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ladies who have had issues with hormonal imbalances



  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    its open lol

    Are you only exercising once a week or are you just not tracking consistently?
  • missallenxox
    missallenxox Posts: 175 Member
    i haven't been good with tracking exercise
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Open your diary?

    One could eat much better than the average 25-year-old American and still be a LONG way from healthy or dietary.

    ^This. Food is not a moral issue—food is neither good nor bad. Whatever your hormonal situation, you lose weight by eating fewer calories than you burn. So step one is to learn to log everything you eat & drink accurately and honestly.

    I can't say it enough, the Sexypants post changed my life: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1
  • Eidaortiz
    Eidaortiz Posts: 15 Member
    I think I'm going through some kind of hormone change too because I have gain alot of weight and can't seem to take it off plus alot if mood changes.. :'(
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    i haven't been good with tracking exercise

    Ah, so how much exercise are you actually doing?

    I suspect that, for you, the key is going to be moving more and maybe consuming a couple hundred more calories per day. Keep an eye on carbs too and try to see if you have more success when your carb intake is a little lower. I'm not suggesting that you need to do a low-carb diet, but for a lot of people with hormonal issues, just reducing carb intake a little bit can help.
  • missallenxox
    missallenxox Posts: 175 Member
    so i had my appointment today, and my adrenal glands, thyroid, and stomach acid are way out of wack. I've got some medications I'm going to try out and see if they help.

  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    My thyroid and adrenals are completely out of whack, too. I cycle between hypo and hyperthyroidism (Hashi's and Graves), and although my doctor checks "adrenal insufficiency" on his diagnostic sheet for the insurance company, I don't have Addison's, just really low cortisol. I also have fibromyalgia and something wrong with my pituitary that I'm not quite clear on. I was using BHRT, but I've stopped it, and dietary changes of additional fat and eliminating soy seem to be keeping my sex hormones balanced without it.

    While losing weight may be a matter of burning more calories than we consume, when our thyroid or other hormones are off, we may not be burning calories at anywhere near a normal level. Years ago, I had a huge weight gain of about 60 lbs over a few months while exercising hours a day (I was a marathoner who also did a lot of strength training and other exercise) and weighing/measuring every morsel that passed my lips. While I was eating 1000-1500 calories a day, clearly, I wasn't burning that off as a healthier person would have been.

    Now, when my thyroid is well treated (I use T3 and can't tolerate any T4-containing meds), I can maintain my weight. When I am hyper, I don't lose weight like many do, and I am also completely not hungry during those times, but I won't gain no matter what I eat. When I am hypo, I am ravenous and in addition, my metabolism slows down. I gain fast whether I eat more or not. If I cut down calories to more of a starvation diet, I can maintain my weight when hypo, but I also lose all my hair and get pretty malnourished after a few months of it, so probably weight gain is the better option.

    On months when my health is good, I can do some mild exercise. During months when sitting or standing is a challenge, exercise isn't really an option.

    Missallenxox, I hope your medications help you get things under control. Most people with thyroid issues do have low stomach acid so that's expected. Even adding a little apple cider vinegar to some water at mealtimes can help with stomach acid. I think stopthethyroidmadness.com is a great site for learning about thyroid disorders and treatments. Sometimes treating the thyroid is a lot more complex than just popping a Synthroid every day so be patient.
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    I've had hormone issues since I hit puberty at such an early age. My period is very irregular The doctor wanted to regulate my hormones with BC but I decided against it. The doctors saw how obese I was about 9 years ago and wanted to check my thyroid, which was fine. I've been obese/big/masculine since I was about 5, but I've never had a problem losing weight.

    I wonder now if I would be less hairy / masculine looking if I started taking hormones/ BC at an early age.

  • JenforHealth
    JenforHealth Posts: 95 Member
    yes have hypothyroid too!! not sure if has affected wt as I am an overeater anyway or would't be on this site.
    however, I recently had crash as I was taking levothyroxine WITH food as too impatient to wait 1 hr before breakfast. so 2 wks ago I had horrible day of severe freezing, when I am usually hot. I then realized I had also been in mental
    fog, apathy, poor memory for 1 month. felt like mental coma I couldn't find way out. Realized was my thyroid and am now taking the med correctly and am slowly coming out of mental and physical lethargy.they say takes 6-8 wks to build up. I have newfound respect for this condition. my tsh was marginally high before then normal and never felt any s/s. obviously that changed. I will go for lab after on for 6 wks and see where I'm at.
    maybe will help with my help loss. Hope so!!
  • isiisidora
    isiisidora Posts: 1 Member
    Hypothyroidism, amenorrhoea ( lost my period for a year now), pcos, low estrogen, insulin resistance ofcourse!
    I'm shocked by the number of all of us going through this.. I was doing keto for a month now, but the last few days after I started taking hormones to induce my period I've been sugar binging like a maniac! :disappointed:
    I hate primolut nor, i hate it sooo much.
    I'm not giving up, and neither should any of you. It can be horribly hard, I get it, but in time it will get easier, hang in there, be selfish and take care of your body, push yourself as hard as you can. F*** hormones, make your mind and will power stronger than your disorders!
  • missallenxox
    missallenxox Posts: 175 Member
    This has been super emotional for me... even though it was confirming what I felt deep down what I already knew.. I mean yes Ive been tested before but its hard to actually catch because it goes up and down right. And my mom had hers removed so I remember that about her and her issues.
    I consider myself more physically fit than most people I know, i can run a 5km, I eat pretty good. But it was never enough. It would be seriously impossible to lose weight I had to basically starve myself to get any movement.
    I actually know so little about this stuff , I'm just learning as I go. The only thing I am taking for these issues at the moment is an iodine supplement called "Min-Tran" , Adrenplus 300, and Betaine (hydrochloride) for the stomach acid part. Its funny because I had really bad heart burn in my teens, and they put me on Nexium. I ended up being allergic to it. So here we are. Treated for too much acid when I actually have the opposite problem. I'm going to try this for a month and get another check up.
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    I have hashimoto's thyroiditis (low functioning thyroid). I take my meds every day and am able to lose weight; it's just that the fatigue is more of a challenge than anything else, currently. On my good days, I feel pretty normal. Before I was diagnosed, I could look at a cake and gain 10 pounds. Since beginning treatment, that's not quite the case anymore. ;)

    In short, keep talking until a doctor believes you and helps you find the right treatment plan for you! It took me 4 doctors before one was willing to consider something other than just depression as my problem.
  • missallenxox
    missallenxox Posts: 175 Member
    great, thanks :) looking forward to seeing an improvement in my over all health and well being!