEED HELP!


  • Butterflynma
    Butterflynma Posts: 22 Member
    Can you say more about your diet and exercise routine?
  • Dippydog
    Dippydog Posts: 154
    make your food diary public so that we can take a the meantime...are you eating too many calories? what is your salt intake? what kinds of exercising are you doing?
  • danibee41989
    danibee41989 Posts: 222 Member
    I've noticed a difference when I cut back on sugar. I tried to get under the required sugar intake on here. To me, eating your required calorie and sugar intake will make a big difference.
  • kcalli0429
    kcalli0429 Posts: 27 Member
    Maybe you are losing fat and gaining muscle. have you lost any inches?
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I've felt that frustration before, myself! The first thing everyone will want to know is what you are eating, if you are drinking AT LEAST 8 glasses of WATER (H2O, not diet soda, not flavored stuff in your water, not coffee, but WATER), and what are you doing for exercise.

    If you can make your diaries public, then everyone can give you some good input. Public diaries sound terrifying, but I made mine public since February and only good has come of it - nothing weird! = D

    There are two sides of the fence here: Eating exercise calories and not eating them. I am in the middle so I "try" to eat most of them. So far nothing bad (wieght gain) has happened from increasing my calories when I was convinced that they would be too many.

    Also, you may need some adjustment time here for your body to start cooperating. Mine did. Everyone is different.

    Not seeing your diary for food, first off I'd say get rid of the "junk" like if you are eating those little "100 calorie packs", and squeezing fast food into your calorie intake on a regular basis. Some people do okay eating like that, but I prefer not to. Also many prepackaged foods are loaded with salt and sugar and it may be hidden under "chemical" names. Generally "low fat" diet product food has more sugar - the fat goes out, the sugar goes in. I'd say go for whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, and lean proteins like fish and chicken and beans. I'd stay away from cheese.

    Another good tip that someone recently gave me was to invest in a dietary scale. I found a cheapie "the Biggest Loser" scale at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. It is also at Amazon for aboaut 16 bucks. It showed me that my "1/2 cup" of oatmeal did NOT equal 40 grams! Sadly, the oatmeal weighed more. I'd go for weighing your food whenever possible rather than choosing 1/2 cup portions or small, medium, or large.

    Our bodies can be stubborn! Everyone is different, so don't think it is just you if you don't lose 2 pounds a week. That is an unrealistic expectation for many of us, although, some people are working out like Marines here and doing very well. I am shooting for slow and steady, and slow it is, and fairly steady so far.

    Good luck to you. I hope this is enough to get you started so when "the weight loss experts" show up you'll be ready to chat!
  • barbietrv
    barbietrv Posts: 5
    Butterflynma and Dippydog: Im trying to control my portions.. I just eat chicken and fish... Im not that good at eating salad.. but im trying my best so everyday i eat a little more, in the exercise side, Im doing a Wii console Dance worckout from golds Gym for 30 mins, and then im doing strengh and yoga from the wii fit

    danibee41989: i do less sugar that it says i should... but im having a proteing overdose every day, so i sttoped taking my morning protein shake... hopefully that will make a difference

    kcalli0429: I havent chek my inches but i feel thinner on my waist line and arms..
  • barbietrv
    barbietrv Posts: 5
    susanswan: thnx a lot i will take note.. and i will put my food log public so i can get feed back from it!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Your workouts sound good, that is how I started, and still use them! Be persistant and it will come together for you. Really try to stay in within your calories and make sure you eat your exercise cals; or at least a pretty big chunk of them!
  • Butterflynma
    Butterflynma Posts: 22 Member
    Barbietrv thanks for sharing your food diary. I see quite a bit of processed foods in your diary. It might be helpful to eat more lean meats (chicken, fish), vegetables, whole wheat grains, fruit, and nuts. Although you are eating below your calorie limit, the types of food you eat may be preventing weight loss. Hope that helps!
  • Butterflynma
    Butterflynma Posts: 22 Member
    Also, having protein is actually a good thing. I've heard it keeps you feeling satisfied longer. I have experienced that myself as I have protein shakes usually every morning and it keeps me satisfied for at least 3 hours. I also heard that protein is especially important to have when trying to loose weight. Having protein with every meal is recommended.