Can you lungs bleed?



  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I used to always get this. I had it in highschool, of which is why I was never really an active runner. I still do get this - only with running though. I have slowed down and gone at a nice comfortable pace for long distance - and it does not happen.

  • TinaLauritsen
    TinaLauritsen Posts: 52 Member
    That's the way I felt when I just started running, and then I stopped, cuz no way I wanted to feel like that EVER! But then last year I found the C25K running program, and since then it's been going great! Even completed a 10K run in the autumn. So start slow :)
  • aneesto
    aneesto Posts: 7 Member
    A couple of years ago I was the chubby lazy girl in high school who was looking for excuses not to do the 600 m run at school. But ive found a great method to help overcome that burning sensation. If you you're a total beginner try running 2 minutes and walking 3 minutes and do it for about 20 minutes 3 times a weak. Next week change the proportions: 3 minutes running to 2 mins walking. Can do it for the next two weaks. In the 4th week do 3 mins running to 1 minute and see how you feel. If you think you can do it for 30 mins go for it. Later you should be able to run 30 minutes with maybe a 1 minute break during the whole run. It does feel amazing to be able to do that! And as everyone has said before, run slow at a pace where you are comfortable to say 1 ful sentence. Later when you can run for more t

    20HJIGSAW Posts: 7 Member
    I agree with the above. I also have been playing ice hockey for years and I used to get that blood taste in my mouth. I have no respiratory problems as of now but the cold might cause that taste.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 970 Member
    Ok so this is the year! the year I become a runner! well at least that is what i have told my self

    bought new pants, set off last night........ and Only managed 12minutes!

    I had to stop because it felt like my lungs were bleeding - seriously I could taste it my chest was super tight and the entire night I was wheezing like an old lady, it sounded like a death rattle - again being super serious and not over reacting!

    I don't have asthma and i can run for 30mins+ on a treadmill......

    any breathing tips??? - for running i mean not in general - i can handle general- sortof

    My very first run, I thought I had asthma. I coughed and coughed and coughed for hours afterward. I had a coach then. He said to keep trying and if it didn't let up after a week (I was running 3x a week) to see a doctor. It was almost non-existant on my second run. So try again tomorrow and see if it gets better.

    And slow down.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'll vote with the others that it's a reaction to your first run in the cold -- I'll generally get that nasty taste and a tight chest if I run in the cold without a face mask. Give it another day to loosen up a bit, wear a face mask / balaclava, and slow down a bit so you're not breathing as deeply. You'll adapt pretty quickly.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I've always had this happen. I was never athletic when I was younger, so it would happen in gym class on the rare occasion I pushed myself. It still does happen from time to time if I really push myself, the air is dry, or I've slacked off on cardio and am starting up again. I cough (I sound like an old smoker) for the rest of the evening, but I'm fine by the next day usually.

    Of course you can check with your doctor, but in the meantime take it a bit slower next time.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    This happens to me when I run 5k races in the cold. I push myself hard, my lungs burn, and spend the next day coughing up phlegm. But that is running a 5k race... not a regular run. Every run should not be like you are going balls to the wall. I would bet you are going too fast. Slow down.
  • laurenfayecarter
    laurenfayecarter Posts: 15 Member
    I have not completed a proper training programme (albeit not in the cold) and on reflection I think the whole 'bleeding lungs' was a slight over reaction! and a case of trying too much too soon!

    I still get the feeling/taste occasionally but only when I really push myself that little bit harder! i am now running 3 times a week! :) x
  • laurenfayecarter
    laurenfayecarter Posts: 15 Member
    ** I have now completed a proper training program!
  • Curtez
    Curtez Posts: 62 Member
    What? You cant just go from the couch to a marathon bc u bought new pants. Sounds like u drastically over did yourself.
    Tredmills and actually running are WAY different.
    Take it easy! Start with a mile, then work your way up!
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Yoga, tai chi can also help with breathing improvement
  • laurenfayecarter
    laurenfayecarter Posts: 15 Member
    Curtez wrote: »
    What? You cant just go from the couch to a marathon bc u bought new pants. Sounds like u drastically over did yourself.
    Tredmills and actually running are WAY different.
    Take it easy! Start with a mile, then work your way up!

    Yes i know that NOW! i didnt before! i was silly! I have done the 5K training app Zombies, Run! it worked well ! ;)
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    I have not completed a proper training programme (albeit not in the cold) and on reflection I think the whole 'bleeding lungs' was a slight over reaction! and a case of trying too much too soon!

    I still get the feeling/taste occasionally but only when I really push myself that little bit harder! i am now running 3 times a week! :) x

    Way to keep with it!