What worked for you?Please share Tips and suggestions for weight loss



  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Can someone please tell me if it is possible to eat red meat and still lose weight, of course eating In moderation and staying within the proper calorie intake needed to lose weight?

    I don't eat as much as I fix my husband and son. They usually eat 4-6 ozs if its a steak, and I am happy with 2-3 oz. I basically use meat products, steak, chicken, turkey or beef kelbasa, as flavoring to other things like wild rice, or veggies. I like the flavor but I would rather combine other stuff to make a dinner then just have a steak and something else.
  • bre11217715
    bre11217715 Posts: 44 Member
    edited May 2015
    @Annr are you just trying to maintain your weight or are you having success loosing weight with what you're doing?
  • chelsmaee7
    chelsmaee7 Posts: 115 Member
    chelsmaee7 wrote: »
    @chelsmaee7 it's good to know that you've lost weight and you haven't Gave up On eating meat.I think I will incorporate meat again. I just had some about an hour ago with spinach and I feel a lot better. I like the idea of modifying your exercise if you know you will have something heavier than the other days.

    I have tried losing weight so many times by completely cutting out so many foods and I've always failed. This time I've learned that I can eat foods I like as long as I can fit them into my calories. I never eat back my exercise calories but that extra walk just makes me feel better lol by not cutting out everything I love though I've been able to consistently stick to staying within my calories and also eating better by adding the vegetables but also have my meat. I've been loving beef tenderloin kabobs lately!! I've lost 5 pounds in 3 weeks just by watching my calories more closely (but still eating an entire personal pizza occasionally) and light activity. I've also pretty much cut out any liquid calories which has helped a ton!

    oh my god !that's exactly what I'm doing. okay I am not giving up because it hasn't been as hard just trying to cut out some of the Foods high in carbs, and still enjoying things that I thought I couldn't eat. But I will maybe only have a little piece instead of eating the whole thing. And yes it's taking me longer to lose the weight but it seems that this is the way I can stick to it because I'm trying to stick to a healthy living for the rest of my life not just to lose weight. you reassured me that it is possible to lose weight even though I'm not sticking to just a veggie diet.

    I know for me it would be impossible to make this a lifestyle without being able to eat food that I enjoy. Before reading posts on mfp I didn't think that it was possible to lose weight without "dieting" but I've learned that if it fits into your calories, you can eat it. I only had maybe a 4oz piece of tenderloin last night but I couldn't even finish it because the rest of my plate was filled with vegetables and I ate most of those first lol you can do it!! I find that exercising before I have dinner also helps me be more mindful of how much I'm eating because I don't want to ruin the hard work by over eating. Good luck!!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Oh I have a long journey to go still! I would like to lose about 70 lbs. I have noticed that I funtion better when I eat other proteins besides steak or beef.
  • bre11217715
    bre11217715 Posts: 44 Member
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    first, figure out when you're most hungry. if that is at night, eat less in the mornings or vice versa. make sure you focus on your macros, i.e. eating enough protein.
  • bre11217715
    bre11217715 Posts: 44 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Oh I have a long journey to go still! I would like to lose about 70 lbs. I have noticed that I funtion better when I eat other proteins besides steak or beef.

    I have 60 pounds more to go. I'm enjoying All the hard work. It's crazy but I'm finally mentally there.....everyday I'm motivated. The 20 pounds I lost allows me to wake up everyday happier, I'm not coming home and feeling depressed. I was able to run after my 2 year old without feeling out of breath.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You can eat whatever you want, anytime you want, and still lose weight as long as you stay in a calorie deficit.

    That said, what are your stats? What is your calorie goal each day? How much are you trying to lose?
  • bre11217715
    bre11217715 Posts: 44 Member
    j4nash wrote: »
    first, figure out when you're most hungry. if that is at night, eat less in the mornings or vice versa. make sure you focus on your macros, i.e. eating enough protein.

