Getting Sexy Back

I keep hearing that phrase over and over here. I know I'm going to get slammed and perhaps I'm wrong but sexy is a state of mind..a new found confidence.. Not a body style or weight class. Afterall exercise releases feel good chemicals in our does dropping a clothing size or finishing a 5k ..or simply having someone notice you've dropped weight. I personally think a confident smile is the definition of sexy. So don't think for a minute you're not sexy on your way too your fitness / weight goals.

Smile it looks good on you


  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,153 Member
    You too. Post more pics! B)
  • aimeecasey
    aimeecasey Posts: 3 Member
    This was a lovely post to read :)
  • catjan
    catjan Posts: 106 Member
    Hurrah to sexy smiles ☺️
  • printdoc2006
    printdoc2006 Posts: 30 Member
    If I could figure out how to post pictures from my Note 3 I would post pictures ...I'm fairly proud of my leg training
  • Firecracker_
    Firecracker_ Posts: 12 Member
    Very well said. More people need to adapt that way of thinking. Once you can say that, no matter what you weigh, your whole attitude and demeanor changes. Then no matter your size your always sexy:-)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well yah...I was as sexy at 205 as I am in size husband said so...

    Sexy is a state of mind, confidence in all aspects of life and if you aren't happy fat you probably won't be much happier/sexier/more fun etc slimmer...facts of life.

    Oh and to post pics


    click the icon in the box
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I agree 100%
  • KrissyRawrz
    KrissyRawrz Posts: 342 Member
  • printdoc2006
    printdoc2006 Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you for the help on posting pictures. I'll look into it once i get a few reports done. Thanks again
  • michmoo3
    michmoo3 Posts: 2 Member
    Super awesome thing to post... Just saying.
    I keep hearing that phrase over and over here. I know I'm going to get slammed and perhaps I'm wrong but sexy is a state of mind..a new found confidence.. Not a body style or weight class. Afterall exercise releases feel good chemicals in our does dropping a clothing size or finishing a 5k ..or simply having someone notice you've dropped weight. I personally think a confident smile is the definition of sexy. So don't think for a minute you're not sexy on your way too your fitness / weight goals.

    Smile it looks good on you