Help! I'm addicted to the scale!

Ok, I admit it! Possibly even worse than my food addiction is my scale addiction! I weigh myself almost every day. And even though I try to tell myself that the number on the scale doesn't matter, that the fact that I'm eating healthy and working out is what matters, it still does. If I don't lose anything I'm stil unhappy...

So, this is the motivation I'm asking for. I want to try and not weigh myself for the next 2 weeks! This means the next time I set foot on a scale will be February 9th ( I did manage to stay off the scale yesterday)

My fear is that I will slide though... the scale holds me accountable, if I know I'm getting on it the next day, the hope that the scale will have moved that incremental amount down, keeps that extra helping off my plate! :frown:

So, I just have to not think about the scale. I need to think about other daily goals. Do my workouts and stay within my calories...

Any motivation and support would be greatly appreciated. Here's keeping my fingers crossed that I can withstand for two weeks! Geesh, I quit smoking you'd think this would be a breeze! :laugh:


  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    Ok, I admit it! Possibly even worse than my food addiction is my scale addiction! I weigh myself almost every day. And even though I try to tell myself that the number on the scale doesn't matter, that the fact that I'm eating healthy and working out is what matters, it still does. If I don't lose anything I'm stil unhappy...

    So, this is the motivation I'm asking for. I want to try and not weigh myself for the next 2 weeks! This means the next time I set foot on a scale will be February 9th ( I did manage to stay off the scale yesterday)

    My fear is that I will slide though... the scale holds me accountable, if I know I'm getting on it the next day, the hope that the scale will have moved that incremental amount down, keeps that extra helping off my plate! :frown:

    So, I just have to not think about the scale. I need to think about other daily goals. Do my workouts and stay within my calories...

    Any motivation and support would be greatly appreciated. Here's keeping my fingers crossed that I can withstand for two weeks! Geesh, I quit smoking you'd think this would be a breeze! :laugh:
  • RunningRatty
    I had someone hide the scales when I felt I needed a few days off weighing myself...
  • mitstac17
    mitstac17 Posts: 29 Member
    I understand! The first two weeks of my diet I had lost 5 pounds...I couldn't believe it and it was a true motivating factor. The next week I lost 2 pounds - Then, I got this bright idea to weigh myself almost everyday instead of at the end of each week. Well, what a mistake...I weighed myself mid week and gained a pound. It ruined my entire day...I tried not to let it upset me but it did! What I am trying to say is that it is not worth getting so upset and adding more stress to your life by weighing in everyday. I think that if your clothes are starting to fall off you and you begin fitting into your skinny clothes then that is what matters not what the scale says!!!! Good Luck - have someone hid it on you:bigsmile:
  • tishawillliams2
    Yes, I can totally relate to weighing myself every day. It helps me stay on track!! I quit smoking also, so I know how tough that can be. Congratulations on quitting:drinker:
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    Thanks guys!

    I'm really going to try, the big problem is the scale at the gym...

    I workout, take a shower and there it is... calling to me.... :smile:

    I'm not going to skip the after workout shower , which I'm sure my co-workers will appreciate, so I think I may take the shower furthest from the scale and just walk really quickly by it. :laugh:
  • StartingNew
    I know what you mean! I keep mine in the kitchen and it is near impossible for me not to jump on it everyday.
  • lifesaver
    lifesaver Posts: 132
    I definitely weigh myself everyday. I don't record it, but I like to know. I'd say get someone to hide it and whenever you think about it, just think about how you're doing a good job regardless of your weight and when you weight yourself in two weeks you're going to be so impressed!
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    If the scale keeps you accountable, weigh yourself everyday. When you start missing work, not eating, or avoiding life because you are weighing yourself then stop.
  • Families_R_Forever
    I had someone hide the scales when I felt I needed a few days off weighing myself...

    I did this last night. I got into the habbit of weighing myself the first thing every morning. Now I have set a goal to only weigh in on monday mornings. I hid it and to be honest I am too lazy to get it out just to have to hide it again. This will be exciting on Monday because now I have something to look forward to. Heidi:flowerforyou:
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    Weigh yourself once a keeps you in-line and its not soo far away as a 2 wk or even a month weigh-in would be and its realstic, esp if its on the same day, the same time, etc.

    I know that I also sneak in a scale moment but I tell myself that its a false reading, its not accurate.
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    If the scale keeps you accountable, weigh yourself everyday. When you start missing work, not eating, or avoiding life because you are weighing yourself then stop.

    hmmm.... I like this advice :happy:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    It's all about your attitude about that number.

    Here's an experiment I did the other week, for example. In one day I weighed myself six times. I had gained five pounds (water and food and well, water and food that hadn't come out yet. . .) by dinnertime.

    It's OK if you like the accountability of everyday. Just know that your weight can fluctuate quite a bit from day to day, and don't be too hard on yourself because of the fluctuation.