Frustrated as a short woman trying to lose/maintain

I normally don't mind being short - just under 5' so very short, actually. However, I get so frustrated with how much more difficult it seems for me to eat at maintenance or lower, since my calorie goals are so low even when I'm eating back exercise calories. I am small, and already hovering at the high end of a healthy BMI so I don't have a lot to lose. For the past few years, I've gained and lost the same 10-20 lbs. even while trying to eat well and exercise regularly. I used to be a lot more active and was able to eat without worrying about gaining, but I don't have the time or opportunities to do the same activities anymore and I don't have a lot of free time.

It just comes down to the fact that I naturally want to eat around 1800-2200 calories per day, but for the amount of time and energy I have available to devote to exercise at this time, I just can't eat that much. I don't binge, I don't really drink sodas, I haven't touched a french fry in years, and I eat small portions, but it is still so easy to gain weight.

Since I weigh so little already, I don't burn that many calories working out. I usually do 20- 60 minutes each day of either cardio or circuit training and body weight exercises. According to MFP I only burn between 170-350 calories doing this. I have my activity level outside of daily exercise set to account for being on my feet, lifting heavy objects and running around all day at my job. No matter what I set my activity level at, MFP tries to make my goal 1200 calories. I couldn't do that, I tried for a few days and I felt like I was starving and about to pass out, so I upped it to 1400. Eating 400-500 calories meals and no snacking is soooooo hard for me, but it did work to lose the weight.

I hate that I can't ever drink alcohol without completely destroying my calorie goal for the day.

I know the answer for me is probably just to be more active and somehow find more time and energy for exercise so that I don't have to restrict my calories so much, but it frustrates me that I have to workout longer to be able to have dessert than most everyone else, even when I already eat much less than they do. It also sucks that if I gain just 5 lbs, it is very obvious as extra weight and my clothes get too tight.

Add to all of this that I LOVE to bake... and it can be very depressing at times to be in such a small body!


  • hello_kitty3
    hello_kitty3 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm only 5'2 myself and it seems that 1200 calories in the minimum anyone is supposed to eat a day so since we're short that's what we get stuck with. I don't usually have much trouble staying in my range. Do you eat back your workout calories? Also, the MFP count for calories isn't always truly accurate. You may be burning more which means you'd have more to eat back. I have a Nike Fuelband and while I don't believe its completely accurate either it gives me a pretty good idea. I typically eat back only about 50-75% of calories burned just to be sure... if even that.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Lots of people love to eat and get fat that way. It's no difference if you're tall or short. But the 1200 limit should really have been replaced with a proportional number, according to height and gender. (I'm not sure if MFP sets a 1500 cal limit for men?)
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm 5'2", it's definitely frustrating! I highly recommend getting a heart rate monitor to more accurately track your calories burned. I use one, and I find MFP is almost always lower than my monitor.
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member

    Add to all of this that I LOVE to bake... and it can be very depressing at times to be in such a small body!

    It could be fun trying new creative ways to make your baked goods healthier!
  • I completely agree....I am 5'0 and I also find that 1200 calories a day is soo hard.
  • CWonder003
    CWonder003 Posts: 29 Member
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I'm 5'1" and lift a couple days a week but I'm not THAT active and MFP has me at almost 1600 for maintenance. It's not pigout-worthy calories but it's filling. Maybe try making the bulk of your calories lean meats and leafy, watery produce and see if you feel more satiated? I know it's hard not to be envious of the people with 2500+ budgets. I agree that when I started lifting as opposed to just running I saw a huge change in my body composition and measurements even though my weight went up a little. Good luck!
  • hello_kitty3
    hello_kitty3 Posts: 98 Member
    Weight training is really good because the more muscle your body has the more calories you burn even while resting. Its not really a calorie burner at the time of the workout itself, but it pays off in the end. Whenever I go out for drinks its typically a pub crawl, so I spend the night walking around and dancing at each place so I like to think it at least about cancels out. I used to also bake a lot but I have really cut down, it was too much temptation. Now if I bake I'll have one piece of whatever it is then pack it up and have my husband take it to work lol if I see it I'll eat it!
  • kerrijohnson12
    kerrijohnson12 Posts: 1 Member
    Great posts everyone! My issue is completely blows my efforts. My husband and I love to try out new pubs and just spend an afternoon on a patio having cocktails...

