So frustrated. I want to give up.

Hi! I just feel so discouraged. I'm not really sure where to start. For the last three days I have eaten whatever I have seen and wanted. At this point, the scale has been very consistent. I have weighed the same for the last five days but then today the scale ballooned up five pounds. I know it's my fault. Is it real weight gain?
How do I get back on the wagon... I feel so defeated and alone. I am desperately wanting help and motivation to lose weight.


  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    Then give up, you'll never accomplish something unless you want to. It's either eating X crappy food item is worth that 2 minutes of enjoyment, or feeling good about yourself physically forever.

    yesterday at work we had free pizza, today there were free brownies and every friday there is free donuts. The people that eat this are in terrible shape, sure they win for those 5 minutes each day w\their delicacy, but i was far happier eating my oatmeal this morning knowing tomorrow i'll be that much closer to my goals.

    5 minutes of enjoyment vs forever feeling good about yourself.

    pretty simple.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,217 MFP Moderator
    edited May 2015
    It's probably just water weight. You won't have gained 5 lbs in a few days unless you ate 7000+ calories OVER your maintenance calories. And even then, it'll take a few days to show up. Fluctuations on the scale are very very normal. Just dust yourself off and get back on the wagon by making sure you eat better tomrrow, then the next day. You've got this. A day of indulgence (or several) won't make a difference in the long run, so long as you don't continue to overindulge. :flowerforyou:
  • Sheseeksstrength
    Sheseeksstrength Posts: 138 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    Then give up, you'll never accomplish something unless you want to. It's either eating X crappy food item is worth that 2 minutes of enjoyment, or feeling good about yourself physically forever.

    yesterday at work we had free pizza, today there were free brownies and every friday there is free donuts. The people that eat this are in terrible shape, sure they win for those 5 minutes each day w\their delicacy, but i was far happier eating my oatmeal this morning knowing tomorrow i'll be that much closer to my goals.

    5 minutes of enjoyment vs forever feeling good about yourself.

    pretty simple.

    I love this! Thank you! You're right, my goals are more important.

  • rejs1170
    rejs1170 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there...I know the frustrations of weight loss, and if you view my profile you can see how I have yo-yoed over the last two years, generally because I get depressed and go back to eating and drinking comfort foods. I am being sucessful in my latest attempt (last three months), and hope to keep up the run. Feel free to contact me if you want a little more motivation or support.
  • Vidarsbane
    Vidarsbane Posts: 30 Member
    There are so many things in this world you can't change, the only thing that can really change is you, face your problems head on, never surrender and become the person you've always wanted to be! Or give up and stay the way you are now, that you're not happy with and won't ever be.

    I know what I'm choosing! You can do the same, you are not alone!
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,217 MFP Moderator
    brdnw wrote: »
    Then give up, you'll never accomplish something unless you want to. It's either eating X crappy food item is worth that 2 minutes of enjoyment, or feeling good about yourself physically forever.

    yesterday at work we had free pizza, today there were free brownies and every friday there is free donuts. The people that eat this are in terrible shape, sure they win for those 5 minutes each day w\their delicacy, but i was far happier eating my oatmeal this morning knowing tomorrow i'll be that much closer to my goals.

    5 minutes of enjoyment vs forever feeling good about yourself.

    pretty simple.

    @brdnw - I eat brownies. I had pizza for dinner (meat-lovers... and it was freaking delicious). And I have lost (and maintained said loss) 70 pounds. I run half-marathons, will be doing a warrior dash on Saturday, and my teenage sons have trouble keeping up with me. I'm in the best shape of my life - to include the time I spent in the US Army, when I was forced to exercise religiously to meet their physical fitness standards. All while eating the occassional pizza, donut, brownies, candy and ice cream.
  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    Then give up, you'll never accomplish something unless you want to. It's either eating X crappy food item is worth that 2 minutes of enjoyment, or feeling good about yourself physically forever.

    yesterday at work we had free pizza, today there were free brownies and every friday there is free donuts. The people that eat this are in terrible shape, sure they win for those 5 minutes each day w\their delicacy, but i was far happier eating my oatmeal this morning knowing tomorrow i'll be that much closer to my goals.

