Clean 9 - support and feedback

Hi all

So i have decided i am going to do the clean 9 detox.

I would never normally do this sort of thing as i am all about just eating and training well. Due to a knee injury my training has been very difficult and i have really struggled to keep my eating well on track (especially since starting a new office job where there is always naughty food!)
I have bought the Clean 9 as a way to give myself a kick start anmd hopefully from there seeing some results i can build on it.

Looking for any feedback on people who have done it (how did you cope with the lack of food, resutls after etc) and also if there is anyone who is looking to do it, i think having a support group (to complain about how hard it will be!) may make it easier

Thanks :)


  • flais2015
    flais2015 Posts: 2 Member
    I wouldn't normally either - I'm a Biologist who "should know better" But I'm considering it an experiment. I'm on day 6 and am at least 5lb down (haven't weighted since day 3). Day 1 and two are horrid but after that I feel great. Energy levels are up and skin and sleep so much better!!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    edited May 2015 solid food and all I can drink for 7 days is aloe vera, bee pollen, and shakes? Sounds delicious.
  • grag79
    grag79 Posts: 70 Member
    There is solid food from day 3, You will feel amazing after it,I did it and I had great results.It is all about cleansing your system and get it in tip top condition. Think about if you haven't cleaned your teeth for a year.How horrible would they feel,The same with your body. If any of you want some info on it you can email me xgx