Do you log your fruit?



  • timmyttt0418
    timmyttt0418 Posts: 85 Member
    Yes, I log everything. Calories are calories, no matter where you get them from.
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    edited May 2015
    I only have a few servings it puts me right over my sugar totals. I'm thinking about ommitting the fruit from my daily logs. Opinions?

    1) There's no reason to worry about sugar from fruit unless you are diabetic
    2) If you plan to worry about fruit sugar, wouldn't the sensible thing be to stop EATING it, not to stop LOGGING it? smdh

  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    Yes. I ignore my sugar macros on account and only pay attention to the fibre and minerals I'm getting.
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    yes, I log fruit - i log everything otherwise my end-of-the-day is inaccurate.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I log my fruit and don't track sugar.
  • TylaGagnon
    TylaGagnon Posts: 27 Member
    Definitely count fruit calories, I don't worry about counting most veggie calories though, veggies are always better to eat more of than fruit, fruit is still sugar although they're not empty calories you still have to watch your intake :)
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    Are you a diabetic?

    I have removed my sugar and sodium from the logging page.
  • Geekymonkey99
    Geekymonkey99 Posts: 63 Member
    Remember, you're doing this for yourself, not anyone else. I don't think it was negative to ask why you're tracking at all if you don't feel you should log everything. I used to hesitate to log binge days until I realized I was only lying to myself and screwing up my data.
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    Remember, you're doing this for yourself, not anyone else. I don't think it was negative to ask why you're tracking at all if you don't feel you should log everything. I used to hesitate to log binge days until I realized I was only lying to myself and screwing up my data.


  • BicepsAndBows
    BicepsAndBows Posts: 197 Member
    Of course I log my fruit. It has calories, carbs, etc., so of course I log it. I log every single thing I put in my mouth. First off all, you have to look at where your sugar is coming from. There are different types of sugar, and your sugar goals do not take that into consideration on the app. Also, with fruit, you need to take into account the amount of fiber you are getting from it as well (as long as you are eating fresh fruit and not canned!). I do not pay too much attention to the sugar limit on MFP as far as fruit is concerned, especially since it's really one of the only things that contains sugar that I eat in a day. But it definitely is still important to log it to make sure you are staying in your overall daily calorie allowance
  • the_nerdgasm
    the_nerdgasm Posts: 86 Member
    I don't track sugar because I'm more concerned about fiber and iron. But I do track fruit because losing weight is calories in < calories out, and fruit has calories.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    If you aren't logging EVERYTHING, you are missing the point. Fruit is not magically calorie/carb/sugar free.

    Sugar is sugar is sugar. If you are consuming too much, cut down. Fruit counts.
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    If you aren't going to track accurately, what is the point of tracking at all?

    Just asking for opinions, not negativity

    That's not really negativity. Omitting fruit from your logging would skew the numbers, so if you're only going to pick and choose what you log, it's not going to be accurate. Best practice is to weigh and log everything you eat and drink.

  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    sympha01 wrote: »
    I only have a few servings it puts me right over my sugar totals. I'm thinking about ommitting the fruit from my daily logs. Opinions?

    1) There's no reason to worry about sugar from fruit unless you are diabetic
    2) If you plan to worry about fruit sugar, wouldn't the sensible thing be to stop EATING it, not to stop LOGGING it? smdh

    This. I limit carbs, including sugar, due to insulin resistance. But failing to log it doesn't mean I magically didn't eat it! Logging is a tool - used properly it can be very helpful, used incorrectly it won't do a darn thing for you. I'm glad to see this thread tho... I didn't know I could change it from counting sugar to counting fiber. I'd rather know fiber - makes it easier to figure net carbs. For me it doesn't matter if the carbs are sugar or starch, but fiber doesn't spike my blood sugar, so it's nice to be able to mentally delete it from my carb count for the day!
  • safianat
    safianat Posts: 24 Member
    I count absolutely everything :)
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 507 Member
    Anything that has calories should be logged. I am diabetic but I don't track sugar on MFP. There are natural sugars in fruit as well as many other foods so the amount will go over very easily. I find it much more effective to track carbohydrates and/or fiber than sugar. You can adjust the macros that you track.
  • SparkyJess3
    SparkyJess3 Posts: 625 Member
    Track fiber not sugar, and track everything that goes in your mouth...EVERYTHING!
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    absolutely. Yesterday for lunch / snacking throughout the day I had 1,230 grams of watermelon (i really really like watermelon) and that was approximately 367 calories. That can easily add up and hamper my weight loss goals.
  • chandramiller68
    chandramiller68 Posts: 189 Member
    I eat a lot of fruit and log everything I eat. I do so that I know the calories I have eaten. I'm over on my sugar allowance every day. I used the fret over being negative for sugar so I switched to tracking fiber. I'm more concerned with how that looks in my diary than sugar.
  • Keliandra
    Keliandra Posts: 170 Member
    In the total MFP calorie counter, do most of you log your fruit? I have been and while I only have a few servings it puts me right over my sugar totals. I'm thinking about ommitting the fruit from my daily logs. Opinions?

    I log everything, even gum.