weightloss help confused

Im 32 female 165.. 5''11
I have more of a large body frame. Im so lost. I was at 265 my heaviest at 18. I theb lost weight doing IF and tons of cardio and then started losing my period and getting manly hair. Was weird. My husband told mw to stop ao i started just eating when i was hungry. I try and emphasis just eating healthy. I think i had admitted i had an eating disorder of some sort. Last september i was right at 160.. a little frustrated, i have been lifting heavier for about a year and noticing a little definition and the scale creeping up.
Here is a day looks like

Wake up 5am lift weights for about 45

Cup of coffee with stevia and splach of heavy cream
I usually dont eat until 11 which is lunch slash breakfast apple and peanut butter ( large apple and 3 tbsp of natural peanut butter )
I usually will snack on plain saltines and a couple slices of cheese maybe more coffee to avoid eating
Dinner is usually a can of tuna salad no dressing and tons of veggies ... i will usually have a sparkiling water for dinner

Now on a day like saturday i kind of let go..
Saturday wake ip at 6am one hour hiit workout
Coffee and dont eat till lunch.
Lunch today was ribs coen potatoes and dip
I laid out by pool and had like 6 ribs and coen on the cob and a few chips with dip
Went for ice cream
And 2 pieces of cantaloupe.
When i seighed myself and saw i was 165 this evening i was outraged and thought i nearly kill myself with high workouts and not much food all week to only feel starved and mad. Needless to say im going to go walking for an hour tomorrow. :(


  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Posts like this worry me.... I suggest reading this thread before you do anything else:

  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    ... was there a question? Did I miss it?
  • fallenoaks4
    fallenoaks4 Posts: 63 Member
    Find a therapist that specializes in eating disorders.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    You are within normal body range. I suggest you transition in to maintenance and feed those lovely muscles you have built.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Is that you in the pic? You look great. Not sure what you were actually asking here.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    1 - You're a normal weight for your height, losing more could sabotage your lifting and undermine muscle development. Eat at maintenance.

    2- You weighed more this evening because there was food in your system. It's not fat gain. Do you always weigh in the evenings? It's usually preferable to weigh in the morning before eating, but at least at the same time each day.

    3- Your "typical" food day looks like a VLCD. Not a good idea, certainly not if you're wanting muscle definition. Figure out what your maintenance caloric needs are and eat them all. Eat plenty of protein (probably 100g or more a day). Eat plenty of vegetables, some fruits, and whole grains and dairy if you like. Allow yourself small treats daily and you probably won't go "overboard" on weekends. (I say that in quotes, because it still really isn't very much food for a whole day). If you stress out over eating your maintenance calories or about fluctuations like this on the scale, you may benefit from talking with a therapist about possibly disordered eating.
  • cortesr425
    cortesr425 Posts: 19 Member
    If you have access to healthcare please see a doctor to discuss an eating disorder. You need to eat at an appropriate level to provide your body what it needs. You can then exercise and body-build to your goals. I accidentally ate less than 1,100 calories a day for two years because I wasn't tracking my eating. My body stayed at 220 lbs. the whole time. Once I started tracking and ate at 1,800 to 1,900 calories (appropriate for me) I began to lose weight. MFP can help you if you use it to track your eating.
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    I agree about therapy to all that mentioned it but please dont be hateful..we all come to help each other
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    I agree about therapy to all that mentioned it but please dont be hateful..we all come to help each other

    No one was even close to hateful.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    I agree about therapy to all that mentioned it but please dont be hateful..we all come to help each other

    I don't see anything 'hateful' written in the responses above. Unless maybe you're referring to my post about if there was a question... which isn't. I legitimately don't understand if you're asking a question. It looks more like a statement to me. What you want is kind of unclear. Perhaps if you rephrased the problem???
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    If that is you and is current...???? I don't quite understand anything about this thread...

    There is no question and I think OP needed to vent some personal drama about her eating for some reason..

    See a doctor... strangers on a public internet forum is not.... well I just end that right there...
  • angelgreathouse9
    angelgreathouse9 Posts: 103 Member
    you need to be eating... check out my food journal... my friends are amazed i eat all the time... you definitely should be eating breakfast (preferably something with protein... i struggle myself with the protein in the am, just because i leave out by 4am so cooking bacon & eggs at 3am just really isn't an option). To see definition you have to build muscle but if you aren't eating enough you'll be losing muscle. Good luck to you. If you'd like send me a friend request... and I'll direct you to a couple of my friends who give great advice as well.
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    I meant to put as well that i do weights in th3 morning (heavy) nad at night i do hiit about 4 or 5 times a week
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    If that is you and is current...???? I don't quite understand anything about this thread...

    There is no question and I think OP needed to vent some personal drama about her eating for some reason..

    See a doctor... strangers on a public internet forum is not.... well I just end that right there...

