Intermittent Fasting results?



  • 55in13
    55in13 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Anything that restricts your diet in some way will most likely restrict your calories as well. Much better to simply be aware of what you're eating and not rely on gimmicks or "tricking" your metabolism.
    Saying IF is a "gimmick" is like saying eating 8 meals a day is a "gimmick".
    IF is not "tricking" you metabolism. lol
    None of the diets really trick your metabolism. Gimmick has a negative connotation, but I think I understand what the other poster is getting at. A lot of these plans have a sort of mystique about them that you sort of have to buy into. I think that makes you a little more committed to it and therefore more likely to succeed. In an odd way, I think it helps that most of the diets also have some detractors/disbelievers. It gives the believers some motivation to prove that it works and helps them stick to it. Different ways to climb the mountain...
  • EllieBMackal
    EllieBMackal Posts: 116 Member
    yep agree. different ways to climb the mountain! love the discription!
    Anything that restricts your diet in some way will most likely restrict your calories as well. Much better to simply be aware of what you're eating and not rely on gimmicks or "tricking" your metabolism.
    Saying IF is a "gimmick" is like saying eating 8 meals a day is a "gimmick".
    IF is not "tricking" you metabolism. lol
    None of the diets really trick your metabolism. Gimmick has a negative connotation, but I think I understand what the other poster is getting at. A lot of these plans have a sort of mystique about them that you sort of have to buy into. I think that makes you a little more committed to it and therefore more likely to succeed. In an odd way, I think it helps that most of the diets also have some detractors/disbelievers. It gives the believers some motivation to prove that it works and helps them stick to it. Different ways to climb the mountain...
  • broscientist
    broscientist Posts: 102 Member
    To answer OP questions:

    I do a 16:8 mostly. Sometimes I'm not hunger at lunch and it turns into a 20:4.
    I was a former 6 meal a day guy. IF is 100x better for me. Appetite control was much better. Also, not having to prepare 6 meals a day was nice.
    I've lost 30lbs in the last 7 months using IF and IIFYM.

    The 2 day per week of IF is a lot harder than the 16:8. I've tried it once and didn't care for it. But, it may be different for you.
  • El_Cunado
    El_Cunado Posts: 359 Member
    I've been doing the 16/8 IF for a week and have lost 5lbs so far.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    To the OP: There are several different styles (or methods, or whatever you want to call them) of intermittent fasting, as you have seen by several of the responses to your thread. None of them will put you in "starvation mode", as the quoted poster alluded to in the text she cut-and-pasted from another site.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    wow a year! and how much u lost?
    -32lbs fat, +~15lbs lean tissue
  • Lisselinde
    Lisselinde Posts: 11 Member
    I've been doing daily 16:8 IF for a week, and I've been feeling great. It was admittedly hard the first three days, but I'm finally able to control my appetite, thanks to learning that it's okay to be hungry. I eat 1500 kcal a day within my 8-hour feeding window, and do muscle training on alternating days, along with a bit of daily cardio in the morning.

    The biggest change to my body is how smooth my digestive system is working now. My metabolism was pretty low before IF, and I would get constipated easily and feel bloated. I know this sounds gross, but I feel like my intestines have been given time to 'reboot' every night, thus aiding in digestion. This has also led to clearer skin and better sleep for me. Has anyone else experienced this?