Time to get fit

sgboutain Posts: 18 Member
Hi all I'm new here. I appreciate any and all tips and friends. I have a long way to my goal, and won't give up until I reach it.


  • fluffstewart
    fluffstewart Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add me, and check out my blog Chubbychronicals.blogspot.con
  • sgboutain
    sgboutain Posts: 18 Member
    Will do
  • keithw2013
    keithw2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Glad your here man. You are not alone. A couple tips?

    Here we go:

    Your human. If you are eating clean and you mess up do NOT beat yourself up about it - just get back on track.

    With that said - EAT CLEAN. This means if it does not walk or grow do not eat it. Well - get 85-90% of your diet in that category. This isn't just about weight loss but about health.

    MOVE!!!! You can really accelerate weight loss by burning calories. Walk, skip, run.....whatever - just move and frequently. Get up and do more than you usually do first thing - then at noon do SOMETHING - then at night.

    The results WILL happen!

    Lastly - think positive. Think about the changes you want not as an IF but WHEN they happen. Visualize them as a reality that has not happened yet.

    Good luck.
  • sgboutain
    sgboutain Posts: 18 Member