    5 minutes of enjoyment vs forever feeling good about yourself.

    pretty simple.

    Yep, this is my mindset as well!!!!

  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    Stop weighing yourself everyday. That's too much. Your weight fluctuates as much as 8 pounds up or down throughout the day. Once a week is plenty enough to weigh yourself.
    Drink enough water to prevent water weight
    forget about the past week, forget about the past hours. Start again right now. Go drink some water, have a healthy snack and get back on the horse.

    My birthday was this past weekend and I will tell you I gained more than five pounds. All fat? Absolutely not! there's not possible way for me to have eaten enough calories to make me gain that much. Three days later, I'm down five pounds. And I haven't even eaten healthy food, I just made sure to drink more water and eat better portions. Tomorrow I'll be eating healthier again and I'll bet most, if not all, of that weight will come off in a matter of days.

    Don't give up, have patience. Stop weighing yourself everyday and just do it :)
  • JeraldTX
    JeraldTX Posts: 42 Member
    Did you learn to ride a bike with out falling off a few times? Do you parallel park first time every time? Have you never tripped wile walking? I'm betting the answer is, "No". This isn't really any different. So, you just did a big ol' face plant. Are you going to stop walking or pick yourself up brush yourself off and keep on going?
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Why have you felt the need to eat everything in sight? Are you being overly restrictive in your eating habits and not allowing yourself things you enjoy? Since I started on MFP, I feel like I've been eating like a queen- I have a good, balanced diet and have worked in anything I've wanted. I'm not sure I'd eat any differently if I could. As for not having lost in 5 days... it happens. Today for some reason the scale showed me up a lb. I'm eating under my calorie goal and not eating exercise calories- I know it is just a freak thing. Relax :)
  • ibamosaserreinas
    ibamosaserreinas Posts: 294 Member
    Maybe you shouldn't weight daily? Five days of the scale not moving is not abnormal. Decide that you are in it for the long haul. There may be weeks of it not moving even if you are sticking to your calorie deficit. Weight loss is not linear.
  • slp51
    slp51 Posts: 201 Member
    My favorite saying in the fitness world:

    You can throw in the towel or use it to wipe the sweat off your face.

    An important thing to remember is that *this* is a journey. It's not an overnight fix. If it were, obesity in this country would cease to exist. Have you set achievable goals? Like "I will walk two flights of stairs by July 1 without feeling winded." Or "I will rock that sexy dress for XXX's summer party." Or "beginning tomorrow, I will incorporate X servings of fruits and veggies into my daily consumption." Goals help keep you focused and accountable to yourself.

  • Seafood10
    Seafood10 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm new, only a couple weeks, just about three. It took me awhile to really see a pattern of overeating. Snacking after work and before bed. After all that time of being on and being off, I finally realized it's all about keeping track of what you eat. I saw a pattern, not a healthy one, and now am getting a grip on my eating. It's not easy. One day at a time. Don't be so hard on yourself. It will happen for you, too! Check out my food diary and you will see the yo yo syndrome. I'm glad tracking made me aware of what my eating habits were. Take it day by day!!!
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Do not beat yourself up for "falling off the wagon." All of us have done it. Instead, try to determine what triggered you to overindulge. Acknowledge the triggers, then move forward. I always approach it with the mindset of "yeah, I'm not at the weight I want to be but I'm doing something about it, and if I continue to do something about it eventually I will be where I want to be." Doing something about it, aka taking control, always makes me feel good about myself.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    davis_em wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    Then give up, you'll never accomplish something unless you want to. It's either eating X crappy food item is worth that 2 minutes of enjoyment, or feeling good about yourself physically forever.

    yesterday at work we had free pizza, today there were free brownies and every friday there is free donuts. The people that eat this are in terrible shape, sure they win for those 5 minutes each day w\their delicacy, but i was far happier eating my oatmeal this morning knowing tomorrow i'll be that much closer to my goals.

