Working at a resturant makes it hard to keep weigjt off

so I've worked at a chilis for 5 years. I've been losing weight since I started with this app but today I went way up. Every day has been under my calories and I walk.. A lot. Does anyone have suggestions on how to keep the weight off? I'm having a hard time not picking or eating at work. I've been bringing my own food for snacks but usually result to something small from work for dinner.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Your weight is not going to go down every day. It will go down, stay steady, and go up from day to day. What matters is the overall downward trend. Considering that you stated that you've been losing weight since you started, it sounds like your trend is downward and you don't need to worry about one day.
  • jessicachernesky1215
    jessicachernesky1215 Posts: 12 Member
    Okay that's true I just got a little worried.
  • stephiiee_g
    stephiiee_g Posts: 5 Member
    I too work in a restaurant and am worried about keeping the weight off I may lose. This is my second attempt, last attempt a few years ago I lost a stone. I'm just worried my will power will let me down and I'll pick at bits here or attack the fizzy drinks. Maybe we could support each other through our working days and keep each other motivated?
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited May 2015
    Find some things on the menu that you like, and fit your calorie goals. Modify as needed if you want to increase protein or decrease carbs or whatever.

    I work part time at Dominos. I know what calories are in the menu items, and know how to make them correctly. (As in proper cheese portion, not overtopping.)
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member

    I owned a restaurant and kept my weight off just fine.
    I gained after i didn't had the restaurant anymore Its just a job were you also have to eat 3 meals a day and not indulge what your selling.

    You have to put your foot down thats all. When not you will end up over 400 pound So what do you want?
    What is more important?

  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member
    We got free breakfast, lunch, cupcakes and a cookie cake supplied by drug reps today at work. This happens AT LEAST three times a week. And guess what? I said no to all of it. It's hard, but I agree with TheOwlhouse.
  • sandryc79
    sandryc79 Posts: 250 Member
    I have been eating healthy, under calories and exercising all week and am up 2 lbs overnight. I am in no way upset about it because it happens all the time. Your diet impacts your weight over time but you have normal daily fluxuations from water weight. In my case I am just before my time of month, but eating a few more carbs than I normally do will do it too...even though I am eating at a deficit. Look closer at your monthly difference than your daily or even weekly results and you will save your self a lot of anxiety.
  • jessicachernesky1215
    jessicachernesky1215 Posts: 12 Member
    I too work in a restaurant and am worried about keeping the weight off I may lose. This is my second attempt, last attempt a few years ago I lost a stone. I'm just worried my will power will let me down and I'll pick at bits here or attack the fizzy drinks. Maybe we could support each other through our working days and keep each other motivated?

    Yes let's please!
  • jessicachernesky1215
    jessicachernesky1215 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone it's all been helpful. I suppose im just used to a certain way of eating / lifestyle and its just hard to willpower myself to change. I will be modifying literally everything I eat to fit it in correctly. Thanks for all your advice.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    You can chew gum while you work so you don't pick at anything. It's hard to take a quick unplanned bite when you're chewing gum!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Make sure you track everything you eat in the day, even if it is one chip. It all adds up!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Things that make it hard to lose weight ... lack of commitment

    Excuses for having a lack of commitment .. plentifold

    Solution.. re-commit, every single time .. ideally before any slip-up but as soon as you can after. Log everything to the best of your ability and learn to do better next time

    (and don't worry about a scale fluctuation - you don't have a scale weight you have a scale range - look to download one of the trend trackers like happyscale or Libra, or and judge your weight loss over months not days)
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    I worked in McDonald's during college and actually lost weight!! It depends on your mindset and willpower. Its possible to lose weight while working in a restaurant if you are determined too. Change is the only constant thing in life!! A good change can do wonders for your health. Weigh your food, log everything. Remember your weight fluctuates during the day due to lots of different factors. Try weighing yourself first thing in the morning before breakfast and watch the trend. I weigh myself every day but only concentrate on the weight shown at the end of the week. It it down good, if up well need to see what you ate or did that was different and adjust.
    Good luck!!
  • jessicachernesky1215
    jessicachernesky1215 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you everyone. I suppose im going to have to get a food scale. Other than that I just have to do better with will power!
  • marymoog
    marymoog Posts: 9 Member
    Jessica, I also work at Chili's. I am a food runner so I am constantly near the chips, fries, etc. I make sure to have something to drink while working and challenge myself to not mindlessly snack on everything. If you are hungry at work, the grilled chicken salad, ancho salmon, mango chile chicken, and southwest soup aren't bad (although I am sure you already know that=]).

    Also, stay away from dead food! It is such a waste of calories and you can never truly relax and enjoy it because you are just wolfing it down to get back to your tables.

    A lot of servers at my Chili's bring in snacks to have at work- yogurt, celery, hummus, etc.

    I have a bad habit of not having a snack or eating dinner before my shift starts (I am a teacher and pretty much go straight to the restaurant after school on the days I work). Make sure to plan ahead so that you don't get super hungry while you are surrounded by the food!

    It can definitely be done=]
  • marymoog
    marymoog Posts: 9 Member
    Actually, now that I am reading your post again, you said you have been successful but your weight suddenly went way up. Perhaps you just ate more sodium than usual? A lot of the food at work really bloats me fast due to the sodium content!
  • jessicachernesky1215
    jessicachernesky1215 Posts: 12 Member
    marymoog wrote: »
    Jessica, I also work at Chili's. I am a food runner so I am constantly near the chips, fries, etc. I make sure to have something to drink while working and challenge myself to not mindlessly snack on everything. If you are hungry at work, the grilled chicken salad, ancho salmon, mango chile chicken, and southwest soup aren't bad (although I am sure you already know that=]).

    Also, stay away from dead food! It is such a waste of calories and you can never truly relax and enjoy it because you are just wolfing it down to get back to your tables.

    A lot of servers at my Chili's bring in snacks to have at work- yogurt, celery, hummus, etc.

    I have a bad habit of not having a snack or eating dinner before my shift starts (I am a teacher and pretty much go straight to the restaurant after school on the days I work). Make sure to plan ahead so that you don't get super hungry while you are surrounded by the food!

    It can definitely be done=]

    That's so helpful actually. Dead food. Kills me. Haha. I've been eating Caribbean salad with shrimp no dressing. It's pretty good. I'm going to attempt to make my meals before I go in because I'm a closer but last time I did that I ended up giving up. I'll try harder to make it work this time. Yes it was probably my sofium but it still freaked me out after eating at work all day.