    I understand what your saying i was just trying to look for helpful feedback as to why i was gaining weight. However if you have nothing encouraging ro say to me then sont be a badass behind a computer and be hateful.. what if i was ypur friend, mother or daughter would you cone at me like that? This is for people to help and advise other people not to tare anyone down! Now go be hateful to someone else or just next time dont respond!
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    Im 32 female 165.. 5''11
    I have more of a large body frame. Im so lost. I was at 265 my heaviest at 18. I theb lost weight doing IF and tons of cardio and then started losing my period and getting manly hair. Was weird. My husband told mw to stop ao i started just eating when i was hungry. I try and emphasis just eating healthy. I think i had admitted i had an eating disorder of some sort. Last september i was right at 160.. a little frustrated, i have been lifting heavier for about a year and noticing a little definition and the scale creeping up.
    Here is a day looks like

    Wake up 5am lift weights for about 45

    Cup of coffee with stevia and splach of heavy cream
    I usually dont eat until 11 which is lunch slash breakfast apple and peanut butter ( large apple and 3 tbsp of natural peanut butter )
    I usually will snack on plain saltines and a couple slices of cheese maybe more coffee to avoid eating
    Dinner is usually a can of tuna salad no dressing and tons of veggies ... i will usually have a sparkiling water for dinner

    Now on a day like saturday i kind of let go..
    Saturday wake ip at 6am one hour hiit workout
    Coffee and dont eat till lunch.
    Lunch today was ribs coen potatoes and dip
    I laid out by pool and had like 6 ribs and coen on the cob and a few chips with dip
    Went for ice cream
    And 2 pieces of cantaloupe.
    When i seighed myself and saw i was 165 this evening i was outraged and thought i nearly kill myself with high workouts and not much food all week to only feel starved and mad. Needless to say im going to go walking for an hour tomorrow. :(

    Just looking for a better understanding to my weight gain.. thats it..sorry if i have been unclear to rhose who said that
  • cortesr425
    cortesr425 Posts: 19 Member
    My apologies if I wrote anything that offends.
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    cortesr425 wrote: »
    My apologies if I wrote anything that offends.

    Nothing negative by you at all i was trying to ask a question but caught up writing my current info...just need tips and help..thats it
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    Read the link that I posted, that may help you. Also, you need to get your eating in order.
  • MorganShea21
    MorganShea21 Posts: 2 Member
    There is such a thing as eating too little. Your body will eventually plateau in weight loss because your eating too little and it thinks you are starving. It will try to store fat for energy.
  • cortesr425
    cortesr425 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Strong_Curves: that is a great link! But please...no pictures. I hadn't thought about the measuring before, that makes sense. You might not lose weight as you transform from fat into muscle but your measurements will definitely change. thanks.
  • thatsillyshana23
    thatsillyshana23 Posts: 106 Member
    (fingers crossed this isn't another troll post)

    I don't think anyone here is qualified to help you, really. Seeing a doctor, therapist, and/or nutritionist might be better because starving yourself will not get you to your goal. On that note, perhaps the weight it just normal fluctuations from water, poop, or just gravity being extra strong that day ;D

    Here are a few questions to consider

    How much sleep do you get? How much water do you drink? What are your weekly net calories? What is your goal? Are you stressed out, moderately stressed out, or extremely stressed out?
  • cortesr425
    cortesr425 Posts: 19 Member
    My accidental starvation over two years was quite a lesson learned. I have lost about 10 lbs. in about 7 weeks now that I am eating right and at a proper level.
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    (fingers crossed this isn't another troll post)

    I don't think anyone here is qualified to help you, really. Seeing a doctor, therapist, and/or nutritionist might be better because starving yourself will not get you to your goal. On that note, perhaps the weight it just normal fluctuations from water, poop, or just gravity being extra strong that day ;D

    Here are a few questions to consider

    How much sleep do you get? How much water do you drink? What are your weekly net calories? What is your goal? Are you stressed out, moderately stressed out, or extremely stressed out?

    Been extremly stressed wuit my job about 2 months ago and a week later my mother had a stroke. I always feel crappy and just anxious...i will look into it all..ty
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    Read the link that I posted, that may help you. Also, you need to get your eating in order.

    I saw the post and am currently still reading ty so much for the info. I dont mind informative info but hate being talked to like im sick or something. It would be different if i didnt admit i had a problem but i did!! :)
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    There is such a thing as eating too little. Your body will eventually plateau in weight loss because your eating too little and it thinks you are starving. It will try to store fat for energy.

    Thank you for this
  • thatsillyshana23
    thatsillyshana23 Posts: 106 Member
    Superreal wrote: »
    (fingers crossed this isn't another troll post)

    I don't think anyone here is qualified to help you, really. Seeing a doctor, therapist, and/or nutritionist might be better because starving yourself will not get you to your goal. On that note, perhaps the weight it just normal fluctuations from water, poop, or just gravity being extra strong that day ;D

    Here are a few questions to consider

    How much sleep do you get? How much water do you drink? What are your weekly net calories? What is your goal? Are you stressed out, moderately stressed out, or extremely stressed out?

    Been extremly stressed wuit my job about 2 months ago and a week later my mother had a stroke. I always feel crappy and just anxious...i will look into it all..ty

    have you considered keeping a journal, not online, but on paper. This way you can write your feelings, intake, sleep, and thoughts. You can find motivational quotes and recipes to write down too. I think if you see a therapist, they will also find journaling useful so they can see how they can help you with your anxiety. You can add me or pm me if you want someone to talk to :]
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    You're not eating enough. You're at a good weight for your height. No need to lose anymore.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    ... and yet not a single word from OP on number of calories consumed.

  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    I don't get why people are telling her to maintain her weight. It's HER GOALS. When I was at my lowest people would tell me "you need to stop losing weight you're thin" yet i wanted a 6 pack, so what they where telling me is irrelevant to my goals.

    OP, you're on MFP, use it how you're supposed to. Eat calories assigned to you, Work out, notice results, adjust, be patience, it's that simple. Being MAD or getting upset at the scale is the quickest way to fail, so cut it out.

    Thank you.. i can tolerate that type of criticism but hate being talked to like im crazy.. ty :)
  • Superreal
    Superreal Posts: 23 Member
    ... and yet not a single word from OP on number of calories consumed.


    Really. ..quit poating on my thread if your only going to be hateful