    5 minutes of enjoyment vs forever feeling good about yourself.

    pretty simple.

    @brdnw - I eat brownies. I had pizza for dinner (meat-lovers... and it was freaking delicious). And I have lost (and maintained said loss) 70 pounds. I run half-marathons, will be doing a warrior dash on Saturday, and my teenage sons have trouble keeping up with me. I'm in the best shape of my life - to include the time I spent in the US Army, when I was forced to exercise religiously to meet their physical fitness standards. All while eating the occassional pizza, donut, brownies, candy and ice cream.

    we clearly have different goals. I'm trying to get to 8% bodyfat, i disagree with 'if it fits in your macros'. I read alot on nutrition, body building, lifting and the people i respect most and are in the shape i want to emulate most often don't agree with IIFYM.

    Also, running a half marathon doesn't mean you're in any special shape. My first run this year, and having not ran in a few months, i ran 10 miles (at a measily 6mph pace) but it reiteartes that it doesnt' take any special sort of cardio or running ability to do that extra 3 miles. i ran the warrior dash when i was 70lbs heavier, so that isn't indicative of health. Comparing teenage sons whom have no fitness context doesn't make any sort of point.

    I don't have any desire to eat pizza, it's exceedingly calorie dense (and i eat alot of food so i want to feal fufilled and not have to eat 1500 calories to do), it increases my carbs, gives me a worthless amount of protein for the calories, i certainly don't feel good after eating greasy food and genuinely it doesn't taste good. I've gone probably 3 years without getting fast food once. I don't continue this streak out of pride or some motive, that food just isn't enticing as my goals are. Eating greesy food bleh. I'll have dessert or something 'bad' once in a while but the point is to do it very seldomly. Food was intended for nutritious and to supplement our health, when it becomes a rewards or an enjoyment that i don't need.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Let me ask you this. If your best friend were trying to lose weight--or facing any difficult challenge, really--and they didn't have it down perfectly after 8 days, would you tell them to quit?
  • AngeliqueBone
    AngeliqueBone Posts: 3 Member
    I had a really, really bad day today. For the first time I was tempted to let myself slip up. At the grocery store, I stared at the junk that the part of me that craves that instant comfort, then thought about how hard I've been working. I've just gotten back on track, so I talked it out with myself. Yeah, today I went over my goals, but I still worked out, and I put everything in my log to hold myself accountable, and I still kept ahold of myself. The mind is a beast, it just takes a while to train it. Just hang in there.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    Stop weighing yourself everyday. That's too much. Your weight fluctuates as much as 8 pounds up or down throughout the day. Once a week is plenty enough to weigh yourself.
    Drink enough water to prevent water weight
    forget about the past week, forget about the past hours. Start again right now. Go drink some water, have a healthy snack and get back on the horse.

    My birthday was this past weekend and I will tell you I gained more than five pounds. All fat? Absolutely not! there's not possible way for me to have eaten enough calories to make me gain that much. Three days later, I'm down five pounds. And I haven't even eaten healthy food, I just made sure to drink more water and eat better portions. Tomorrow I'll be eating healthier again and I'll bet most, if not all, of that weight will come off in a matter of days.

    Don't give up, have patience. Stop weighing yourself everyday and just do it :)

    i agree and disagree....i weight myself constantly and multiple times a day and it helps me to always watch my trends and understand what affects my weight.

    but sunday night i weighed 209 and today i weigh my normal 198...sometimes the scale is just a jerk.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    I had a really, really bad day today. For the first time I was tempted to let myself slip up. At the grocery store, I stared at the junk that the part of me that craves that instant comfort, then thought about how hard I've been working. I've just gotten back on track, so I talked it out with myself. Yeah, today I went over my goals, but I still worked out, and I put everything in my log to hold myself accountable, and I still kept ahold of myself. The mind is a beast, it just takes a while to train it. Just hang in there.

    Hey, congrats on that!