Anyone Trying to lose the LAST 5-10 LBS?



  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Kimmy82109 wrote: »
    Last 5-10 here! I've lost 30 in about 3.5 months. The last 10 seem to be impossible

    Nothing's impossible!

    It's true that the last 5-10 pounds come off much more slowly for most people. There are a lot of reasons for it. For one thing, you're smaller so you're burning less energy just doing your normal daily activities or your workouts, so most people have to step up the intensity of their exercise to see similar burns as before. For another, small errors in logging that were masked by bigger deficits before start to become much more obvious. And the fluctuation range can mask the slower weight loss, making it seem like it's not working when it is.

    Bump up the exercise, tighten up on the logging, and just have lots of patience. It'll happen.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    sephixtio wrote: »
    I'm trying to lose the last few, slow and steady, eating most exercise calories back, and trying to move more, so I can eat a bit closer to maintenance.

    Weights, and cardio/ circuits.

    And being patient :)

    This! Especially the being patient part. I lost 27 pounds a couple of years ago and then slowly gained half of it back, so I am very impatient to be back at my goal weight and able to wear all of those cute clothes I bought.
  • Sephixteeo
    Sephixteeo Posts: 75 Member
    Well said, segacs. I've noticed about a 10% drop in calories burned going by my HRM since I started really working out 8 weeks ago and about 6 pounds ago. Which isn't a lot, but will add up.

    I don't know how true to the norm that is, but I have to push harder now or go a little longer.

  • nickycat73
    nickycat73 Posts: 61 Member
    Last 5-10 here, man is it hard. Heavy weight training and being super careful with my eating.
  • arachnofobia7
    arachnofobia7 Posts: 50 Member
    Loosing 5-10 lbs is my life song. Fortunately I have been tracking on Mfp and have finally figured out why I haven't lost the weight. Too many calories. It is an eye opener when you see it in black and white. I have always been into exercise. Between running and weight lifting, I thought I could exercise myself thin. Nope! It starts with food. So now time to buckle down.

    Jeeezz, you and me both...only two weeks on MFP to see how little we need, even in terms of ''five a day'' fruit and veg recommendation, that's about my daily allowance lol

  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Yah I gained some over my last vacation so looking to lose that plus another 5 to a new low.

    My game plan

    200 calorie deficit from TDEE that is what will get me there

    walking/running/lifting/biking/swimming...those things are for my health and fitness not for weight loss...

    @SezxyStef , say it ain't so. Aren't you the one who, not but a few hours ago, assured me that you wouldn't be gaining weight?
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    I've been maintaining by trying to lose those last 5lbs and not weighing my food. Lol

    Weights (legs, back/bi, chest tri) 4 days a week, I usually get a hike in on the weekends, and I get my 10k steps a day per my fitbit however I want (stairs, walk to dinner, run, doesn't matter).

    If I started weighing my food again I could lose it, but at 123 I don't feel the need to.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    edited May 2015
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Yah I gained some over my last vacation so looking to lose that plus another 5 to a new low.

    My game plan

    200 calorie deficit from TDEE that is what will get me there

    walking/running/lifting/biking/swimming...those things are for my health and fitness not for weight loss...

    @SezxyStef , say it ain't so. Aren't you the one who, not but a few hours ago, assured me that you wouldn't be gaining weight?

    @TimothyFish I am not gaining weight...I am losing weight.

    New Goal after being at maintenance all winter...thought I would try 140 and see how I liked it...I am still in my maintenance range no worries...even after the holidays and a trip down south to an all inclusive where I ate what I wanted in the quantities I wanted and drank my fill.
  • tscalfaro6
    tscalfaro6 Posts: 5 Member
    I am about 11 pounds away from my goal. I have started logging my food again to see my carb intake as I think it is a bit low for my activity level. I started running again and weight loss stalled. I plan to run and do sprints and starting Piyo tomorrow. Also I am eating Paleo now so my diet will not really change at all except maybe cutting out nuts and fruit (don't eat a lot of fruit, but sugar is sugar), and keep an eye on those carbs.
  • kickassbarbie
    kickassbarbie Posts: 286 Member
    Yup last 5-10 lbs here too (probably will be again next year too). It's not fun, some seriously slow progress here as I'm eating 200 below maintance tdee.

