Rude? or not.

mjtbb Posts: 77 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
My daughter's church choir is going to another church to sing. The other church is 3.5 hours away. They are providing lunch for everyone. I would think it will be some kind of covered dish dinner or pizza since they are feeding teenagers.
We went to Subway yesterday and I have my half sandwich that I didn't eat. Would it be rude to take it with me and have that for lunch? WIth the sandwich I know exactly how many calories I'm consuming. With a covered dish it will be almost impossible to know. I'm sure it probably all be delicious but if I'm going to "cheat" I rather it be with stuff I really want at the moment.
I won't be able to get all my water in either since we will be traveling all day with a group. And there won't be many places to stop in the way so I have to be careful with my liquid intake. Eating unhealthy would be even worse without the water to flush it out.
My husband kind of frowned at this option so I'm asking.

My other option is that I have a hand-held scale (postal scale) and I can bring Zip bags and try to weigh things so I can at least figure the calories out a little better. This will look weirder and harder to do, I think, that just eating my sandwich.

Any other suggestions?



  • ratkaj
    ratkaj Posts: 166 Member
    I don't think it's rude at all... weird maybe but not rude. The problem is most people eat pretty unhealthy so you have no idea what they are putting in their foods (salted butter, oils, etc)

    I say if that will make you comfortable, you do what is right for you. Let other people mind their own business. :wink:
  • rnroadrunner
    rnroadrunner Posts: 402 Member
    take the sandwich and some water. If they can't understand you desire to lose weight, oh well
  • busymomyof3
    busymomyof3 Posts: 31
    i agree.. take your sandwich! it's the best option.. good luck
  • crystalcorr
    crystalcorr Posts: 2 Member
    Not rude or strange. I bring my own food to everything. If someone ask me, then I just tell them I have a goal set and I am doing everything I can to get there...If they don't understand, then that is on their side not yours!

    Take your sandwich!
  • perrytyra
    perrytyra Posts: 357 Member
    I have no idea if that would be considered rude. If you were allergic to certain foods, than I know it wouldn't be rude.

    So all I can say is what I would do. I personally would not bring it. I would watch what I ate that day, and guess on the portions and calories. It is just one day. I am not saying pig out, but I wouldn't worry about getting the exact calorie count.

    When I have to add something, say like lasagna, I look it up in the data base and use a figure that is in the middle, or better yet, a higher figure.
  • Barefoot47
    Barefoot47 Posts: 1
    Not rude at all, just sensible! :flowerforyou:
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    My son and I both have food allergies, so we take food with us all the time. People rarely say anything. I say, bring what you need to for yourself, and if anyone says anything about it, just tell them that you have to be careful about what you eat. It's not rude on your part at all!!
  • not rude at all you amongst your fellow church mates im sure judgement is not on their mind PLUS i do this all the time and i just say excuse me i brought mine if it all the same to you and move on
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i would hope that people at a CHURCH would understand :)
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I think taking out baggies and weighing their food would be rude. Bring the sandwich.
  • vanb0052
    vanb0052 Posts: 50 Member
    I personally do not think bringing your own food would be rude. You have to do what is best for you. No one would even question your intentions if you had food allergies, why should they if you are being conscious about what you eat?

    Hope this helps!
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    If you want to bring your sandwich, bring it. If anyone gives you grief, tell them you have a dietary issue and prefer to bring your own. They don't need to know what that issue is. ^_~
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    My son and I both have food allergies, so we take food with us all the time. People rarely say anything. I say, bring what you need to for yourself, and if anyone says anything about it, just tell them that you have to be careful about what you eat. It's not rude on your part at all!!

    Yes, I have food allergies and also do this. I also have some digestive issues as well. Pot lucks are dangerous territory.
  • suzukigurl
    suzukigurl Posts: 90
    not rude at all you amongst your fellow church mates im sure judgement is not on their mind PLUS i do this all the time and i just say excuse me i brought mine if it all the same to you and move on

    I agree here, this is a church affair and they aren't supposed to judge anyone. Either way I would take it. Maybe you could send a message to others when they are eating junk and you are eating a healthy sandwich :smile:
  • romiga
    romiga Posts: 44 Member
    Absolutely not! Take ur sandwich and munch it w pride! More than likely you won't be the only one. Lots of dietary needs out there in the world :)
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Bringing the scale will make you look like a mental patient. Just take the sandwich.
  • Our church just hosted a visiting choir. With all their kids and ours as well as the many parents and choir directors----no one would have noticed if anyone was eating something that was not being served. Besides, you'll be among people that are typically kind and tolerant. Take your sandwich and enjoy the adventure.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    If you are discreet about it, no one will even notice! Bring a large tote bag and put a lunch bag cooler inside it. Look over the potluck table and take a small portion of fruit salad or lettuce salad or something similar (those items are almost always taken to a potluck by others trying to eat healthy). Then take your plate back to your seat and slip the sandwich onto it. With all the different foods there, no one will notice. No explanation necessary!
  • stephlake
    stephlake Posts: 105 Member
    Have you seen Teenagers eat?? You should bring your own food just to ensure you will get some!! :wink:
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    Have you seen Teenagers eat?? You should bring your own food just to ensure you will get some!! :wink:

    hahahahahaha As a middle school teacher, and mom of 6 kids ages 12-21 -- this is REALLY true!!
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