I hit goal today after 27 months



  • HalfGlass
    HalfGlass Posts: 3 Member
    FYI, non-Android/iOS folks can use TrendWeight :)
  • jskyjse
    jskyjse Posts: 28 Member
    Great work! Your data is inspiring to me.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    And to follow up...

    I have been stuck @ 198 for a month now since posting this. I'm not upset since I had such a tear from February thru May but I am ready to get moving again soon!

    Truth is I am thankful I am bouncing 197-199 instead of 199-201, that would suck mentally seeing 200 every other day ;)
  • mjpbgtd
    mjpbgtd Posts: 115 Member
    This is so helpful, thank you. I've downloaded the app - I think this is just what I need right now. I'm struggling with spikes as well and I think that recording the data this way will help keep me focused on the long view.

    Cheers and CONGRATULATIONS on your success!
  • ktface17
    ktface17 Posts: 24 Member
    I am a big believer in weighing daily too. I love my charts! I love to see when and how my body spikes. Right now, I tend to see a weekly low spike one day a week and then I normally go back up slightly lower than the week before. I also like to have the data to go back on. When I feel like the weight is coming off to slow, I look back at the previous weeks and that even though I've been stuck in the same .4 lb range all week, I'm down 2 lbs since this day last week. Yesterday, I looked up my weight from December 2011 (my Vegas trip)....and I had it on record! Data is a wonderful thing and I enjoyed reading your story.
  • katieannebrown
    katieannebrown Posts: 19 Member
    Great job and thank you for sharing your story. Spikes can be so discouraging so thanks for the perspective.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    6 weeks stuck @ 198 now. What to do? I know! Book a short vacation at an all inclusive and eat whatever the heck I want to for 5 days! Two weeks and counting until the trip. Sorted!
  • slhall0822
    slhall0822 Posts: 128 Member
    edited July 2015
    First of all, congrats OP! Secondly, I'm so super psyched that there are so many other "data" nerds out there. I had no idea that so many other people were as addicted to charting and "Excelling" as I am LOL. It makes my inner nerd smile :-D.

    On a similar note, I also weigh daily as I've found it keeps me on track and more aware of trends versus spending a whole week bummed that I "gained" a pound or two on my weekly weigh in day. And thanks for telling us about the app Libra. I checked it out and really like it! I still use Excel but don't want to spend a butt load of time formatting the perfect graph in Excel when Libra does it all for me :-).
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,147 Member
    Thanks OP and sincere congrats! Enjoy your vacation and enjoy some yummy food, just keep moving and you will have a great time! I'm not a nerd and must admit to gravitating to the success stories with pics
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,147 Member
    Mariang165 wrote: »
    Thanks OP and sincere congrats! Enjoy your vacation and enjoy some yummy food, just keep moving and you will have a great time! I'm not a nerd and must admit to gravitating to the success stories with pics
    Oops, accidentally deleted the rest of my post, ipaditis! So briefly, I only weigh weekly and when I start my day off badly, yes, I continue to overeat and say I will start again tomorrow. This 'spike' info is really an eye opener for me, both the gain spike, but more importantly the loss spike! I am an old dog but I can learn new tricks, so you have inspired me that for the next month plus, I shall try weighing daily and studying my spikes! As another poster mentioned earlier, I shall use it as information to help me in my efforts to lose weight, not let it sabotage my efforts. Thanks so much, I really appreciate your post and good luck on your efforts to get that scale to go even lower, you must already look and feel amazing! Cheers
  • JustChristy79
    JustChristy79 Posts: 156 Member
    This post was inspiring! I admire your dedication & your organization! (I'm imagining you have the cleanest garage in your neighborhood & a system for everything. I'm super jealous!!!) Congrats on your success! That's awesome!!!
  • gilliebee63
    gilliebee63 Posts: 94 Member
    This is so terrific, and SO important... and so *real*... and relateable... and understandable... (and my goodness, those fantastic graphs you so diligently provided data for!) -- all of this is so *powerful*...!

    THANK YOU for being who you are, and for 'swimming in' that data, and for putting your story 'out there', for others to see (and undoubtedly be encouraged by, relieved by, inspired by, and most important of all -- informed by)...! WAY TO GO! :smile:

  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    Fantastic! So glad you shared all that data!! I am weighing myself every day and know a lot of people say you shouldn't. I am working on the psychology of all of this - I feel I need to see the little gain I had this morning...but if I am tracking my food intake and moving more, the data shows that little gain will drop again tomorrow or the next day.

    In the past, a little gain was so discouraging and I would have to fight myself not to give up. Thanks again - very encouraging :)
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    This post was inspiring! I admire your dedication & your organization! (I'm imagining you have the cleanest garage in your neighborhood & a system for everything. I'm super jealous!!!) Congrats on your success! That's awesome!!!

    HAHA! My electronics are neat, the rest of my life is not :p

    Glad you all enjoyed the data! My next exciting chart will be 6 weeks of a flat line. Here is a preview:


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