    One thing I have found that helps is bringing small sealed diet tonic (comes in small six pack at grocery store) with me, because many times the pubs or patios we go to will allow you to dump in your own diet tonic or they will allow it to be served to you. We really like vodka tonics. Also, when drinking wine, you can make spritzers with diet sparkling water. Many times places have skinny drinks, so try those. Lastly, Budweiser Select 55, is a good choice for beer. If you like the craft beers like I do, ask for a half glass and supplement by drinking water in between. I have found that I have a natural arm motion that goes glass to hand, glass to hand, glass to hand all while I'm talking, so I try to keep a glass of water handy. Another little trick I've learned is crystal light packets. Just order a shot of vodka and a glass of water, mix them with your sneaky little crystal light packet (about half) and you've got a tasty vodka cocktail.

    As far as exercise goes, I gave up cardio for the most part, besides walking. It does nothing for me. I simply don't feel like it's a good return on investment. However; strength training is what I do like. I notice my body changing and tightening in the right places. I found an exercise that's quick for people like me that are busy (everyone!). I do this routine and add yoga and walking when I can:

    10 reps each of these, 4 times a day

    lunges on each leg (20 total each got two legs, you get it)
    squats...(done correctly! squeezing core, inner thighs and butt when straightening up)
    pushups (not the female version)
    situps or crunches (I do situps)
    jumping jacks

    I do the 1st set in the morning before my brain finds out my body woke up
    Another after breakfast
    One more mid-day
    Last one before bed

    It's not too much at one time and I can see the difference. The first day I started doing this, I did 3 sets. I couldn't walk right for 2 days...but it gets easier

    I'm 4'10" - 4'11" and currently 120lbs...much to heavy for a bikini in mexico, but am losing. When I was paying attention to my food and exercise, I got down to 105.

    Today is my first day back on a healthy regimen. 2 sets of exercise in so far this morning :)

    Good luck!

  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I'm the tallest in my group of female friends at 5'6, and believe me when they go on their diets (none of them are looking to make an actual lifestyle change) I get crucified for the fact that I can eat 1700 and still drop 0.75-1lb per week. I will say, in the same way that you say your body consistently wants that 1800-2000 calorie range; mine would love the 2800-3000 calorie range, but like you, I'd be packing on the pounds if I did that.

    I know it's not fair, but the reality is, that's the hand you've been dealt and now it's about finding ways to maximize your calories and your enjoyment of food.

    All of the postings you're seeing about strength training are on the right path - the more muscle versus fat you have, the more calories you'll burn, even if you still weigh the same. Find a lifting routine that works with your schedule (we've all got lives to live) and stick with it.

    Your cardio sessions, for 60 minutes, honestly don't sound that intense if you're burning 170-340 calories; well, to clarify, the 340 doesn't sound too bad. You should really look for workouts that, in terms of calories burnt, are going to give you the best bang for your buck. I borrowed a friend's HRM, calibrated it to my stats, and did a 45 minute Zumba class and then a 45 minute walk/run combo the next day; I burnt significantly more doing Zumba than running. If you don't have a lot of time, HIIT will be your friend.

    If you're looking to be satiated on small amounts of calories, vegetables, fruits and other low cal items are going to have to be your goal; any high cal, small density food won't help. Focusing on quantity may be something that's important to you.

    I will also say that a lot of the friends I have on MFP who are shorter do intermittent fasting to narrow the window of time they eat in a day. I obviously have no idea if that's a feasible idea for you.
  • camground2
    camground2 Posts: 41 Member
    I completely agree....I am 5'0 and I also find that 1200 calories a day is soo hard.

    Yep. 5'2" here. I like to drink a glass of wine at nite so I have to exercise! I have to look at every chip and calculate. Can I eat it?