new here and in need of help

daisyq73 Posts: 9 Member
Hi, I tried this app once before and it helped. Been off for over a yr. Need motivation, I hit a plateau and got discouraged.


  • cobgirl
    cobgirl Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, welcome back
  • daisyq73
    daisyq73 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks. This time I will try to exercise more. Started walking Monday, using a pedometer (app). So far Im able to walk 3.6 miles each morning
  • mom3girls63
    mom3girls63 Posts: 3 Member
    Welcome Daisy. I am new here also. You can already walk further than I can. I am at about the 3.1 (5k) range right now. Just keep tracking, exercising and drinking water. That is what I am doing - and keeping my fingers crossed! Good luck!