Emotional stress and loss of appetite

Has anyone else had to deal with emotional stress having a huge impact on their ability to eat? It hasn't been forcing me to make healthier choices.... I just can't eat at all. I've been having dramatic, rapid and noticeable weight loss and I know that this is unhealthy, I can't sleep and my hair is starting to fall out. I don't currently have a scale so I have no clue what the loss has been, just that it's quite visible. I really try to eat but I can't bring myself to do it. I am completely alone in a city I just moved to with a boyfriend who I recently found out has been cheating for the duration of our relationship, I know no one here but him and unfortunately have to live with him still. My friends from back home all seem to have disappeared and I'm completely at a loss for what to do and how to handle living in an environment that makes it impossible for me to live a healthy life. I've been to doctors and they just say my appetite will return and not to be concerned but it's been over a month and I manage to eat something maybe once a week and then feel incredibly sick afterwards.


  • tiffanyaiv
    tiffanyaiv Posts: 107 Member
    Stress causes that for me as well, I need to gain weight now because of it! Add me if you want to chat :)
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Stress causes appetite loss for me, but I generally snap out of it in a few days/ weeks. It sounds like yours is going on a bit long and may being approaching depression. I would seek another professional opinion IMHO.
  • fangirlfitness
    fangirlfitness Posts: 7 Member
    I'm continually living in a stressful situation and can't get away from it for a few months at least. I will definitely consult another physician and see if I get any different medical opinion.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    I'm continually living in a stressful situation and can't get away from it for a few months at least. I will definitely consult another physician and see if I get any different medical opinion.
    Even if you're forced to remain in the situation, you can be taught to cope with it more effectively for the time being. Whether that's with a prescription or counselling or a combination of both. Also, don't discredit the benefits of exercise for stress management.

    Take care of yourself :)

  • gerarda83
    gerarda83 Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2015
    I think we're all uNder some form of stress in our lives whether its paying the bills and the daily grind or a serious family or financial matter for example. It does, in my opinion, impact ones dieting although all you can do at the end of the day is do the best you can.. Its better to be under stress and earing as clean as possible than eating junk ans atill being under the same amount of stress! Easier said than done of course. Anyway I hope you come through your stressful situation ans it you never know it may make you a stronger person! Good luck!

    Ps also it may be the case of trying to eat something dense to hit a specific calorie goal.. Fats have more calories than protein and carbs so if you can manage sticking to fatty foods (healthy ones of course) it may help a little!