    I wasn't eating red meat but I was eating chicken, fish .i know it's weird to have hunger pain if I'm eating what I should. I'm already getting great advice, and reassurance that I'm on track.I'm the hungriest after the gym at night.
  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    edited May 2015
    I was having some trouble with hunger. I swapped some snacks for two 12 oz servings of skim milk daily. Milk is really satiating to me. The combination of slow digesting and fast digesting protein with all the vitamins and calcium make it a great after work out drink. I was afraid to drink milk at first because of the calories, but I have discovered that I have so much less hunger that it easily fits into my day. I save it for my hungry times of the day like after swimming laps or my late afternoon work break.
  • bre11217715
    bre11217715 Posts: 44 Member
    j4nash wrote: »
    first, figure out when you're most hungry. if that is at night, eat less in the mornings or vice versa. make sure you focus on your macros, i.e. eating enough protein.

    I wasn't eating red meat but I was eating chicken, fish .i know it's weird to have hunger pain if I'm eating what I should. I'm already getting great advice, and reassurance that I'm on track.I'm the hungriest after the gym at night.
    sandryc79 wrote: »
    I was having some trouble with hunger. I swapped some snacks for two 12 oz servings of skim milk daily. Milk is really satiating to me. Then combination of slow digesting and fast digesting protein with all the vitamins and calcium make it a great after work out drink. I was afraid to drink milk at first because of the calories, but I have discovered that I don't have so much less hunger that it easily fits into my day. I save it for my hungry times of the day like after swimming laps or my late afternoon work break.

    Great tip! I am scared to drink Any milk because of the calories so I've been drinking almond milk. I've also been blending plain yogurt with berries and may I add a little bit of almond milk And little piece of banana it help me with my hunger.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @bre11217715 being able to chase after your kids is soo important! Wait until you slide down the slide and go up the rock walls with them. Really the smile on your kid's face makes all the hard work worth it. My main thought through all of this journey is....Losing Weight Isn't the Key to Happiness....HAPPINESS Is the Key to Losing Weight. So I try to keep it simple...doable. I log in my food, I move every day, I take my vitamins, I stay hydrated, I change up my food cooking. I am learning to be a "hunt and gatherer" in my kitchen. To hunt what I am wanting. Not just settling. That is what got me in the situation I am in now. To me, saute'ing some zucchini and some chicken in olive oil with spices, adding some chicken broth, and some sort of whole wheat pasta, then adding more veggies ...with a bay leaf its heaven. I then put the soup mixture in a bowl that has fresh baby spinach rough chopped in it. The hot broth with cook the spinach and then with a bit of parmesan cheese on top... I am happy Soup Making lady. If I make a large pot of a concoction I laydle it in portions and have meals for later. Ok I went to a happy place for a sec there. I don't want to ever lose my pleasure for food, but to just make smarter choices.
  • bre11217715
    bre11217715 Posts: 44 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    You can eat whatever you want, anytime you want, and still lose weight as long as you stay in a calorie deficit.

    That said, what are your stats? What is your calorie goal each day? How much are you trying to lose?

