Is this fat/ skin/ both? WARNING PIC



  • krisnshan
    krisnshan Posts: 41
    I have 3 children and two were by c section, I had big babies too...8lbs 9 oz and 9lbs 4oz both 22" long. I have an odd pooch too. I have done everything you can think of and I am crunching and planking myself to death on the daily so if something you find works please let me know! I thankfully have zero stretch marks (my mother doesn't either and she had 5 children) but the belly pooch alone is annoying to me! I did watch an episode I think it was called Dr. 90210 or something like that a few years ago about a plastic surgeon and basically he said when a woman has a c section it cuts through the abdominal walls and it is unrepairable without surgery : (( Don't beat yourself up over it. I have to remind myself that I have three gorgeous children that grew in there!
  • 11jess11
    11jess11 Posts: 24
    i have this too after two big bubs naturally (9lbs 2oz and 10lbs 12oz) lose some weight/tone up will help but tummy tuck is pretty much only way to fully get rid of it :(
  • 11jess11
    11jess11 Posts: 24
    i have this too after two big bubs naturally (9lbs 2oz and 10lbs 12oz) lose some weight/tone up will help but tummy tuck is pretty much only way to fully get rid of it :(