So, I have been out of the game for some time now. Okay, a looooooong time. However, this time I am in my mid 30's and have noticed a dramatic difference in how my eating habits are affecting my body. Its time to wake up and shake it up! Being a single mom things can be strassful and time is limited. By the time I get home from work/daycare, it is 7pm already and I am so hungry I want to eat everything in sight! Yesterday was my first day starting to coin my calories. I know itbworks because I did it a long time ago and it was honestly the ONLY thing that worked. I dread thinking about counting calories but this is a great way to network with others trying to reach similar goals. It helps TREMENDOUSLY when trying to stay on track. Friendly competition is always a great motivator!

So, yesterday I failed terribly. I went over my goal by like 500 calories. What is worse is I realized that I have been eating this way and worse for the last 5+years!! I have actually trained myself into believing my eating habits were excused by time limitations and how hungry I was. Really, I was just being lazy, I was unmotivated and gave up.

Today, day 2, I am turn in over a new leaf! I understand nutrition and how the body works. Now, I just have to apply it to my everyday life. Check out my diary from yesterday versus today. I think you will see a tremendous difference and I believe I will feel the difference!

It is all about choosing the right foods in replacement for the things we have allowed ourselves to be consumed by. So now, instead of our food consuming us, we will consume a healthy balanced diet that will get us all on track! I will list some tips and tricks later on.... Keep me posted and I will too! :-D


  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Did you use mfp previously? Its a learning experience figuring out the correct diet for you. Before you race off, then id suggest pacing yourself and transitioning into your journey at a controlled pace. Whilst you have the enthusiasm at the beginning, the importnat thing is that you are there at the end instead of having burned out. Just log for a week or two to get an idea of what you are consuming and slowly bring the allowance down to your required deficit. Consistent deficits are key. If you are happy with a healthy balanced diet then stick with that and dont stress about any of the complicated alternatives, but focus on deficit. Good luck.
  • Emil07
    Emil07 Posts: 37 Member
    For people who are extremely busy. I have found that when I prep all my meals for the week I have no reason not to eat healthy. Fail to plan plan to fail
  • lolab983
    lolab983 Posts: 16 Member
    I also found that once I hit 30 my metabolism slowed WAY down and it's been much harder to lose weight than it used to be. I used to just cut out starches and I'd lose a ton. But I never kept it off. Over the past 10 years I have been in between 115 and 177 lbs, clearly I need to learn to maintain a healthy weight because all this yoyo dieting has really messed with my metabolism!(that, along with medication and just getting older).
    Good luck!!
  • myepi
    myepi Posts: 12 Member
    Even though i opened the profile 3 yrs ago I just started b/c a nutritionist suggested I log my intake. i ate too little most of my life and I have about 15lbs too much. I immediately learned I have to plan meals two to three days out. Then it's ally easy to stay on track. I am on 1500calories minus fitness calories of roughly 700, taken from my heart rate monitor. One week and 5.5 lbs down. Yeay!