    Great questions? 1200cal and I'm trying shed off 60 pounds. one of the reasons why I posted on here is because I'm getting to the point where I'm getting paranoid when I eat because I'm scared to gain some of the weight I've lost.
  • bre11217715
    bre11217715 Posts: 44 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    @bre11217715 being able to chase after your kids is soo important! Wait until you slide down the slide and go up the rock walls with them. Really the smile on your kid's face makes all the hard work worth it. My main thought through all of this journey is....Losing Weight Isn't the Key to Happiness....HAPPINESS Is the Key to Losing Weight. So I try to keep it simple...doable. I log in my food, I move every day, I take my vitamins, I stay hydrated, I change up my food cooking. I am learning to be a "hunt and gatherer" in my kitchen. To hunt what I am wanting. Not just settling. That is what got me in the situation I am in now. To me, saute'ing some zucchini and some chicken in olive oil with spices, adding some chicken broth, and some sort of whole wheat pasta, then adding more veggies ...with a bay leaf its heaven. I then put the soup mixture in a bowl that has fresh baby spinach rough chopped in it. The hot broth with cook the spinach and then with a bit of parmesan cheese on top... I am happy Soup Making lady. If I make a large pot of a concoction I laydle it in portions and have meals for later. Ok I went to a happy place for a sec there. I don't want to ever lose my pleasure for food, but to just make smarter choices.
    I'm definitely going to the snapshot your advice sounds like something that I can work with. this is what I need to continue my journey with you so much:)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @bre11217715 no worries, I am like an OLD wise woman just chalk filled with info...hahaha...Add me if ya wish. I am in the journey for the long haul!
  • crazygooselady
    crazygooselady Posts: 76 Member
    Night time is hard for me, too. For go breakfast if that is an easier time to be hungry. I have coffee (2 cups) and total of 4 teaspoons of sugar for breakfast most days. Lunch I like to have a cup of homemade kimchi or raw veggies mix with a tablespoon of dressing. Dinner...I eat what I fix for family, but try not to have seconds. This usually still leaves me a little under so that I can have some cheese or triscuits. It took a good two months to figure out my meals.

    I have also embraced feeling some hunger in the morning and afternoon. It is good, it tells me I am doing what is right for my body, and it tends to leave with a glass or two of water. Night time...I have a harder time with controlling the hunger, so I try to be full then. I no longer cut out certain foods. I had some health issues with that. Now...everything is fine...in moderation. I am a decent cook ( at least I like what I make) so sometimes the moderation is hard.
  • evolutionaerie
    evolutionaerie Posts: 21 Member
    Making sure your water intake is adequate is key - for me, like another poster said, a lot of the times that I think I feel hungry, I'm often just thirsty. Sometimes I'll have a cup of tea, and decide after it if I really want to eat something.
    To be honest though, I do think that 1200 calories is probably not a reasonable daily goal for you, and that your body may be telling you you're hungry because you are, and that you need to be eating more, especially if you are exercising. Depriving yourself and being afraid of certain foods because of calories will lead to a bit of weight loss in the short term, but as you become more active, such a low calorie goal will actually put your body into starvation mode and force it to hold on to fat instead of raising your metabolism. This isn't a sustainable form of weight loss, and there are several groups on MFP dedicated to the success of those (including me!) who realize that providing your body with more healthy fuel will actually work for you instead of against you. Please don't be afraid of milk, red meat, or carbs from fruit...if you are really worried when you eat something that is a little bit higher in calories, just put in a little more exercise that day...I promise you, weight will soon start falling off! Check out the links I put down below and do some research - I really think changing your approach could be helpful for you in terms of the hunger and your overall goal! :)

  • nopotofgold
    nopotofgold Posts: 164 Member
    edited May 2015
    To help with the late night hunger. I would do a protein or meal replacement shake. This would depend on how much protein you you have left in your goal and calories. I like sweet stuff so I normal do a carnation breakfast essential chocolate with either milk or hot water. I find after working out if I am hungry, heavy meals don't agree with me so I do a shake thing.
  • bre11217715
    bre11217715 Posts: 44 Member
    To help with the late night hunger. I would do a protein or meal replacement shake. This would depend on how much protein you you have left in your goal and calories. I like sweet stuff so I normal do a carnation breakfast essential chocolate with either milk or hot water. I find after working out if I am hungry, heavy meals don't agree with me so I do a shake thing.

    @nopotofgold is there a protein shake you recommend that support weight loss?
  • nopotofgold
    nopotofgold Posts: 164 Member
    edited May 2015
    @bre11217715 I don't usually buy the protein powder, I gave up on trying to get the 'right' one. My guy is the one that is big on that, does the research (like hours *rolls eyes*). For the last two years he has been buying ON performance whey isolate. total Cal 140, total fat 10, fat 1g, sugar 1g, protein 30g
    I like the cookies and cream flavor but the vanilla is ok too (best for blending in fruits and stuff). Anything I have seen that seems marketed for weight loss is like slim fast as a meal replacement. He is working on cutting weight so it does not hinder that.