
Since January 2015 I've lost 16 pounds and I have 50 more to go and this app will make that easier to accomplish, Team never giving up!! Looking for friends who have the same goals the more the merrier :)


  • lkbaird
    lkbaird Posts: 1 Member
    Good for you! Keep it up!
  • jessidenay1990
    jessidenay1990 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank u so much!!
  • beautifulme081
    beautifulme081 Posts: 3 Member
    I appreciate your motivation, I could use some myself
  • bethkays1
    bethkays1 Posts: 7 Member
    I lost about 30 lbs last year, then went through some personal stuff and gained it all back :( plus 10. I've lost the extra ten and WILL lose the rest! Let's do this thing!!!!!!
  • jessidenay1990
    jessidenay1990 Posts: 8 Member
    No problem @beautifulme081
    @bethkays1 omg I've been there lost a tremendous amount of weight before round 50 pounds and after a major surgery I gained it all back life happens but this time I'm in control!! We can do this!! ☺