    My first time losing slowly, trying not to run head first into losing too fast. Still on weights mostly with 30min runs twice a week, tabata once a week.... Im getting there slowly. Very slowly....
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    Last ten for me too. Been holding steady since the end of March with no real weight loss or gain. I am eating at 250 under my TDEE and think my maintenance (none moving of the is all the cardio I've been doing for my up coming tri season. I seriously can't stop eating back my exercise calories................... :/
  • ilovesweeties
    ilovesweeties Posts: 84 Member
    I am 63 down and 4 to go. I just keep on keeping on, CICO. I'm interested in 'the last 5' and what it means tho. My 'last 5' takes me to BMI 24 and UK size 10, I know I'll be happy to maintain there for a good while, focused on fueling & improving my running. But, if my goal was more ambitious, my 'last 5' could still be another 10 or 20 away yet! Aren't we just saying that the less you weigh, you have to be more focussed on your deficit & accept a slower rate of loss , wherever you actually are on your journey?
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Aren't we just saying that the less you weigh, you have to be more focussed on your deficit & accept a slower rate of loss , wherever you actually are on your journey?

    True, but if you look at it on a percentage basis, it's actually not that much slower -- it just feels that way.

    For instance:
    At 200lbs, if you're losing 1lb/week, that's 0.5% of your body weight each week.
    At 150lbs, that same 0.5% of your body weight each week is only 0.75lbs/week.
    At 120lbs, 0.5% of your body weight is 0.6lbs/week.

  • ilovesweeties
    ilovesweeties Posts: 84 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    Aren't we just saying that the less you weigh, you have to be more focussed on your deficit & accept a slower rate of loss , wherever you actually are on your journey?

    True, but if you look at it on a percentage basis, it's actually not that much slower -- it just feels that way.

    For instance:
    At 200lbs, if you're losing 1lb/week, that's 0.5% of your body weight each week.
    At 150lbs, that same 0.5% of your body weight each week is only 0.75lbs/week.
    At 120lbs, 0.5% of your body weight is 0.6lbs/week.

    True! I like that way of looking at it :D

  • dawn_noelle29
    dawn_noelle29 Posts: 114 Member
    I do HIIT 5 times a week along with about 3 mile walks with my pup daily - ~17,000 steps a day and if it's nice, I'll go hiking on the weekends - these last five pounds are kicking my *kitten*. I've been around the same weight for the last two weeks and it's frustrating - I upped my calories and now will lower my calorie intake to see if that helps....I'm ~5 lbs away from my "goal" weight but then I wonder if my goal weight will change once I hit that magic number.
  • Nyappykim
    Nyappykim Posts: 57 Member
    I have about 6 pounds left to go and I'm actually increasing my calories while pushing myself further with exercise. I will always push myself during workouts because I want to be more fit and strong way after I've reached my goal weight. I'm going to eat more - not enough to stall my weight loss - because I want to start teaching myself how to eat at maintenance and because I don't mind if it takes some time to drop off those last pounds.
  • 1mumrevolution
    1mumrevolution Posts: 269 Member
    This is a great thread. So many people in exact same place as me. I'm on the last 5-6lbs also and it's tough. I'm switching up my fitness routine and have upped calories to see if that helps.
    Could we start a forum or group for us all?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    This is a great thread. So many people in exact same place as me. I'm on the last 5-6lbs also and it's tough. I'm switching up my fitness routine and have upped calories to see if that helps.
    Could we start a forum or group for us all?

    It actually isn't that tough...I did it last summer when I hit what I thought was my final goal

    May 5th I was at 155...lost the last 10 to get to my final goal over the summer...imagine an average of about 1/2lb a week...20 weeks seems like a long time but it wasn't that hard as I had reverse dieted up to almost maintenance and could eat lots as my summer TDEE is about 2400-2500...lots of beer and smores in there.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 644 Member
    9 to go here. Slower is ok...I do not want to have to do this yo yo weight business again. I'm trying to get my calories up gradually. 150 or so per day. I am getting fitter...running 8 minute miles instead of 10 so the intensity of my exercise is increasing. I am working on living a more active life in general...little things like walking the dog for 20 minutes or window shopping.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    Aren't we just saying that the less you weigh, you have to be more focussed on your deficit & accept a slower rate of loss , wherever you actually are on your journey?

    True, but if you look at it on a percentage basis, it's actually not that much slower -- it just feels that way.

    For instance:
    At 200lbs, if you're losing 1lb/week, that's 0.5% of your body weight each week.
    At 150lbs, that same 0.5% of your body weight each week is only 0.75lbs/week.
    At 120lbs, 0.5% of your body weight is 0.6lbs/week.

    Love this way of looking at it.