Marine to morbid obesity

I'm beginning my journey back to happiness. After my divorce, and not being able to see my son, I gained weight at a disgusting rate. I went from 215 pounds to 300 in less than a year. I believe being obese also caused me to lose the girl I love. Its been a vicious cycle of depression, obesity, self-pity, which causes me to just eat more.. What makes it even worse is I know I can be in shape because I was in great shape in the Marine Corps for four years..

I currently weigh 330 pounds. I am one week into my changes and lost 15 pounds! I'm going from eating nothing but frozen foods and garbage with zero exercise to 60 minutes of biking every other day and eating "healthier". I have cut out pop, I'm using MyfitnessPal, and I'm counting calories. The hardest thing for me is to stick with it and not waiver. My main drive right now is to get back the woman I lost due to my own insecurities and mistakes. I'm really hoping this community can help me on my journey.


  • usernameenvy
    usernameenvy Posts: 140 Member
    Good luck :)
  • petey200745601
    petey200745601 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you :) I'm really tired of being like this. I know I can, time to stop feeling sorry for myself.
  • atekura89
    atekura89 Posts: 13 Member
    Aww @petey200745601 I've been through the same struggle.. I know it's hard and I really hope you find what works for you to help you with your goal. Have you got a nutritionist looking at your meal preps?? Or someone who can give you advice on substitutes?
  • petey200745601
    petey200745601 Posts: 14 Member
    I haven't seen a nurtionist as of yet. No advice coming in at the moment. I'm just generally trying to substitute some things I know are no good like frozen/processed foods. No pop, no fast food, no overeating. Im hoping that'll be enough to start with.
  • hardcorex
    hardcorex Posts: 5 Member
    Welcome back to the suck, Marine. I too ballooned up after ETSing. When you don't have a DI in your grill or Gunny busting your *kitten*, it's hard to keep up on fitness. Frontal assault that fat and good luck.
  • petey200745601
    petey200745601 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks. I was big before I joined, didn't take much to get big again. But I'm gonna get there
  • jdhlh81
    jdhlh81 Posts: 49 Member
    You can do it bro!
  • wcope0412
    wcope0412 Posts: 97 Member
    You can do it!!! No worries there are plenty of people to help you on your journey with motivation and advice! Feel free to add me!!! If you need anything just ask. I'm just starting on here too but I have a few friends that will have a lot more info than what I have come you got this!!
  • MurrahDragon
    MurrahDragon Posts: 26 Member
    Meet yer enemy teeth first! Rootin' for ya! You look pretty good in your profile pic, BTW. :)
  • eliseshute
    eliseshute Posts: 18 Member
    Sounds like you're definitely on the right track! Cutting out frozen foods and pop alone will show results. It's crazy how many pounds those things will make you gain. Anyway, good luck!
  • LeonieWhitehead
    LeonieWhitehead Posts: 19 Member
    Well done for taking the first step in the right direction. You can do this! :)
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    good on you for taking control

    you will have the base fitness and musculature there so it will be a good journey for you

    calorie counting is the key - you know what you like to eat - eat that to your defecit

    the cardio is going to help clear your head and make you stronger - lift too .. get those muscles stong

    you've got this
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    If your weight gain was the reason for you losing the girl, maybe she's not the girl for you. I'm at 60 year old woman and I've lost 93 pounds so if I can do it I know a young, strapping marine can! Stay focused and committed. Do it for you and nobody else (except your kids, they need you) and it will all fall into place. This us a great place list of supportive people - welcome and thank you for your service to our country! !!
  • idguy90068
    idguy90068 Posts: 1 Member
    Glad to hear that you are making a positive change, this is the first step in getting your life back in control. Happens to all of us, my cholesterol levels were on the incline and was running out of breath just taking steps. Just in the first week I lost 2 pounds, I have 15 more to go! Good luck!
  • MrAlBryant
    MrAlBryant Posts: 12 Member
    Great message @petey200745601 and fair play for taking control and doing something about it. Lots of people just let it get the better of them and instead you're joining a great community who want to better their lives and be the best they can be. I'm adding you as a friend so we can help each other! Good luck.
  • lucindajonesmfp
    lucindajonesmfp Posts: 21 Member
    Well done for being so honest.....u have taken control and are on the right path...good luck
  • msearslive
    msearslive Posts: 6 Member
    Hey Boss:

    First off, congratulations and applause for wanting to better yourself - effing good for you sir! Belief in yourself will be what powers you to success during your journey to getting back to where you want to be. ALWAYS remind yourself that you CAN and WILL reach your goal ONE day at a time! Keep it positive and focus on today! E sure, at the end of the day, that the changes you're making in your life now are ultimately for you. Good and better things may come because of it, but this has to be for you or else you risk the potential for relapse.

    Cardio, cardio, CARDIO for the next few weeks. Small amounts of strength training with no gym equipment required is an EXCELLENT place to start. Push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, squats, steppers... All exercises you can do in addition to walking/jogging/running, and even biking as you mention!

    I am not a professional trainer, but I do love physical fitness. I love seeing other who want to stay take care of their bodies - "Get fit, stay fit!" And I would love to help keep you encouraged along the way! Add me if you'd like to!

    Very best wishes in your endeavor - YOU WILL DO GREAT!!
  • eric_laws
    eric_laws Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2015
    Sounds like you're on the right track Marine! I was army EOD for 17 years and was medically retired. I spent my career weighing about 170 pounds. After my retirement I was diagnosed with severe depression and PTSD. Between self-medicating with alcohol, long periods of inactivity, and a combination of several different medications to manage my symptoms I ballooned up to over 300 pounds also. I think I'm finally getting back on track. With the help of this app and some support from my wife, who I put through a lot over the past few years I've been able to drop 13 pounds in the last five weeks. I hope that you are able to stay motivated and know there are a lot of us out there going through the same thing. Perhaps will be able to help one another out.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Two words. MUSCLE MEMORY...welcome back. Thank you for your years of service.
  • jasonagoode
    jasonagoode Posts: 13 Member
    Oorah, Marine! Army here. 3 deployments, depression and PTSD. I ets'ed and proceeded to gain 90lbs. Now, I'd like to get back to my fighting weight. I want to be in better shape than I was during the service. Stick with calorie counting, exercise and the motivation and support of this community and you'll get there. We both will.