What should i be eating when I don't like anything?!



  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    First of all, corn and potatoes are starches, not vegetables...

    Starchy vegetables are still vegetables. Corn is arguably a grain, though most consider sweet corn a vegetable. But both corn and potatoes are nutritious.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You could just reduce the amounts of what you eat and be fine, regarding weight loss, even though it would mean you would be often hungry. Problem is with a diet that unbalanced, regardless of weight, you are bound to have health problems. You need protein, fiber, vitamins. Maybe use your favourite foods as the basis, and try recipes with a greater variety regarding nutrients?
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Don't give up the things you really like, just eat less of them. If I had to give up bread and cheese I never would have made it to my goal weight. Enjoy the fruits/veggies that you do like, you don't have to force yourself to eat the ones that you hate. As far as veggies go, if you really do want to try different ones, I love them roasted with olive oil, salt and pepper. Hope this helps.
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I HIGHLY recommend roasting your veggies. Roasted cabbage is quickly becoming one of my favorite sides. I'll chop up 100g of cabbage and shake it in a bag with 1/2 tsp of olive oil and a little salt and pepper. Then spread evenly on an ungreased baking sheet and cooked for all of about 5 minutes along with whatever else is in there (chicken @ 400 degrees, usually).

    25 calories for the cabbage, ~20 calories for the oil (it ends up being less than that but I log the full amount since very little is getting left behind in the bag). Just think of the volume of food you could go for with this. Yum yum.

    If you don't like veggies, it's important to note WHY you don't like them. Is it the taste? Try cooking them differently. Still yucky? Try another veggie. Texture gross? Cook another way! Chopped and roasted, mashed, diced up in a casserole.

    There's SO MANY options. Experiment a little! Look up recipes on pinterest, find things that sound yummy and not too difficult, and commit to trying one each week. Have a backup plan ready in case it doesn't work out.

    You've got a really good attitude for this so I know you can succeed :)

  • stevedjarrell
    stevedjarrell Posts: 5 Member
    For pasta I highly recommend the black bean pasta substitute. It tastes the same with sauce, same texture also just a lot of protein and no carbs / Sugars.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    This response is going to go against the grain, and on face value may not be supportive, but it really is meant to be. Sometime the best advise is not what you want to hear. I was just like you. Here is what I've learned, your tastes are conditioned, you've learned to like what you like. The good news is you CAN learn to like more healthy options - I did.

    Make lean protean the foundation of your meals. Fish, chicken, some cuts of pork.

    Experiment eating different non-starchy carbs prepared in a variety of ways. Eventually you will find what you like. For me I like raw or lightly cooked veggies. For me sweet peppers, asparagus, carrots, sweat peas raw in the pod, fresh greens. Experiment with this. Eventually you will find what you like and how you like it prepared.

    If you must have grain, make it whole grain.

    Personally, until you get to the weight you want I'd avoid starchy carbs like potatoes. And I wouldn;t go near a pizza.

    For years (maybe your whole life) you've been conditioned to like unhealthy food. If you eat right, avoid this unhealthy food, your tastes will change, you will condition yourself to prefer healthier food, but it won't happen if you don't change you eating behavior.

  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Keep trying to eat better food. Our tastes can be changed it just takes time.


  • jddnw
    jddnw Posts: 319 Member
    Goal_Line wrote: »
    This response is going to go against the grain, and on face value may not be supportive, but it really is meant to be. Sometime the best advise is not what you want to hear. I was just like you. Here is what I've learned, your tastes are conditioned, you've learned to like what you like. The good news is you CAN learn to like more healthy options - I did.

    Make lean protean the foundation of your meals. Fish, chicken, some cuts of pork.

    Experiment eating different non-starchy carbs prepared in a variety of ways. Eventually you will find what you like. For me I like raw or lightly cooked veggies. For me sweet peppers, asparagus, carrots, sweat peas raw in the pod, fresh greens. Experiment with this. Eventually you will find what you like and how you like it prepared.

    If you must have grain, make it whole grain.

    Personally, until you get to the weight you want I'd avoid starchy carbs like potatoes. And I wouldn;t go near a pizza.

    For years (maybe your whole life) you've been conditioned to like unhealthy food. If you eat right, avoid this unhealthy food, your tastes will change, you will condition yourself to prefer healthier food, but it won't happen if you don't change you eating behavior.

    Best advice so far.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    jddnw wrote: »
    Goal_Line wrote: »
    This response is going to go against the grain, and on face value may not be supportive, but it really is meant to be. Sometime the best advise is not what you want to hear. I was just like you. Here is what I've learned, your tastes are conditioned, you've learned to like what you like. The good news is you CAN learn to like more healthy options - I did.

    Make lean protean the foundation of your meals. Fish, chicken, some cuts of pork.

    Experiment eating different non-starchy carbs prepared in a variety of ways. Eventually you will find what you like. For me I like raw or lightly cooked veggies. For me sweet peppers, asparagus, carrots, sweat peas raw in the pod, fresh greens. Experiment with this. Eventually you will find what you like and how you like it prepared.

    If you must have grain, make it whole grain.

    Personally, until you get to the weight you want I'd avoid starchy carbs like potatoes. And I wouldn;t go near a pizza.

    For years (maybe your whole life) you've been conditioned to like unhealthy food. If you eat right, avoid this unhealthy food, your tastes will change, you will condition yourself to prefer healthier food, but it won't happen if you don't change you eating behavior.

    Best advice so far.

    Not the avoid grains, potatoes and pizza part.

    The rest is good though.