
Cinnamon2002 Posts: 3
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
How can you get rid of cellulite in the thighs?...thats my only problem..its no where else :embarassed:


  • svarble
    svarble Posts: 15
    I have been asking this question for a while now! Have you heard of mesotherapy? I have heard that can help.
  • Oh wow do I hope people have ideas for this. I can't tell you how much time I spent researching cellulite remedies, but everywhere I looked said that it's a layer of fat directly under the skin that's nearly impossible to get rid of since you aren't working it off when you exercise. I hope that's wrong! It seems pretty disheartening to be going to the gym everyday and NOT getting rid of the thing I hate the most.
  • CjsWifey411
    CjsWifey411 Posts: 12
    I have notice mine has gone down a little with working out but it is still there and I think there isn't much you can do :(
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    I would also like ideas for this! My thighs look horrid because of cellullite, whichmakes me not want to even think about getting in a swimming suit:( I did but some St. Ives lotion from walmart last week that says its suppose to help, but seeing as it only cost $3.50 my hopes aren't high.
  • CharityAngel
    CharityAngel Posts: 111
    There are some things that I have heard about recently, like getting a weekly massage helps. Also, using laser skin tightening. And then there is a tightening lotion that Mary Kay makes now too.
  • Franticantics
    Franticantics Posts: 117
    Well seen as cellulite is just they way in which fat gets stored in an 'unusual way'...
    So, the only fail safe way of getting rid of it, is getting rid of every ounce of fat...Obviously not realistic or a good idea!
    This storage of fat usually thanks to toxins, these are usually stored as far from vital organs as possible, which is why most people get it on the backs of legs and such.
    What you can do to help it, other than by eating cleanly and exercising issss....
    *Drinking masses of water aiming to flush toxins out
    *body brush body brush body brush...i can't say it enough, circular and upward motions around the afflicted area, this will draw the blood to the area circulating the blood and generally helping to break down the fat. Mainly, stimulating lymphatic flow!
    *moisturise a lot after body brushing!

    Luckily for men, their skin is structured differently, they're connective tissue is formed in a 'cross hatched' type structure, whereas us women have to rely on a solely horizontal make-up running perpendicular to the skin, and so, we have the propensity for fat to create little pockets between each 'string' and to bulge out...A LA CELLULITE!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    A lot of it is genetic. Some women just get it worse in some areas than other unfortunately.

    I've noticed that mine's gotten better since I started the 30 Day Shred program. I think it's the lunges and squats that really do some serious thigh and butt bustin' I don't think it ever really goes away though. Even when I was superfit as a runner just out of high school, I still had a lot of cellulite on the backs of my thighs and on my butt.
  • I heard of it but I don't know if it works...I haven't met anyone who have had it done
  • AlexandraR2011
    AlexandraR2011 Posts: 114 Member
    I've seen mine get a lot better from running. But I didn't use to have cellulite whenever I was a cheerleader in highschool, just when I gained weight.
  • unfortunately cellulite can only lessen with weight loss. its just connective tissue that is pulled away from the muscle, and made more noticeable by fat stores
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    My cellulite is ridiiiiiic! Has anyone on here tried mesotherapy?
  • zaiikaa
    zaiikaa Posts: 112
    I only had on the back of my thighs (going down relatively far, you could see a bit of it in short shorts) and it has almost completely doing away since I started working out about two months ago. Not sure what to attribute it to. I went from 130lbs, never working out, and eating nothing but junk to now 122lbs, working out 5days a week, and about 1400-1800cal/day of mostly healthy food. I do mainly spinning, walking, and a tiny bit of jogging/elliptical. I thought I was stuck with my cellulite, imagine my surprise when I looked in the mirror one day and it was gone!!! So it CAN go away. After everything I'd read online, I didn't think it was possible, but it is!
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    A good diet and exercise did it for me!
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
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