Looking for support

My name is Amanda, I have been slowly trying to loose weight for the past 2 years. I've lost them gained then lost then..... You know the story. The point is, I'm 33yr old Mother of 5 and due to a car accident in December, and 2 Mini TIA's in the past 30 days I have lost all feeling in my right side. I'm now discharged from the hospital and am with Home Rehab PT/OT. I have a knee immobilizer due to my right leg numbness and buckling. My PT has ordered an AFO Brace and has stated my foot and hand are a 0 out of 5. I'm normally a very busy body, running errands, cooking, cleaning and being my kids Taxi. I now can barley "walk" (Dragging right leg) more then 2 hours a day. I can't afford to gain any more weight since I'm home all the time and can't even drive. I have started infusing water with fruits veggies and Herbs, and am trying my hardest not to eat because of depression. So far I'm 3 days strong! Lol! I'm looking for any suggestions, weight loss magic potions lol.... And just Overall Support.


  • jocey517
    jocey517 Posts: 30 Member
    keep doing what you are doing - it sounds like right now you can't do much of anything physically but you can control what you put in your body. drink as much water as possible to help stay hydrated and track what you eat and stay within your daily calories. If you at least do this it will help you so much more when you are able to start moving physically. It will also help you feel better and like you have a bit of control in what probably feels like a helpless situation. keep your head up:)