So frustrated...need some advice/encouragement?

After my first two years of college, I have gained about 18 pounds that I desperately want to get rid of. I have never been comfortable with my weight, even in high school, and have had so many failed attempts trying to lose. I have seen a nutritionist and know what I am supposed to do (eat less carbs, restrict calories, exercise more) but I'm feeling so discouraged since even though I eat (mostly) these good foods, I still end up hungry and over my calories. I can easily eat over 2500 calories if I do not watch myself, which is terrible considering I am a short, sedentary girl. I usually aim for 1400-1600 calories, but even at this calorie level I have a hard time staying on track. How can I eat less and not feel like I am trying to starve myself? And particularly, how do you keep motivated when you've gone days being hungry and the scale still isn't moving ):


  • BeckyGor05
    BeckyGor05 Posts: 31 Member
    When I first started I was always that little bit hungry, but seeing a smaller number on the scale each week made it worthwhile. Now if I'm hungry I make sure there's a huge fruit bowl near by (you'd be surprised at how much a glass of water and a banana can stop you feeling hungry!) I'd suggest maybe don't start with such a huge deficit, maybe aim for like 1800-1900. It's still a deficit, so you will still lose, but it means that you can start easier and learn the healthy foods you do and don't like (and the ones that fill you up!) and then as you gain this knowledge you can increase the deficit. Once you've got yourself in a routine it'll be so much easier. As for the lack of movement on the scale, this is probably because you're still eating the same amount as before. Buy a food scale and weigh out everything, it makes it so much easier to log on here but also shows you the correct portion sizes for things. Trust me, if you have the deficit and are being honest with your logging you will lose weight!
  • wilson371
    wilson371 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello felling frustrated, I truly understand how you are feeling. Yes, we both can do this. Some days I am really successfully other days not so much. On my good days, my diet consist of veggies, protein, and fruit. These are very filling. Veggie are very important, because most of them you can eat as much as you choose, they are low in calories and keep you feeling full. Exercise is also important, it helps burn additional calories and is good for mental stability.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited May 2015
    There are a a lot of underlying questions I have regarding your situation. Your profile and diary are marked "private" so I can't get a view of you and your situation.

    The first and foremost would be the following:

    1) How long have you been calorie counting on MFP?
    2) Are your calorie goals setup correctly for your age, height and current weight?
    3) Have you possibly set it up to lose 2 lbs a week and could this be too aggressive for you starting out?
    4) You say a nutritionist stated to exercise.... are you planning to do any exercise or increase activity?
    5) Do you or will you weigh and measure your food daily?
    6) Do you balance out your calories through out the day so that you are eating enough to keep you satisfied and more over are you choosing foods that are high in protein and healthy fats as this helps with satiety.
    7) Are your goals possibly set to high? Why not set small attainable goals.. this will help with overwhelming feeling that the goal is too far out to see.. leading a person to give up too early.

    Need a lot more info from you and if not, better food choices can help you feel fuller longer, drinking water can help you with water retention and assure you stay hydrated, balancing out your calories the best you can and spread them out through out the day, and your motivation is "you" and your diligence to your goals.. the biggest thing here is that you will be learning better and healthier eating habits.. this is not a short term goal .. these are changes for a lifetime..

    All I can do is post a link to resources here on MFP for you to read, and research further that can assist you with your goals.
  • rajnigandha21
    rajnigandha21 Posts: 121 Member
    edited May 2015
    Having more fibers in your diet would make you feel full. I found that morning exercise and post work out consuming milk curbs my hunger. Having a glass of water before and after each meal also should be helpful. Good Luck!
  • LB5472
    LB5472 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback. Glad to know I am not alone and I realize I need to readjust my expectations.

    In response to gia07,
    1. I do not usually log on MyFitnessPal but have religiously been logging my foods for over a year now with pen and paper.
    2. Calorie goals were set by my nutritionist so I believe they are correct.
    3. 1400-1600 calories is not very aggressive considering my calorie needs is about 1800.
    4. I was running 3-4 times/week but stopped a couple weeks ago because of classes ending, moving out, etc. But you are right, now I am not exercising and have no excuse.
    5. I accurately measure, and am fairly certain I overestimate when I do guess so accuracy I do not think is the issue. The problem is when I log an insane amount of calories for the day.
    6. This is where I think I am having issues. Usually I start the day off really well. For example avocados, fruit, chicken, soups. I eat whole foods during the day but at a certain point later in the day I realize I am over my calorie limit and feel like I have hardly eaten. Maybe I just have a huge appetite? And I am usually craving sweets the whole day as well. It's frustrating.
    7. Well my goal right now is not to eat like a pig. But maybe that is unattainable for me lol.
  • Guzzygirl
    Guzzygirl Posts: 1 Member
    Wow, you sound exactly like me to a tee!! Although I'm probably much much older than you. I've lost about 25 lbs this far. I say "about" 25 lbs because my weight fluctuates DAILY!! Depending on my sodium intake, my weight can fluctuate 2-3 lbs daily. So frustrating. I feel I eat food during the day but at night I'm hungry and want sweets and snacks at night. I almost feel that my body wants to fill up what I didn't get during the day. Almost rebelling. LOL. I have 3 teenage daughters and my stomach is another teenage daughter. LOL. i am extremely young at heart.....I have ny oldest daughter finishing her sophomore year of college (a student athlete) and I admire her tenacious discipline and healthy life style.
    I want to lose another 25 lbs. but am just not motivated to move more at night when I should instead of eating empty calories to fill the void from during the day. I know exactly what I'm suppose to do but just constantly talk myself out of it. What to do. I almost need a motivating challenge to make it exciting. Suggestions?
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Be sure to make time to exercise.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    To paraphrase James Fell:

    When you're hungry, just how hungry are you?

    If you can't eat an apple, you're not hungry.
  • kailyw05
    kailyw05 Posts: 80 Member
    For me, it was actually more of a mental thing than anything. I still have to ask myself, am I really hungry? If I eat something and don't feel satisfied enough, I try to tell myself that I've given my body what it needs, and that's good enough.

    Being mindful has helped me. Chew slowly, taste what you're eating, and be aware of how you're feeling as you eat. Your body is getting the fuel it needs. It will digest and give you energy. Use that energy to be productive in whatever it is you do everyday.

    After supper I would heap ice cream into a bowl, eat it without thinking about it, and probably still crave more when I was done. Now I will measure out my portion and enjoy the amount that I have. If I truly savor it as I eat it I don't find the craving will linger. And yes, I have dessert every single night. Not some low-cal knock-off version from Pinterest either. It's important to keep eating things you love, just don't over-do it and make it fit into your calories for the day.

    In between meals I would suggest chewing gum, drinking tea or water, and keeping yourself busy. It does get easier, just stick with it!